We continue to accept paper logs for the CQ WW DX Contest. A group of committee members and volunteers help type these logs into the computer so we can fully process them along with the other logs.

For CQ WW CW 2014, our volunteer typists included:

Call    Logs    QSOs 
LU5DX   6       1819 
W4AU    7        784 
VE3EJ   3        694 
US0LW   7        585 
G0MTN   5        493 
ZS4TX   4        489 
S50A    5        391 
HA1AG   1        217 
YU1EW   1         56 
K5ZD    2          7 
Total   41 logs  5,535 QSOs

We urge everyone to submit their logs in electronic format. We will continue to do our best to support submission of logs in any format — including paper.

Thanks to our typists for helping get all of the logs into the system.