CQ WW Log Entry Statistics

As we continue to build out the CQ WW online score database, we are looking for fun new ways to make use of the data. It is always interesting to see how log submissions are changing in some countries over time or just how rare entries are from other countries.

The Statistics page now provides the ability to select by world, continent, or country and see the number of SSB and CW logs submitted over the full range of years in the database. The number of logs shown includes all categories, power levels, and Checklogs.

It’s fun to see how many log entries there have been from your area.

The number of JA logs has more than doubled in the past 10 years. At the same time, the number of logs from China has increased dramatically.

Logs from Germany have more than doubled over the period. European Russia is up 300%.

Visit http://www.cqww.com/stats.htm and use the filter selections to browse the reports.


CQ WW Final 2013 Rules Released

We are pleased to announce that the official rules for the 2013 CQ WW DX Contest are now available. The 30 day public comment period produced over 280 emails with very helpful corrections, suggestions, and requests.

Click here to view the new rules.

The CQ WW DX Contest rules have evolved for over 50 years. Changes in technology, operating practices, and enforcement efforts caused the rules to become increasingly complex. In some cases the wording was difficult even for native English speakers to fully understand. The translators were also having trouble with the text. The major goal of the rewrite was to make the rules simpler and easier to understand.

At the same time, we took advantage of this opportunity to remove some categories that had not been attracting much activity. This includes the Team Competition and the Xtreme category. We also added some new Overlay competition categories. The new Classic Overlay category is in direct response to the CQ WW Survey comments that asked for a time limited category. The Rookie category is based on the success this category has had in the CQ WPX Contest for many years.

As one commenter put it, “The rules are evolutionary, not revolutionary.” If true, then we have achieved our goal.

Below are a few general comments and explanations about the new rules.

  • The basic information about bands, exchange, and scoring has been moved to the beginning. We wanted everyone to quickly grasp the basics so they could get on the air and join the fun. There is no change to the scoring.
  • The entry categories are substantially unchanged. We still have separate Single Operator and Single Operator Assisted categories for high, low and QRP power levels. The wording for the multi-operator categories has changed, but the definition of the categories is the same.
  • Xtreme Contesting and Team Competition categories have been removed. The Xtreme Contesting concept, which only began in 2009, had special rules and a very low number of entries. The Team Competition was not attracting many entries and we decided that we would rather put more effort into promoting the club competition.
  • Checklog is now listed as a category. Checklogs are not a competition category, but we wanted to help everyone understand Checklogs and how they are counted. Checklogs are very important in helping us with the log checking.
  • A first for CQ WW, there are now two new Overlay categories. The Overlay categories are a second contest within a contest. Entrants receive a score in their traditional entry category and will also have a second score listed in the Overlay results. It is like entering two contests for the price of one!
  • The Classic Overlay category is intended for the radio purists who want to participate in the most traditional way. It is one operator, one radio, no outside assistance, and only the first 24 hours of actual operating time (with breaks a minimum of 60 minutes with no QSO) will count for the score. Of course, Classic operators are welcome to operate as much as they want, but only first 24 hours of “on time” will count for the score. It should be interesting to see what the winning strategy of this new competition will be. The traditional single operator categories remain with no time limit.
  • The Rookie Overlay category is for anyone who received their first ham radio license within three years of the date of the contest. It’s a great opportunity for new operators to compete with others who are also learning. We have enjoyed watching new operators in the CQ WPX Contest build their skills each year and make significant efforts in their final year of eligibility.
  • Award certificates are now being offered to each category winner in every country plus each call area in the USA, Canada, Japan, and Russia. Plaques continue to be offered for categories where they are sponsored.
  • The Club Competition rules have been changed to create two separate competitions; one for clubs within the USA and one for clubs in the rest of the world (DX). The concept of a club being defined by a 175 mile circle is well established in the USA, but has not worked so well in other parts of the world where the contesting population is more spread out. The DX club area is now defined as the country where the club is located AND the area within a 275 Km radius of the club’s selected location. For example, the Bavarian Contest club can have members from any part of Germany as well as others that fall within the 275 Km circle around Munich, which may include Austria and Switzerland.
  • The general rules define some of the specific requirements that govern all entries. Each entry must use a different callsign, only one signal on a band at a time, etc. Entrants are required to log QSOs as they occur and not edit the log after the contest.
  • Log submission instructions are unchanged. We do ask high scoring stations to include exact frequencies in their log. The log deadline remains at five days after the end of the contest.
  • The judging section spells out examples that are considered unsportsmanlike conduct, how disqualifications are managed, and the log checking deductions for logging errors. Signals with excessive bandwidth may be considered as being unsportsmanlike and earn disqualification. Red and Yellow cards have been removed in favor of one action – disqualification.
  • The declaration section reminds all CQ WW entrants of their responsibility to obey the rules and to accept the decisions of the CQ WW DX Contest Committee.

We are currently working to have the new rules translated into German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic. If you would like to help with translation into other languages please send an email to questions@cqww.com.

The frequently asked questions (FAQ) page [http://cqww.com/rules_faq.htm] will be expanded to answer the most common questions about the new rules. The interpretations on the FAQ page explain how we will be judging the new rules so everyone is encouraged to read this page carefully.

Thanks to everyone who provided input or feedback into the rule change process.

We look forward to another record year of entries, fun, and excitement in the CQ WW DX Contest. Please read the new rules carefully before the contest and have fun!

2013 Rules Preview – Second Draft

On May 31 the CQ WW DX Contest Committee released a preliminary draft of the 2013 contest rules and asked for public review and comment. We are very happy with the interest and feedback that we have received.

We have made enough changes based on the feedback that we want to release a second draft in order for review.

Click here to download the draft rules in Adobe pdf format: cqww_rules_2013_public_draft_17Jun2013 (217Kb)

All changes are marked in red.

  • Notable items include:
  • Additional definition of “one radio” for new Classic overlay
  • Separation of Club competition into USA and International. International club members can now come from within the same country plus within a 275 Km radius circle.
  • Added a new section for definition of key terms.
  • Removed rule about call sign must indicate country.
  • Removed rule about CQ WW observer program

Click here to download the draft rules in Adobe pdf format: cqww_rules_2013_public_draft_17Jun2013 (217Kb)

Please send any comments or feedback to questions@cqww.com by June 25, 2013. The final version of the rules will be released in early July.

Randy Thompson

Director – CQ WW DX Contest


Results: 2013 CQ WW Participant Survey

In March 2013 the CQ WW Committee conducted a survey of CQ WW DX Contest participants. The purpose of the survey was to gather feedback about the contest and opinions of operators from around the world.

An invitation to take the survey was sent to 10,000 email addresses (highest scores from the 13,000 log submissions). The survey was also announced on the cq-contest reflector and was forwarded among contest operators and clubs.

At the close of the survey on March 29, 2013 there were 6402 responses with at least 1 question answered.  4801 were able to complete all of the questions.  Even though this was a non-scientific survey, we are comfortable that the high response rate provides a representative sample of the CQ WW participant population.

In addition to the statistics generated from the responses it was the additional comments that were most interesting. They provide a deeper understanding of how CQ WW participants see the rules, the state of the contest, and of each other. The result was 222 pages of complaints, comments, suggestions and other feedback. This input had a direct influence on the new rules that are currently under review.

As a service to the contest community we are pleased to share the results of the survey. You can download a file with the results and comments at the link below.

2013_CQWWDX_Contest_Survey_27Apr2013.pdf (2.45Mb)

Please direct any questions about the survey to questions@cqww.com.

Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey.