Call | Category | Comments |
OH2BA | SO HIGH ALL | Mostly S&P. Tough going in far north.... Happy to see 10m is alive this year |
OH2PQ | SO HIGH ALL | Big thanks to OH2BAH for letting me use his station again |
OH3MM | SO LOW ALL | FT-891 with wires |
OH3RF | SA HIGH ALL | Having good time meeting friends and exploring conditions. My first CQ WW SSB was 1982 - 40 years ago. 73 de Jussi OH3RF |
OH5MQ | SO LOW ALL | RIG: Kenwood TS-520S PWR: 80 W ANT: 15 m - Half square, 20 m - Dipole |
OH5Z | MULTI-ONE | Our participation was in honor of recently passed station owner and co-founder of OH5Z contest group OH5NQ who had participated in CQWW SSB since 1952. Thank you Peter for all of these years |
OK1DKR | SO LOW ALL | I have had problems with my old logging N6TR programme which made some faults in multipliers and dupe contacts and so I stopped my contesting before the contest end not to produce any other faults |
OK1DOL | SO HIGH 80M | FT1000MP MarkV, PA Acom 1011-500W, dipol, beverages |
OK1JCB | SO LOW ALL | First license 12-2021 8.12.2021 |
OK1LEV | SO HIGH ALL | Operator age 19 160, 80, 40, 10 - 100 W, 20, 15 - 500 W |
OK1LO | SO LOW 10M | TS-990S, 100W, 3el. yagi |
OK1NYD | SO LOW ALL | 6 hours on the air only, moderate conditions, better condx to NA than SA. VY 73! |
OK1TRJ | SA LOW ALL | IC-7300 | 90 W | 24 m long endfed antenna (= wet noodle) @ 8 m agl | just casual after i get home from radioclub | 73! |
OK2BB | SO LOW ALL | First license 09-2020 the date first licensed 09/20/2020 |
OK2BRX | SO LOW ALL | IC 7300 100W DIPOL + 3band 3el yagi |
OK2HA | SA HIGH 10M | Operator age 19 Born in 2003 |
OK2MBP | SO LOW ALL | Rig[s] IC-756PROIII-100W,Antena[s] LW82m |
OK2MTB | SO LOW ALL | First license 09-2021 |
OK3SN | SA LOW ALL | First license 06-2021 First licence 06/28/2021 |
OK3TV | SO LOW ALL | First license 09-2020 |
OK4AR | SA HIGH ALL | First license 09-2021 |
OK4DZ | SA LOW ALL | Fantastic conditions on higher bands! Ftdx 5000mp, 3el.Yagi, dipole, 100watts |
OK7W | SO HIGH 15M | I was happy that all 38 zones called me :-) none of zone multipliers was serched by me, mny tnx!! Saturday conditions not so good - just short pileups, but sunday was nice.I had some small issue due to bad PTT timing, but I was able to solve it with just small loss. Unfortunatelly no comparative stations on livescore servers in non-assisted (CR3DX is another level :-D ), in non-as there was nice compare with SN2B, J42L, IR2M, EE5K - tnx for that! Thanks to OK2ZAW and his QRO.CZ company for technical solutions and support. Thanks to OK1MU for great general support and all the callers for loooots of nice QSOs, see you on the bands ang, 73, Standa OK7W - OK1CID |
OK8CX/P | SA QRP ALL | During my summiting... . I used 5 watts into a 20m EFHW. Great condx on 10/15m... made some new portable dxcc |
OL4W | SO QRP 80M | KX3 5W LW42m |
OL5Y | SO LOW ALL | I like 24H category. 100 W on SSB is a completely different world than CW. I'm still learning and still looking for a better strategy. I would like it if SO2R was allowed in this category, but at the same time I understand that a lot of people may not be comfortable with it. I enjoyed the contest together with my wife OK3FLY and daughter OL5G |
OM0RX | SA QRP 15M | Fantastic contest, enjoyed it yet again. This time with help of brand new 3el GPX beam, 12m over the ground, running from batteries only, full off-grid setup |
OM3CDN | SO LOW ALL | Rig: FT-991A, max 95 W output. Ant End Fed 5 B |
OM7AT | SO LOW ALL | TNX, 73! |
OM8GRS | SO LOW 20M | First license 04-2022 |
OM8JP | SO LOW 20M | cummulative dipole 14-21-28 |
ON3AR | SO LOW ALL | Great Conditions on all bands all weekend |
ON3BJK | SO LOW ALL | First license 01-2022 |
ON3VS | SO LOW ALL | best contest |
ON4MGY/P | SO QRP 20M | 5 Watt from FT-817ND into 1/4 wave vertical |
ON4TO | SA HIGH 10M | Nice to see 10m is open again. Always fun to hear old guys back on 10. See you next year |
ON5WL | SO LOW 10M | The propagation on 10 m was good so I could work many stations and good DX I enjoyed the contest Till next year 73 Leon ON5WL |
ON7AH | SA LOW ALL | FT1000-MP, inverted V for 40m and MW0JZE hexbeam |
ON7BBR | SA LOW 20M | As always, the stations don't give their callsigns regularly. Sometimes we have to wait for someone to call: callsign please. Lost time for the 'hunters'. The contest itself: nice, many stations in the air. |
ON8LX | SO LOW 40M | IC-7610, 100 watts, Hy endfed |
ON8UK | SA LOW ALL | Strange contest.... By testing before te contest my AMP dit not give any power so we have to go barefoot contesting. But i had a nice contest . 73 de ON8UK |
OQ4B | SA QRP 10M | Tnx to all stations for there effort to pick up my small signal |
OT7E | SO LOW ALL | IC-7300 + Hyendfed multiband |
OZ1DYI | SO LOW ALL | FT-950 Antenne: Baby-Loop |
OZ4NA | SO LOW 40M | Ussing dipol in 9m |
OZ6OM | SA QRP 15M | Right tools for QRP, 100 ft. tower with 4 element Yagi. Only Sunday afternoon were available, thus I qualified for a WAC - cirtenly ConDX is comming back ... Allready looking forward to 2023 |
OZ7AM | SA HIGH ALL | Just a few QSOs for the fun of it |
P29RO | MULTI-TWO | We miss the DX code of conduct. We could make more contacts. 73! |