JH5GHM Joins CQ WW Committee

I am pleased to announce that Katsuhiro “Don” Kondou, JH5GHM, has agreed to join the CQ WW DX Contest Committee. We have been looking for a JA representative to replace Tack, JE1CKA, since he left the committee last Fall.  Don has been helpful with the CQ WPX Contest and I am sure he will add a valuable Japanese perspective to the Committee.

Don received his first operator license in 1978 and soon got a station license (JH5GHM) in early 1979.  He started DXing and contesting in 1979. Like many of us, his first contest was CQ WW SSB.  “During my campus life in Tokyo Institute of Technology I devoted myself to contests as JA1YAD.  After graduation, my radio life…was totally dormant from early 90’s until 2010.  In the early summer of 2010, my wife woke my radio life up and rebooted me.  Since then I’ve been catching up on lost 20 years and trying to be in any of the major contests.”

Welcome aboard Katsuhiro-san.


Randy Thompson, K5ZD
Director – CQ WW DX Contest

CQ WW Participant Survey

The CQ WW Contest Committee is conducting a survey to gather input from participants about various aspects of the contest. The answers will help us make decisions about the rules and future direction of the contest.

Anyone who has an interest in the CQ WW DX Contest may take the survey. Go to http://cqww2013.questionpro.com

Please take the survey only one time. The survey should take less than 10 minutes.

The survey provider recommends that you use a current web browser such as

Microsoft Windows
Internet Explorer Version 7 and higher
Mozilla/Firefox Version 2 and higher
Google Chrome All Versions
Opera All Versions
Safari Version 3 and higher
Firefox Version 2 and higher

Use the default browser settings and please have Cookies enabled.


The survey will close on or before March 29, 2013.  Results will be published here on the CQ WW blog.


CQ WW CW Raw Scores Available

The raw scores for CQWW CW 2012 are now available at http://www.cqww.com/claimed.htm?mode=cw

These are scores calculated by the log checking software before any cross checking is performed. Scores could change between 2-20% depending on the accuracy of the operator.

Please check that your entry is in the correct category. Report any errors or questions to questions@cqww.com.

The raw scores for SSB have also been updated to include some late arriving logs.

EA4KD Joins CQWW Committee

I am pleased to announce that Pedro Vadillo, EA4KD, has joined the CQWW Committee.  Pedro has assisted with the WPX Contest in the past and is an avid contester.

Licensed in 1984, Pedro enjoyed VHF contesting before he discovered his first CQWW SSB in 1993 — he has continuously participated every year since. He has also participated in every edition of the CQWW CW since 2003. He has several EA records in the CQWW. Pedro normally participates as single operator but has also been part of several multi teams: EA4URE, EA4ML, EA9EA, EE2W and EC2DX, among others. Apart from contesting, he has been a DXCC Card Checker since 2001 and writer of the DX section of the Spanish magazine “CQ Radio Amateur” since February 2006.

Activity from Spain is growing and the CQWW Committee needed a representative in this area who could help with communication.

Pedro’s email is ea4kd@cqww.com.