CQWW 2016 SSB – Self-spotting and Entrant Audio Recordings


If you look back in the blog archive ( http://cqww.com/blog/self-spotting/ ), you will see that Self Spotting was previously discussed in November, 2015.  When rules are cited in the Blog, it is for a real reason, not just for casual reading.  Back then, Randy, K5ZD warned of impending DQs for self-spotting.  It is clear that we need to revisit this rule.  Please visit Randy’s blog post (link shown above) to see the RULE.

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CQWW 2016 SSB logs now public

Please see http://cqww.com/publiclogs/2016ph/

For the last two years, the contest community has used the public logs to assist the CQWW Contest Committee in finding possible “issues” with some of the logs.  We look forward to your feedback again this year.

You may send your findings and concerns at: https://cqww.com/contact

Please base your findings and concerns on an actual log review and not simply on your suspicions.

Thank you!