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2019 SSB

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Call Category Comments
N3RSSA HIGH ALLIf the sunspots don't come back soon, I may not last for the next peak!
N4BFRSA LOW ALLBest bands in years
N4GGSA HIGH ALLJust a little S&P
N4LASA HIGH ALLRig - Yaesu FTDX 5000
N4NSSSO HIGH ALLGiving SSB a try from new location. Lots of new DX
N4PNSA HIGH 15MWOW! SFI-69, A-29 & K-5 -- forget it, 15m was really good!! Lots of stns all over the place. Thanks to all who made it..tks to CQ - Great again!!
N4PVHSO LOW ALLK3 barefoot w random 76' wire in tree
N4TZSO LOW ALLJust when you thought conditions could not be worse than last year
N4ZYSO HIGH ALLAlways an enjoyable contest
N5DXSO HIGH ALLOperation occurred @ N2QV
N5SJMULTI-ONENights terrible, days just fine
N5YTSA LOW ALL599 DX Association
N6ICSO HIGH 15MRig broke after a few hours but enjoyed my 24 Q's
N6KNSO HIGH ALLNice to hear 10 m open to SA!
N6RVSA HIGH ALLHad fun! Thanks!
N7AUSO HIGH 160Mvery interesting band conditions. Worked most stations I could hear
N7MSISA HIGH 20MThis was my 1st time for this contest, bigger effort next year, FUN
N7UVHSA HIGH ALLAs every one knows sun was not helping. As a General class.. ssb contests alway gets me wanting to upgrade. 73 Murf Little House On the Prairie North Idaho n7uvh
N7WYSO HIGH ALLLots of QRN until mid-day Saturday
N8GLSSO LOW ALLAnother great contest!! Actvity was high even without any 10m propagation. Only complaint is run stations need to ID more often, not EVERYBODY is in the assisted category and lots of time is wasted waiting to see if we worked you already!!
N8URESO QRP ALLRS-HFIQ radio with indoor 20m full-wave loop antenna
N8WSChecklogPlease use as check log
N9BTSO LOW ALLWeather was very bad Saturday afternoon and evening. Very heavy rain and high winds
N9NBSO HIGH ALLThanks to Joe K2XX for loaning me two amplifiers (Alpha 9500 and SPE 1.3K) for my first go at single op high power from N9NB. My shack design simply wasnt ready for the RF levels and the proxmity of my house/station to the towers. Without ferrites and a seasoned approach w/ months of testing to peroperly installl a high power station, it was probably silly to think I could do it and manage to use SO2R, but it was fun to try. I simnply couldnt do SO2R since the RF levels came onto the headphones and created SSB audio in the headphones that I couldnt figure out how to get rid of. A fuse blew on the ALPHA with 21.5 hours into the contest, and I didnt have spares, or the energy to investigate (as I had been in Los Angeles all week and just got in the day before and made the 3 hour drive to the stn), so I 'called it a day' on a serious effort, and could not enter the classic category since I had used SO2R. Thanks to Marv N5AW for point this out. I was amazed to see W3PP was 250 Qs ahead of me when my amp went out, and that would have been a hard lead to catch up to - congrats to W3PP/AA1K for a great effort. Had I been thinking, I could have used NB4N LP the rest of the way (thanks N4TZ). Worked couple hours on Sun.afternoon on LP getting stn. ready for CW. I think I am going to stay with low power over time, life is simpler that way, and the magic is there. Sure is nice, though, to have a big signal when trying to QSO on the low bands with the loud eastern europeans. That was a new dimension, and quite remarkable and enjoyable. A big thanks to Joe K2XX and the team at DX Engineering that sent HP BPF's for the various bands, just in time for the contest. Thanks to CQ and the organizers, and to everyone for the QSOs. 73 ted n9nb
N9OKSA HIGH ALLCan only operate phone for limited times. I feel somewhat deaf now. This was a fun contest. Low noise levels in this area. Sunspots not great but still made some good contacts
ND9GSA HIGH 20MVery rough going from the Black Hole. So many stations couldn't hear me
NE1BSA HIGH ALLPoor conditions Friday night. Much better on Saturday and Sunday. Achieved my goals of 500 Qs and 500K score
NE6ISA LOW 10MSurprised that 10m opened up at all!
NG2JSO LOW ALLJust a casual op but wanted to send log so that contacts are not penalized
NJ3IMULTI-TWOOperating from NJ3I. Friday and Saturday only. Portable mast with tri band hex beam at 30ft, Delta loops for 20 and 40, Phased Delta Loops for 80 (NE, SW, N/S), Inverted L for 160. Terrible conditions on Friday and Saturday
NL7DSO LOW ALLhard to work with 100w and a 16ft flagpole for a antenna
NM9PSA LOW ALLLow effort due to only one antenna - a homebrew 20 meter vertical screwed to my back deck railing. Obnly one radial under it. I just retired and moved to a new location and this is all the antenna I have at the moment with my Flex-6000 Series radio
NN2TSA HIGH ALLThank you for the contest!
NN5TSO LOW ALLCONDIX was tough, can't wait for Cycle 25 very soon
NO9ESA HIGH ALLFirst operation from my new 27 acre woodland site some 50km from my regular QTH. Antennas EFHW8010 endfed abt 15 m up, home made Spiderbeam for 20m about 10m up (no rotor), 2 x bidirectional Beverages Radio Flex 6600 with Expert 1.3k amplifier. Lots of trouble setting up the beam, with some injury when the mast fell. Lots of trouble with first-time contest setup for Flex with N1MM. After many tries and turning off the sleep mode in the PC, the setup worked very well. My receive was a whole better than at home. Especially the beverages were super quiet and provided excellent selectivity even on 15m. However, my transmit signal was a whole lot weaker than at home. The conditions were not too bad, with 15 and 10m open but my transmit on 40m sucked, perhaps because of metal roof resonating
NS2XSA LOW ALLUsing 100 watts and 160 meter Horizontal Loop up 35 ft
OA4SSSO HIGH ALLI was surprised by some good 10 meter openings
OD5ZFSO LOW ALL 4/1/2017
OE1ABVSA LOW ALLFirst licensed October 20th 2017
OE1HHBSO LOW ALLVertical antenna on 6th floor balcony
OE1XTUMULTI-ONEANT SteppIR DB-36 Yagi for 40m-10m ANT Fan-Dipole for 160m/80m/40m TRX YAESU FTDX-5000MP, PWR 200W WX Sunny, TEMP 20C 493 contacts in log file OE1XTU Log status of Oct 28, 2019 (0000 UTC)
OE2IJLSO LOW ALLNice contest, but poor conditions
OE2LCMSA HIGH ALLMr. Murphy did his job to well
OE2YYLSO LOW 80Mfirst licensed since 2018-05-23
OE3MCSSO LOW ALLRIG Kenwood TS-940S ANT High End Fed Longwire 7 m over ground

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