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2022 SSB

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VA3SBSO LOW ALLNot much time to operate this year but made a few Qs to say that I did participate. See you next year. 73 Serge VA3SB
VA3WPSSA HIGH ALLGreat fun for the tiem I was on. 73 VA3WPS
VA6AGRSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2020
VA6TVASO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2021 ROOKIE
VA7CTGSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2019 Last contest using the rookie status
VA7XUSO HIGH 20MI uploaded my log then realized I had a small error in one part so I fixed that and uploading new one
VE2HEWSA LOW ALLAmazing conditions on 15 and 10 meters this weekend. I wish every contest weekend was like this. Picked up some ATNOs!
VE2HTCSA LOW ALLFirst license 11-2021
VE2IDXSA HIGH 20MThis is my 10th DX-pedition to Zone 2 as a VE2IDX. I came to Sept-Iles, Northern Quebec a few days before CQWW, it was 3 different flights during the day. I operated SOSB (A) 14 MHz, on Saturday condx was great, but strong Aurora on Sunday with K=4 at latitude=50 degrees in Northern Canada makes your life quite hard. The Sunstorm destroyed lots of the DX signal strengths, make almost impossible to create European pile-ups on Sunday morning and it started to come back to normal on Sunday afternoon only. MANY THANKS to all stations who called me during the pile-ups but due to high QRM almost all QSOs on Sunday afternoon I did with a turned-on attenuator -18 dB (!) and noise blankers as well. Anyway, it was a lot of pleasure to operate in CQWW as usual. Many thanks to Andre VA2VVV, Steve VE2TKH, Frank VA2FGG, and Yuri VE3DZ for great help with the preparation of this DX-pedition to the Canadian North. 73, Igor VE3ZF - VE2IDX
VE2KLWSO LOW 40MFirst license 07-2022 Alain Michaud was licenced as VE2KLW on July 20th, 2022. This was his FIRST radio certificate. He had never operated a radio, or participated a contest BEFORE this date
VE2LRZSO LOW 160MGreat 10M band opening. Bands were so crazy decided to try 160M only. Erected a temporary long wire for 2 nights. Made great contacts. 73 to all de VE2LRZ
VE3BKSA HIGH ALLHad fun on 10m Saturday and mostly 145m on Sunday. A fun contest for all. Thanks to all that worked me. 73 Rick VE3BK
VE3GJPSO HIGH ALLFirst license 04-2021 ROOKIE / SSB
VE3GKTSO LOW ALLOperator age 25 Birth year 1997 age 25
VE3JZTSA LOW ALLFirst license 07-2021
VE3KOTSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2021
VE3OMVSO LOW ALLOperator age 12
VE3PNSO HIGH 160MPC played up a bit but fun as always
VE3RVZSO LOW ALLFantastic contest, great to see 10m wide open!
VE3VYSA LOW ALLOnly single-element wire antennas used
VE3ZZSA HIGH ALLFantastic to have the old cx back. 10 meters was great!
VE5KSSA LOW 10M10m was much better than I expected
VE5SFSA LOW ALLInteresting conditions. The aurora l wall blocked all but the strong/large stations in Europe from VE5-land for most of the contest. CQ'ing with low power to Europe from here produced all of two QSO's. Thanks to the operators to the south in the US, Carib and South America area that sustained rates. Nice to have 10 metres back, but it would also be nice to have the bands open to Europe as well. 73
VE6CLESO LOW ALLFirst license 09-2021
VE6CLGSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2020 Licensed 2020/10/27
VE6IVNSO HIGH ALLGoing great till the Rotator packed it in see you for the wpx
VE6SVMULTI-ONEThis was the 25th year of operating CQWW DX SSB from the current VE6SV QTH. Also, the creation of ACT (Alberta Contest Team)
VE6SYDSO LOW ALLFirst license 01-2222 2022-Jan-24
VE6TNSA HIGH ALLStarted out operating Low Power Unassisted but couldn't make a lot of headway in the pileups or hold a frequency when running. So I threw in the towel and engaged the amplifier and the DX cluster. I struggled on 80m and 160m, the low bands just didn't open up this far north. Broke a Million, just shy of 1.1M. Anyway, I had a great time and ended up putting in my best score ever. Thanks to my XYL of 39 years (she insists she is a YL with no X) who brought me food and drinks when the bands were smoking. :-)
VE6ZCSO LOW ALLMessy propagation condx meant no contacts outside of NA and SA on day 1, G1 storms were an intermittent problem over the whole weekend. Condx improved on Sunday to include Oceania and Europe. I am looking forward to 2023!
VE7BGPSO LOW ALLAfter an extended Summer we had the blustry fall WX this weekend. Back to the Radio to Contest it was fun
VE7CORSO LOW 15MFIrst HF activity in 30 years. As fun as I remembered!
VE7RSVSO LOW ALLa bit of a rough go for conditions after the first day. Replaced my old G5RV, which broke on me when undoing the connector, with a new ZS6BKW antenna, right up to the starting time for the contest. Would not tune on 80 metres for me so ended up just working the 4 higher bands this time around. Was nice to hear some DX though that haven't heard in a few years
VE9WHSA LOW ALLNeed to work on 40, 80 160 antennas
VE9XXSA HIGH 10MAlways a great contest. Thank goodness Cycle 25 is so alive!
VJ2JSO HIGH 20MHard to pin down propagation conditions with huge variances between great and poor
VJ2WSA HIGH ALLwe still have large number of ,but far from all , Indonesian and China Operators who have very wide distorted signals. And have no regard for other Band users , they do not listen just call call call...on already used frequency's Also there are a growing numbers of excellent polite operators in Indonesia also which is very very pleasing to hear
VK1NSSA LOW ALLMany thanks for a great comp
VK2GPUSO LOW 20MSadly was sick over the weekend so couldn't properly participate, but gave out a few numbers regardless
VK2NPSO LOW ALLIC-7300 100W to a 10M Vertical with remote tuner at base Enjoyed the contest 52 Countries which surprised me on a simple setup
VK3DLNSO LOW ALLFirst license 09-2022 Date first licensed: 30/09/2022
VK3GJGSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2021
VK3IOSO HIGH 40MMany areas within VK and West Pacific had lightning storms during this contest and also recent flooding, so the low bands were not good and this may have impacted on activity from VK. But 40m turned out to be great, here in VK3, being the state or Victoria, in the south east corner of Australia. No lightning or flooding at my QTH. Still only using two 40m per side doublet antennas at 30 mtr high, each in different directions. I only worked on 40m and was using my SunSDR2DX and Sennheiser Wireless Head-Set and this I think worked really well. Cheers until next contest, from Ron
VK3KRLSO QRP 10MFirst license 08-2021 First licensed 23rd Aug 2021
VK3OMSO LOW ALLICOM IC-7300 & AH-740 Mobile Antenna for 40m, 20m, 15m ICOM IC-7610 & 10m mobile whip for 10m Operating from 5th floor apartment
VK4OTZSO QRP ALLOperator age 14 Year of birth: 2008 My first CQ WW contest. I had a lot of fun and worked a lot of DX stations Using an FT818, set to 5W, and an 80m end-fed halfwave. Thanks to everyone who put up with my weak QRP signal!
VK4QSSO HIGH 15MFantastic conditions down here in Australia. Cheers Mike VK4QS
VK5UESO LOW 20MI do need a better aerial system !!
VK6DAVSO LOW ALLFirst licenced 16/8/2021

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