List of entries disqualified from the 2017 CQ WW DX Contest CW.
Continue reading “2017 CW Disqualification List”2016 CW Disqualification List
The following entries were disqualified from the 2016 CQ WW Contest CW.
Continue reading “2016 CW Disqualification List”Tracking the assisted trend, part 4 (CW, SOAB, Low Power)
Shown below are the tables and graphics for Single Op, All Band, Low power, CW
This is the final post in a set of four for tracking the trend in assisted entrants.
Please note Y axis scale, above. Also note that CW logs are still coming in. This is a snapshot from Dec 24, 2016.
Tracking the assisted trend, part 3 (CW, SOAB, High Power)
Shown below are the tables and graphics for Single Op, All Band, High power, CW
Next time, we will close out the series by looking at SOAB Low Power, CW

Please note Y axis scale, above. Also note that CW logs are still coming in. This is a snapshot from Dec 24, 2016.