Operating Time for Single Operator Entries

There is often a lot of discussion about the top scores in the CQ WW Contest.  You know, the ones that operate 40+ hours. But, how many of those are there? The tables below include all entrants in the SOAB categories (Assisted, Unassisted, HP, LP, QRP), for 2015.

On SSB, ~90% operate less than 30 hours.
On CW, ~90% operate less than 35 hours.

Continue reading “Operating Time for Single Operator Entries”

Doug Zwiebel, KR2Q, Named Director of CQ World Wide DX Contest

Doug Zwiebel, KR2Q, Named Director of CQ World Wide DX Contest

(Hicksville, NY) July 1, 2016 – Longtime CQ World Wide DX Contest Committee member Doug Zwiebel, KR2Q, has been named Director of the CQ World Wide DX Contest, CQ magazine Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, announced today. Doug succeeds Randy Thompson, K5ZD, who has been CQWW Director for the past four years. The CQWW DX Contest is amateur radio’s most popular contest and may be the world’s largest competitive sporting event in terms of numbers of participants.

Continue reading “Doug Zwiebel, KR2Q, Named Director of CQ World Wide DX Contest”

Rules Announced for CQ WW DX Contest 2016

The final rules for the 2016 CQ WW DX Contest SSB/CW are now available.  The only changes were due to CQ magazine’s change in policy regarding paper certificates.

View this file to see all changes.  cqww_rules_2016_changes

The translation of the CQ WW rules into 15 languages has been completed.  Thanks to the following contesters for their help with the translations: Continue reading “Rules Announced for CQ WW DX Contest 2016”

SSB Signal Quality

CQ WW Contest Rule XII.A Unsportsmanlike Conduct includes

  1. Signals with excessive bandwidth (e.g., splatter, clicks) or harmonics on other bands.

We often get questions about what we mean by excessive bandwidth. Jukka Klemola, OH6LI, has written an article that helps to illustrate the type of analysis that is possible using the SDR recordings and shows some examples of good and poor signals.

Read the article Signal Quality for CQ WW SSB