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2016 SSB

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Call Category Comments
K3ZJ/8SO HIGH 20MThe 20 meter reflector fell off the C31XR tribander the day before the contest. But the remaining director & driven element seemed to be useable as a 2-element beam with the short 13.6 foot (4.14 meter) spacing. Given the predicted poor propagation, I decided on 20 meter SOSB notwithstanding the impaired antenna. Most QSOs were S&P because I never was able to run despite multiple tries. All weekend I had trouble even working EU. But there were a couple of notable hours during which I felt that the antenna worked miracles. Early Sunday morning, during an hour or two of Pacific propagation, I worked multiple VK/ZL as well as rarer VP6AH, A31MM, T32AZ, VK6NZ for zone 29, and FR4NT long path for zone 39. Then, near the end of the contest, UP2L in zone 17 broke through VERY late at 2230 and an hour later B7K in zone 24 answered my first call through a deep pileup. The final score is less than half the score I made two decades ago when I last operated 20 meters single band in this contest. But it always is a pleasure to get on the air and greet friends and acquaintances old and new, no matter the score
K4ELIMULTI-ONE LOWSilver Comet Amateur Radio Society has been submitted to the club list
K4KAYSO HIGH ALLFun contest, band conditions excellent on all five bands
K4SXTSO LOW ALLCondx were awful -never heard zones 16,17,18,19 or 25
K4VBMSO LOW ALLThanks a lot for the fun. Enjoyed my second CQ WW DX contest even if only for Friday evening!
K4VUQSO LOW 20M42339
K4WBFSO LOW 40MFirst contest for me. Enjoyed operating in a contest. Rig ICOM IC-7100 Antenna Chameleon Ecomm II 60' at 18' ALT Many thanks to all who answered and 73's
K4XLSO LOW 10MBecause of lots of other things going on, including packing for a vacation trip to the Yucatan, I decided to limit my participation to 10 mx only. That turned into a PY fest! Lots of my Qs were with Brazil. (Muito obrigado!) I did work a few Africans and a few Spanish and Portuguese station in Zone 14, but never really had an opening to Europe...let along Asia. All in all, a fun contest in which I got to practice my rudimentary Brazilian Portuguese!
K5BIOSO LOW ALLRookie Date of First License
K5LRW/5MULTI-ONE LOWWe all had a great time. even got some of the new hams on HF for the first time. what a way to cut your teeth on HF!
K5OA/6SA HIGH ALLProp poor but fun anyway new SPE amp flawless
K5RXSO LOW 40MConditions were so bad I thought I was running 5 Watts instead of 100
K5XUSO LOW ALLFriday night was Awful, Saturday and Sunday were a little better
K6BY/4SO LOW ALLFirst time to enter!
K6LRGSA HIGH 15Mconditions marginal but fun to work my friends all over the world!
K6MBDSO LOW 40M42357
K6RAH/5SA HIGH ALLPoor propagation was disappointing
K6RIGSA LOW ALLLicenced Feb 3 2014
K7ABVSO HIGH ALLthat was tuff...no Europe all weekend...bands were ugly
K7JANMULTI-ONE LOWConditions were sooo bad !!
K7RIMULTI-ONEThanks to everyone who worked or tried to work us
K7XCSA HIGH ALLGreat to work all the old friends again! Moderate to good conditions at the start but little from the North all weekend. Low bands were fun Fri Night till dawn. High bands were moderate to good but near sundown the bands began to degrade until the end. Worked hard to put up a brand new to me AB577 mast a friend gave me up in time to host the full size 3ele 20M mono-bander at 43 feet. took 2 weeks to get tuned but well worth the effort. Spent 4 days fabricating a new the rotor plate design and installing it on the tower trailer. Once done it was able to hold the 3ele 15M and 4ele 10M Mono-banders @ 25 / 30 feet. Installed the 80M/40M combo Inverted Vee at 39' with it finally resonating correctly just after sunset on the Thursday before. The 25 ft tall 170 ft long 160M Inverted L is now located on its own mast 150 ft from the shack and works OK but needs more work to make it what it could be. No beverages yet but have enough room and wire for two 1000 foot runs, hopefully in time for CW. The recently repaired IC-746 did a good job while driving an AL-80B to 700W or so. Overall it was lots of hard work with the mediocre condition. Most of Sunday was spent being distracted watching the NFL for most of the day, waiting for conditions to improve. Worked some last minute mults for the last 2 hours or so.... Did I say how much work SSB is with 1/2 power from a small station. Bring on CW! See you all in SS CW next month. 73s de Tim - K7XC - DM09jh... sk Adapt, Overcome, Succeed!!!
K9GYSA LOW ALLNot enough time to spend in this one
K9PGSA LOW ALLAre Condx gonna get any worse before they get better?
K9SHSO HIGH 80MSingle Band 80, High Power; Non-Assisted, INDIANA
KA7FIRSO LOW ALLFirst time participating in this contest
KA8SBISO LOW ALLMy First CQWW,Fun, Need better antennas
KA8SMASO QRP 20MOuch! As a QRP'er poor conditions made me work double hard for every contact
KA9A/6SO LOW ALLHard slugging thru the noise
KB1RI/4SA HIGH ALLEnjoyed operating this contest after a 24 hiatus from contesting. Brought back great operating memories with my now SK friend KZ1M(Jim Dalterio). I'm sure he was looking over my shoulder during the contest. Looking forward to the next one
KB4LHPSA HIGH ALLHad a very good time. Thank you for inviting me. This is the very first contest where I worked from beginning to end, well some of the time
KC2LSTSO HIGH ALLThere were some odd band conditions for this contest. Some nice openings to Africa and South America on both days and additionally to parts of Europe on Sunday were experienced here on 10M, and 15M was pretty good both days. 20M however was spotty - on Saturday it was quite weak and unproductive, perhaps due to the persistence of good conditions on 15M, but 20 was better on Sunday. I heard a number of European stations on 80M but was unable to work them over continental callers. As always a fun contest but the this year the money band didn't produce as well as it usually does
KC3HEOSO LOW ALLlicensed 5/19/2016
KC4TEOSO LOW ALLFun to work so many nice people in the contest!
KC7STKSO LOW ALLBad conditions throughout contest here
KD2JBCSO LOW 20MMy first contest. Thank You!
KD2JOESA LOW ALLrookie 1/14/2014
KD8ZXMSO LOW ALLFirst Contest, not sure how to score my own log. If there is a problem with the computer scoring my log, Please Call Me At (513)442-4029
KD9GVCSO LOW ALLlicensed Aug 2016
KD9MSSO LOW ALLHorrible conditions for me, no JA and not much EU, but it was great! Lots of VE and SA available to have fun with!

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