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CQ World Wide DX Contest

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2019 SSB

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LZ2FSA LOW 160MLooking for new countries as always,
LZ2JASO LOW 20MRIG: IC 7300 100 W ANT: OB18-3
M0ACMSO LOW ALLNew aerial made great improvement despite condx being noisy and with QSB
M0AUGSO LOW ALLBand conditions weren't good, SD was
M0HAOSA LOW 40MParticipating again after some years off. This time 100w and wire antenna only. Everyone should do that at some point. New Yaesu FT Dx-101D was a champion. Very good radio. Works like a charm, copying weak signals close to big ones. Lot of fun. Thanks to everyone
M0HMSSO LOW ALLReally enjoyed the contest !
M0KPDSO HIGH ALLOperated from my mobile Icom 7300, SGC SG500 amp, Scorpion SA680 antenna
M0LMKSO HIGH ALLA casual entry to givbe away some points. Thanks all!
M0MCVSO HIGH ALLDisrupted Sunday as was my daughter's birthday. Great to hear 15M open - the 'CQWW effect'. Finding some Es on 10M was a welcome bonus
M0NMASO LOW ALLRookie: First Licenced 20 May 2017
M0REGMULTI-ONEThis was a fantastic experience for our small group. Great conditions
M0RSXSO LOW ALLFirst time in this contest - very enjoyable
M0SNBMULTI-ONESmall fun entry just using a vertical for 7 MHz
M0WMSSA LOW ALLFirst Licenced 17th Jun 2017
M0XLTSO LOW 10MJust had one hour on air and was very pleased to see the 10m band open. I used an Icom IC-706 MKII at 100W with a 20m long End-Fed wire only 5m agl
M0YJBSO LOW ALLFirst licensed 9th February 2018
M0YKSSO HIGH ALLVery enjoyable as usual lots of fun. Conditions down, average propagation
M0ZJQSO QRP 40MAll contacts QRP at 3W using homebuilt rig on cushcraft vertical
M1DDDSA HIGH 20MAll S&P, Single Op, 20m. Assisted, High Power. Y847+400W+1/4 vert
M3ECTSO LOW ALL#greatfunthanks
M3MSO LOW 15MGabbled call signs wasre time
M3RSA LOW ALL100w and poor conditions a challenge for a CW op, hi
M4AMULTI-ONEEntry from Cambridge University Wireless Society. This year, we spent a lot of Saturday afternoon mentoring new contesters, so our rate was limited. Conditions generally very poor but slightly better on Sunday. Thanks for the QSOs
M6IGESO QRP 20MFirst Licensed December 16th 2016
M6OSA HIGH 20MTesting new antenna by giving away points. 4-el Ultrabeam elevated 3m (10ft). Surprisingly good fun!
M6OXO/PSO QRP ALLGood conditions wx changed to a storm. CR3DX working out of band on 7239
M7DLXSO QRP ALLFirst Lienced on 04 April 2019
M7RJSSO LOW ALLLicensed since July 2019
MD1EMULTI-ONE LOWLP Dxpedition style operation with wire antennas by the sea
MD4KSO HIGH ALLConditions not great due to Aurora, glad I caught a 10m opening !
MI0WGXSO LOW ALLMagnetic loop antenna
MM2NSA HIGH 40MTerrible conditions on Saturday morning with AU affecting sigs badly. I could hear loads that just CQ'd in my face even EU stations. Optibeam dipole at only 37 feet was amazing for close EU contacts but terrible for DX and busting distant pileups. 40m SB entry
MM3AWDSA HIGH ALLPart time effort due to work commitments and being sick with the flu
MM3TSA HIGH ALLGenerally poor conditions. Some nice openings on 10m. Thanks for working me
MW6MSO LOW ALLGreat to have lots of QSO's on 10M and 15M. The rest of the bands were in pretty good condx, but noisy. I did S&P as it's hard to hold a frequency with LP these days
N0LDSA LOW ALLEnjoyed participating! Filled in a few band-countries
N0ODKSA HIGH ALLMostly used contest to add band fills and look for rare DX. I did not try hard for points. Conditions not the best but my station preformed well considering
N0RMJSA LOW ALLFirst licensed September 19 2019
N0UKSA LOW ALLCondx up here in Minnesota were horrible - much one-way propagation
N0VVSO HIGH ALLAll worked on a small 100 ft doublet apexed at around 25 feet
N0YOSO LOW ALLWith poor band conditions I worked for every Q. It was loads of fun!
N1APISA LOW ALLGreat to see 10 open, (somewhat) and also 15 meters
N1CEOSO LOW 20MMy first CQ WW SSB contest
N1DCSO LOW ALLSOAB LP is the ultimate test of tenacity and skill
N1MMMULTI-ONEPretty awful conditions, good food, great company and not enough sleep. The 20 meter band opened up to far east this afternoon, Hong Kong, Japan, China, etc. Fair amount of Japan and at the same time, push the reverse button on the SteppIR and work Carribean and South America at the same time
N1SFESO LOW ALLI really enjoyed all of the activity on 15 meters!
N2BZDChecklogWas fun working the 15m opening
N2FFSA LOW ALLGreat to be able to work a few countries on ten. The biggest thrill was to work Pitcarian onn 2 bands and also San Andres with just 100 watts. My activity was strictly packet pouncing. I did not attempt to run. Saw JA spots but could not hear them and ZL was weak but surprisingly workable. Thanks to all the stations with good ears who worked me

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