Missing Logs

The CQ WW Contest Committee is encouraging log submissions using the web upload page at http://www.cqww.com/logcheck/

Over 3000 entries used this method to submit their log for the recent WW SSB contest.  The page provides immediate feedback on issues found in your log so you can correct them before you submit.

We have become aware that some people are going through the upload and check process, but are NOT taking the final step to enter their email address and submit the log to the robot.  I found about 40 of these today when I reviewed the missing log list and the server log.

We have two requests:

  1. If you submitted a log, please visit the logs received page to confirm we have received it. http://www.cqww.com/logs_received_ssb.htm
  1. Please pass the word to other contesters to make sure they go through all of the steps of submitting the log. Every log submitted should receive a confirmation email from the robot and appear within 2 minutes on the logs received page.

We don’t want anyone to be surprised and disappointed when the final results are published and their callsign does not appear because we did not receive the log.

If you have not yet submitted your log, please do!  If you thought you had submitted and can’t find your log in the received page, please send an email Please send any comments or questions at: https://cqww.com/contact..


Randy, K5ZD

2015 CQ WW DX Contest Phone Raw Scores

Just 8.5 days after the end of the 2015 CQ WW DX Contest Phone, I am happy to report that the raw scores for all entries received by 3Nov2015 1830z are available on the web site.


The raw scores are the calculated score before any log checking or other adjustments are made. These scores may not match what you submitted exactly as our country file may be different than yours and you may have some QSOs where the call/country could not be determined.

These are NOT the final results.  Scores may change by 5-10% (or more) depending on the log checking.  Final results will appear in the March 2016 issue of CQ Magazine.

Please send any questions about the raw scores Please send any comments or questions at: https://cqww.com/contact..


Randy Thompson, K5ZD

Director – CQ WW DX Contest

web: www.cqww.com


Note (November 4): We discovered a small scoring issue with entries that also entered the Classic Overlay.  This was corrected and the raw scores were updated as of 1230z Nov 4.

New Plaque Sponsors

Thanks to the following for sponsoring award plaques.


EUROPE – Multi-Operator Single-Transmitter Low Power (new category)

EA Contest Club

Association of SE Asian Nations – ASEAN (XZ HS XW XU 3W 9M 9V V85 YB DU) – Multi 2 (new)

Champ C. Muangamphun, E21EIC  – SIAM DX GROUP   


WORLD – Multi-Operator Single-Transmitter Low Power

EA Contest Club

Association of SE Asian Nations – ASEAN (XZ HS XW XU 3W 9M 9V V85 YB DU) – Multi 2 (new)

Champ C. Muangamphun, E21EIC  – SIAM DX GROUP


See the full list of available plaques.

New Recording Rule

We have had some questions about the new rule on recording the contest.

Here is the complete text of the new rule :

“XII.C. Audio Recordings: Any single operator entrant (see V.A.1) competing for a top three finish at the (a) World, (b) Continent , or (c) USA levels, must record the transmitted and received audio as heard by the operator for the duration of the contest operation.

The recording must be in a common format (e.g., mp3) and should include the audio to each ear as a separate channel.

The recording may be requested by the Committee within 90 days after the log deadline to help adjudicate the log.

The recording files must be provided by the entrant within 5 days of the request.

If no recording is made available, the Committee may reclassify or disqualify the entry. “

Key takeaways:

  1. Only applies to single-op UNASSISTED, including High, Low or QRP power, all band or single band. NOT Assisted, NOT multiop.
  1. Only applies to entrants expecting to finish in the top 3 in World, Continent or USA.


The intent of the rule is to help the Committee check out suspicious tuning patterns for guys claiming UNASSISTED. It is hard (but possible) to determine if someone is poaching cluster spots from their Cabrillo file, but really easy when you have the recording.

Q: Where do I submit my recording files?

A: There is no need to submit any recordings unless requested by the Committee.  Please keep the files in a safe place until after the results are announced (March the following year).