2015 SSB QSO Totals By Band

Just 21 days after the CQ WW SSB Contest 2015 we have received 8197 logs (including some paper logs still to be processed).  That is the third highest total for the SSB contest.  More logs are still welcome.

There were 4,849,751 total QSOs in the logs received.  Steve N8BJQ determined the following QSO totals by band:

Band QSOs Reported
10m  1,320,090
15m  1,376,705
20m  1,126,462
40m  631,052
75m  307,273
160m  78,393

It looks like 10 meters provided another year of excitement.  Not a great weekend for the low bands.

Will be interesting to see what kind of conditions we get for CQ WW CW in 2 weeks.  Hope to see you there!

Self Spotting

The ARRL HF operating guidelines provide a very clear definition of the term “self spotting.”

“Self-spotting is the practice of announcing your own call and run frequency on the spotting
network. ARRL contest rules specifically prohibit both self-spotting and requesting spotting by
other stations. It’s a form of CQing that does not take place on the amateur bands, just a step
away from making phone calls to solicit contacts.”

The CQ WW rules specifically prohibit self spotting:


4.  Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not permitted.

Each year the rules enforcement working group of the CQ WW Contest Committee will identify areas where the rules are not being followed.  This year we have detected a very high number of stations that appear to be engaged in self-spotting.  In many cases, there is an attempt to hide this behind phantom callsigns or made to appear like the spots were from a local friend. This kind of activity is not permitted under the rules.

While no decisions have yet been made, there are likely to be disqualifications and warnings issued to some entrants of CQ WW Phone 2015.

We want everyone to be aware of the rule against self-spotting in advance of the upcoming  CQ WW CW event.  Please follow the rules so the contest is fair for everyone and you do not put your entry at the risk of disqualification.

Missing Logs

The CQ WW Contest Committee is encouraging log submissions using the web upload page at http://www.cqww.com/logcheck/

Over 3000 entries used this method to submit their log for the recent WW SSB contest.  The page provides immediate feedback on issues found in your log so you can correct them before you submit.

We have become aware that some people are going through the upload and check process, but are NOT taking the final step to enter their email address and submit the log to the robot.  I found about 40 of these today when I reviewed the missing log list and the server log.

We have two requests:

  1. If you submitted a log, please visit the logs received page to confirm we have received it. http://www.cqww.com/logs_received_ssb.htm
  1. Please pass the word to other contesters to make sure they go through all of the steps of submitting the log. Every log submitted should receive a confirmation email from the robot and appear within 2 minutes on the logs received page.

We don’t want anyone to be surprised and disappointed when the final results are published and their callsign does not appear because we did not receive the log.

If you have not yet submitted your log, please do!  If you thought you had submitted and can’t find your log in the received page, please send an email Please send any comments or questions at: https://cqww.com/contact..


Randy, K5ZD

2015 CQ WW DX Contest Phone Raw Scores

Just 8.5 days after the end of the 2015 CQ WW DX Contest Phone, I am happy to report that the raw scores for all entries received by 3Nov2015 1830z are available on the web site.


The raw scores are the calculated score before any log checking or other adjustments are made. These scores may not match what you submitted exactly as our country file may be different than yours and you may have some QSOs where the call/country could not be determined.

These are NOT the final results.  Scores may change by 5-10% (or more) depending on the log checking.  Final results will appear in the March 2016 issue of CQ Magazine.

Please send any questions about the raw scores Please send any comments or questions at: https://cqww.com/contact..


Randy Thompson, K5ZD

Director – CQ WW DX Contest

web: www.cqww.com


Note (November 4): We discovered a small scoring issue with entries that also entered the Classic Overlay.  This was corrected and the raw scores were updated as of 1230z Nov 4.