CQ WW SSB 2013 Log Checking Reports

Everyone who submitted a log for the CQ WW DX Contest SSB 2013 has been mailed an encrypted link to view their Log Checking Report for the contest. The reports were sent to the email address that submitted the log and to any email address included within the log (using the EMAIL tag).  If you have not received your report, please check your spam filters. You can request the link at: https://cqww.com/contact.

You can view a sample Log Checking Report here: k5zd.rpt

Some statistics from the log checking process:

8,482 logs total
5,551,137 qso total
 228 different countries
 58,328 ( 1.1%) qso with unique calls
 29,914 (51.3%) unique calls busted 
 45,380 ( 0.8%) dupes
 443 ( 0.0%) Cabrillo format errors
4,547,210 (81.9%) qso checked against another log
4,416,925 (97.1%) qso checked good against another log
 73,173 ( 1.6%) busted calls
 19,108 ( 0.4%) busted exchange
 38,004 ( 0.8%) not in log

It is rather remarkable that almost 82% of the 5 million contacts reported were able to be cross checked with other logs. Thanks to everyone who submitted a log and helped make this level of cross checking possible. Even more amazing is that 97.1% of those contacts cross checked as being good.

The log checking report provides full details on how the final score for each entry was calculated.  It shows the raw score before checking and the reductions. Each Not-In-Log, busted callsign, and busted exchange are listed.

Unique QSOs are also listed for information purposes.  A unique QSO is one with a callsign that was not reported by any other station.  Over half (51.3%) of these were found to be busted calls.  But, experience says these unique QSOs are probably bad calls more than 90% of the time.

We have introduced a new Error Rate calculation to the reports this year. This number represents the percentage of contacts that were found to be in error. It does not include duplicate QSOs. This number is a more accurate representation of accuracy than looking at the percent score reduction, which can be much higher for smaller logs where the penalties and lost multipliers can have a higher impact than they do for large logs.

You can see the Error Rate number as part of the score summary section.

    1.3% Score reduction
    0.3% Error Rate based on claimed and final qso counts
       5 (0.2%) calls copied incorrectly
       0 (0.0%) exchanges copied incorrectly
       0 (0.0%) band change violations
       6 (0.2%) not in log
      15 (0.5%) duplicates (Removed without penalty)
       1 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)

The average Error Rate for all logs was 3.60%. Use the chart below to see how your error rate compares to others. The blue lines show the number of logs with that error rate. The red line shows the cumulative number of logs at that error rate or lower. Someone with a 9% error rate was in the top 73% of all entries.

wwph13_error rate chart


Error Rate Count Cumulative % of all entries
<1.0% 2360 13.91%
2.0% 2237 27.10%
3.0% 1952 38.61%
4.0% 1614 48.12%
5.0% 1218 55.30%
6.0% 998 61.18%
7.0% 830 66.08%
8.0% 735 70.41%
9.0% 575 73.80%
10.0% 515 76.83%
11.0% 446 79.46%
12.0% 340 81.47%
13.0% 325 83.38%
14.0% 295 85.12%
15.0% 263 86.67%
16.0% 211 87.92%
17.0% 229 89.27%
18.0% 157 90.19%
19.0% 147 91.06%
20.0% 138 91.87%
21.0% 118 92.57%
22.0% 87 93.08%
23.0% 91 93.62%
24.0% 89 94.14%
25.0% 93 94.69%
26.0% 55 95.01%
27.0% 55 95.34%
28.0% 58 95.68%
29.0% 43 95.93%
30.0% 48 96.22%
31.0% 47 96.49%
32.0% 47 96.77%
33.0% 43 97.02%
34.0% 38 97.25%
35.0% 32 97.44%
36.0% 27 97.59%
37.0% 28 97.76%
38.0% 19 97.87%
39.0% 20 97.99%
40.0% 28 98.15%
41.0% 19 98.27%
42.0% 10 98.33%
43.0% 13 98.40%
44.0% 19 98.51%
45.0% 19 98.63%
46.0% 11 98.69%
47.0% 15 98.78%
48.0% 15 98.87%
49.0% 11 98.93%
50.0% 10 98.99%
>50.0% 171 100.00%

Please send any questions or comments at: https://cqww.com/contact.

CQWW SSB 2013 – Entry Counts

The table below lists the number of entries for each category in the CQ WW DX Contest SSB 2013.

1500 W 100 W 5 W Total
Single Op All Bands 960 2104 118 3182
Single Op Single Band
(160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10)
489 1049 134 1672
Single Op Assisted All Bands 974 765 24 1763
Single Op Assisted Single Band
(160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10)
472 396 49 917
Overlay – Rookie (All Bands) 29 227 256
Overlay – Classic (All Bands) 295 500 795
Multi-Op Single-Transmitter 375
Multi-Op Two-Transmitter 115
Multi-Op Multi-Transmitter 68
Checklog 376

There were a total of 8,468 logs submitted this year – a new record.

This is the first year for the Overlay categories.


CQ WW 2012 Changes to Disciplinary Actions

The official results for the CQ WW DX Contest 2012 have appeared in CQ Magazine. Several questions were received regarding disciplinary actions taken by the CQ WW Contest Committee. After thorough discussion within the Committee the following changes were adopted:


The entry for II9P (ops I4AVG, I4VEQ, IT9AUG, IT9CHU, IT9CJC, IT9EQO, IT9GSF, IT9PKO, IV3YYK, ON4LG, S52RU) is changed from Red Card to Yellow Card.

CQWW CW 2012

The entry for LX7I (ops LX2A, DF3VM, DK6WL, DL1QQ, DL5SE, HB9CVQ, PA4N) is changed from Checklog to Yellow Card. The Red Card for DL1QQ is rescinded.

The entry for II2E (ops I2VXJ, IK2EGL, IK2JUB, IK4VET) is changed from Red Card to Yellow Card.

The entry for OL3Z (ops OK1FCJ, OK1FPS, OK1HMP, LZ1RGM) is changed from Red Card to Yellow Card.

The rules for warnings and disqualifications are being updated for 2013. The 2013 rules will implement a new approach to the actions of the CQ WW Contest Committee for warnings, disqualifications, and appeals.

Corrections will appear in the errata of the results and in the online score database.


Randy Thompson, K5ZD
Director – CQ WW DX Contest