CQ WW 2014 Records

As part of the certificate making process, Barry W5GN creates a list of all of the new records that were set so he can include that information on the certificate. As part of that work, he created a file for each mode that lists all of the new record holders at the zone, country, call area, or continent levels.

For CQ WW SSB 2014 there were 468 new records set.  You can see the list here: SSB2014.468.NEWRECORDS

For CQ WW CW 2014 there were 684 new records. View the list: CW2014.684.NEWRECORDS

The file lists the entry callsign, the record, and an indication of the country+category.

As always, thanks to Barry for his work to print all certificates, place into the envelopes, and deliver to WWROF for mailing. This process takes many hours of his time and personal resources.


Rules Announced for CQ WW Contest 2015

The final rules for the 2015 CQ WW DX Contest SSB/CW are now available. A link to the file that shows all changes is provided below.

Summary of changes:

  • QSO Alerting Assistance has been renamed to QSO Finding Assistance.  It was felt this is a more descriptive name and is easier for non-English speakers to understand.
  • Minor edits to the definition of the Overlay Category. Clarification that Assisted entries are not eligible for the Classic Overlay category.
  • Extended the club circle from 175 miles to 250 miles for USA clubs, and from 275 km to 400 km for DX clubs. The goal is to enable more club participation.
  • Changed the definition of QSO Finding Assistance. Now if the technology only provides callsign or multiplier information it is considered assistance. Added rule to specify that use of a CW decoder places an entrant in the Assisted category.
  • Remote stations must use a call sign permitted by the authorities at the station location.
  • Top scorers are required to submit logs with actual frequencies.
  • A new rule requires single operator entrants competing at the World, Continent or USA levels to record the contest as heard by the operator. The Committee may request the audio recordings of an operation to help adjudicate the log.

Click here to download the rules with changes marked in Adobe pdf format: cqww_rules_2015_final-edits (180 Kb)

Clean copy of final rules: cqww_rules_2015_final (178 Kb)

Please send any questions Please send any comments or questions at: https://cqww.com/contact.  We look forward to seeing everyone in the 2015 CQ WW DX Contest!

Preview of 2015 CQ WW Rule Changes

The CQ WW Contest Committee is pleased to provide a preview of the rules for the 2015 CQ WW DX Contest SSB/CW. This is a public review period to invite any comments before the final rules are announced on June 1, 2015.

Proposed changes:

  • Minor edits to Overlay Category definition.
  • Extended club circle from 175 miles to 200 miles for USA clubs, and from 275 km to 300 km for DX clubs.
  • Changed definition of QSO Alerting Assistance. Now if the technology only provides callsign or multiplier information it is considered assistance.
  • Remote stations must use a callsign permitted by the authorities at the station location.
  • Top scorers are required to submit logs with accurate frequencies.
  • The Observer Program adds the ability for the Committee to request audio recordings of an operation.

Click here to download the draft rules in Adobe pdf format:  cqww_rules_2015_draft1 (179Kb)

Please send any feedback Please send any comments or questions at: https://cqww.com/contact before May 30, 2015.  Thanks to everyone for their participation and support of the CQ WW DX Contest!

CQ WW CW 2014 Disqualifications and Warnings

We regret to announce the following disciplinary actions issued for CQ WW CW 2014.


Entry (Operator) Violation
4Z5TK Unclaimed assistance
5B/RN3QO Unclaimed assistance
BD7LMD Unclaimed assistance
CO6LP Unclaimed assistance
DK3KD Unclaimed assistance
DL6KO Unclaimed assistance
E74Y Unclaimed assistance
EU6AF Unclaimed assistance
HG3M (HA3MY) Unclaimed assistance, Power >5W
II5E (IZ5ZCO) Unclaimed assistance
IK0GDG Unclaimed assistance
IK1WGZ Unclaimed assistance
IK2SND Unclaimed assistance
IK6FWJ Unclaimed assistance
LY7M Unclaimed assistance
OM3ZWA Unclaimed assistance
R4FD Unclaimed assistance
R6DA Unclaimed assistance
RA6GW Unclaimed assistance
RT6A* Time shifting to meet band change rule
RV3ZN Unclaimed assistance
RZ3QM Unclaimed assistance
TO7A (UT5UGR) Unclaimed assistance, unverifiable QSOs
UA1OOX Unclaimed assistance
UA3QGT Unclaimed assistance
UA4Z Power >5W
UA5B Unclaimed assistance
UT2DW Unclaimed assistance
UX4CR Unclaimed assistance
YT7Z (YU7EE) Wide signal



Warnings for suspected time shifting were issued to the following MULTI-ONE entries:
