Preview of 2014 CQ WW Rule Changes

The CQ WW Contest Committee is pleased to provide a preview of the rules for the 2014 CQ WW DX Contest SSB/CW. This is a public review period to invite any comments before the final rules are announced on July 3, 2014.

Proposed changes:

  • Addition of new low power category for Multi-One
  • Minor clarifications to club rules to better explain the DX Club distance and also to not require expeditions to be to other DX countries
  • Web upload is now the preferred method for log submission. Email is still supported.
  • Added timely identification to the unsportsmanlike section

Click here to download the draft rules in Adobe pdf format:  cqww_rules_2014_draft_v3 (209Kb)

Please send any feedback  at: before July 1, 2014.  Thanks to everyone for their participation and support of the CQ WW DX Contest!

Overlay Category Results and Certificates

A number of people have asked where to view the results of the Overlay categories. Because the Classic Overlay can have a different score than the traditional entry, we have moved all Overlay category results to a separate database.

You can view the results for the Rookie Overlay and Classic Overlay at

This page allows you to select the year, mode, overlay category, and other filters. The certificate links will produce the appropriate certificate for the Overlay category score/result.

There were two new Overlay categories introduced in CQ WW for 2013.  The Rookie Overlay is limited to entrants that have been licensed for less than 3 years at the time of the contest. The Classic Overlay is for single operators, using only one radio, no assistance, and limited to 24 hours of operating time. Both of these Overlay categories will be continued in 2014.

CQ WW 2013 Results now Online

The results of both modes of the 2013 CQ WW DX Contest have been posted to the CQ Magazine web site.

The online score database has been loaded with the 2013 scores. There are many ways you can enjoy the scores here on the site:

View the online database.

Entering a call will show you all CQ WW entries where that callsign was used for the station or listed as an operator.  We have made an enhancement so that you can now search for multiple calls in one request.  Simply separate the callsigns you want to search for with a comma.  Example, If I want to search for K5ZD, WB5QDW, and WA4ZHU then I would enter “K5ZD, WB5QDW, WA4ZHU”  The results listing will show the callsign matches in bold.  This feature should be useful for anyone who has changed callsigns over the years.

Find your results and download an electronic certificate in Adobe pdf format. Certificates are only available for 2012 and later AND for entries that were received by the log submission deadline.

There were two new Overlay categories added to CQWW in 2013: CLASSIC and ROOKIE. Since these are competitions that run in parallel to the traditional categories, we decided to present the results separately as well. Visit to see the Overlay scores.  This one page does it all.  You will need to select Contest Mode (SSB/CW), Overlay (CLASSIC/ROOKIE), Power Level (ALL, HIGH, LOW), and Year (2013). The Cert links on the Overlay results are for the Overlay category certificates.  If you entered an Overlay category, you have the opportunity to get a traditional category certificate and another one for the Overlay category.

The Records page has the all time records for the years included in the database (currently 1977-2013). Always fun to see who holds the records at the World, Continent, and Country levels. USA, Canada, Japan, and Russia also show records by call area.  You can also view all time records by CQ Zone.

There is also a page that lets you see the historical winners for a category/geography over the years.  Always fun to see how scores have changed over time.

Want to see how good the best operators are?  You can view Log Checking Reports of the World high scorers at  You can also view all submitted logs at  Might be able to learn a few strategy tips in there.  Especially if you have a copy of your own LCR and try to figure out how a logging error might have been caused.

For those participating in the club competition, there is an Excel spreadsheet that shows the entries and points that were used to calculate the final results. You can find the link to the file from the Results page under 2013 CW.

You can see how activity is growing in CQWW over the years both at the world level and for your country. Visti the statistics page.

The score database will continue to grow as N2NC and his team continue typing in the old results.  As of today, including the years 1977 to 2013, there are 144,409 entries in the SSB database.  There are 135,246 entries in the CW database. We look forward to increasing that number when the 2014 edition of the CQ WW Contest arrives in October and November!

If you find any errors or corrections that need to be made, please send them at:


CQ WW CW 2013 Log Checking Reports

An email with a link to the Log Checking Report has been sent to everyone who submitted a log for the CQ WW DX Contest CW 2013. The Log Checking Report includes a complete summary of how the final score was calculated and any errors or deductions that may have occurred. We make these reports available so participants can have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes.

How does your accuracy compare to others? The chart below shows the number of errors by percentage and the cumulative percentage of entrants in that bin.


WW CW 2013 Error Rates Chart


Table. Numeric values for chart

Error Rate bin Number of logs Cumulative %
<0.100% 386 5.19%
0.500% 113 6.71%
1.000% 565 14.30%
2.000% 1658 36.58%
3.000% 1347 54.68%
4.000% 921 67.05%
5.000% 584 74.90%
10.000% 1305 92.43%
20.000% 477 98.84%
30.000% 68 99.76%
40.000% 17 99.99%
More 1 100.00%

For example, there were 1658 logs with an error rate between 1.0 and 2.0%. 36.5% of the total entrants had an error rate of 2.0% or less. The median error rate was 2.7%. This is an amazingly good result when you consider the total number of contacts made during the contest.

A few more statistics from the contest log checking.

 7,442 logs total
5,505,384 QSO total
 205 different countries
 39,950 ( 0.7%) QSO with unique calls
 22,495 (56.3%) unique calls busted 
 55,672 ( 1.0%) dupes
 323 ( 0.0%) Cabrillo format errors
4,871,227 (88.5%) QSO checked against another log
4,729,508 (97.1%) QSO checked good against another log
 73,087 ( 1.5%) busted calls
 22,165 ( 0.5%) busted exchange
 46,467 ( 1.0%) not in log

The scores in the LCR are what will appear in the official results. The results for CQ WW SSB and CW 2013 are scheduled to appear in the May 2014 issue of CQ Magazine.

Please send any questions or comments about your log checking report  at: