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2022 SSB

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Call Category Comments
N9JRSO HIGH ALLA lot of fun
N9NCYSA LOW 10MFirst license 01-2021
N9TFSA LOW ALL100 watts and a 6BTV. 10 and 15 were loaded daylight hours to just about everywhere. All S&P. Never could get anything going CQing. Worked most of what I heard. Very glad to see ops spread out on 10m. Sunday 10m was active all the way up to 29Mhz! 15M had great prop, but many signals stacked on top of one another. Very glad to see great prop on 10 and 15! Thanks for sponsoring a fun contest. 73 Gene N9TF, Clarksville TN
N9VPVSA LOW 10M100W and vertical @ 25ft
NA7PSO LOW ALLconditons started out pretty good but got worse. nobody could hear me very well with 100 watts and a vertical
NC8RSO LOW ALLOperator age 16
ND0CSO QRP 15MPart time (during KE0WPA's breaks) - great propagation
ND7CSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2021 24 Hour, Rookie, Single Operator, Low Power, Non Assisted
NE3FMULTI-MULTIGood time but computer failure and murphy striking were not helpful to the score! Nice to see 10M open as added a third operating station for 10M
NE5BSO LOW ALLLiterally 100watts and a Wire 40m EFHW
NF6PSO LOW ALLSunday afternoon effort only from the RV with MPAS in the vertical config
NF7ESO LOW ALLUsed my Force 12 yagi to start, It was sitting on the ground pointed up, due to rotor repairs. Ran to Habitat for Humanity store on Saturday, picked up a roll of 16g wire, shot a line up over a 65' tree, pulled up 135' wire, and got on the air. to save somewhat of a contest effort!. Bummer Saturday BUT still a lot of fun!
NG1MSO HIGH ALL10 & 15M were amazing - the first contest ever where I made more contacts on 10M than any other band. I had hoped to break March CQ WPX SSB record of 1325 Qs, came up short but still have a blast! I ran more than S&P, but 20M was so crowded it was hard to find a frequency at times - shows how popular this contest is! First time SSB contacts to Japan, South Africa, Saudi Arabia & Alaska. Thanks for all the contacts and polite & VERY PATIENT operators. It always amazing to me that SSB contests are in English, and English is not everyone's native language. The Ham Radio World is quite impressive! Radio: FLEX 6400 & Power Genius XL Amp Antennas: WTRC 2014 TB & wires (lacks 160M) Logging: N1MM+
NG2XSA HIGH ALLSo awesome to have 10 meters open again to the Pacific and Asia with a NY vertical!
NH2DXSA HIGH 15MKH6EE worked me on 29/2206z. He sent 5903 because he lives in Washington state. N1MM scored it as 1 point vs 3 points
NI0KSA HIGH 20MDifferent strategy for this contest: single band 20, with selectable Yagis: 4 element at 80 ft or 3 element at 50 ft. Finally got my JK2040 Falcon up! Moved the TH11 to 50 ft
NK4OSA LOW ALLNice to see 10m open, tons of operators deep and wide!
NM1JSO LOW 20M1st SSB Contest on 756Pro III, dipole antenna 20' up. Zone 14 & 15 were loudest
NN4DXSO LOW ALLA fly bugged me for the whole contest. Thought about listing him as a second op but he doesn't have a license. Great contest, incredible propagation
NO2DSO LOW ALLGood to see 15 and 10 meters open. NO2D, Pete
NO9ESA HIGH ALLCompared to last year, poor conditions on 160-80, OK on 40-20, and excellent on 15-10. Using Flex 6600, 30m tower with stacked JK Mid Tri 40 JK Mid Tri, 4 sq on 80 and loaded tower on 160m. 10-20m Spiderbeam at 12m for multipliers and 7 beverages. This year upgrades were TIC Ring for the lower beam to have a stack for JA and a bunch of hardware for SO2R. PG XL amp, AG 8 x 2 antenna switch, VA6AM triplexer and 40m bandpass filter, and 2 x low power DX ENG ICE type filters. Just a few QSOs with SO2R since picking up stations through splatter was a big enough challenge. The Flex radio behaved well, with no crashes or interruptions. 10m was most fun, with 45% QSOs. 15m was good too. My remote QSO is plagued by RFI from power lines, especially on 15 and 10m towards JA. I have located and fixed some sources but not all, especially that many poles are on a private land and hunting happens everyday. On Sunday evening rain fell silencing the noise, and I had my long dreamed run of JAs (on 15m)
NP3CWSO LOW ALLReturned to contest after 5 years on delay due to personal problems
NR1KSA LOW ALLOperator age 17
NS4ESO LOW ALLPlease use Joe instead of Joseph if possible
NS7USO LOW ALLThroughly enjoyed the contest, especially for the chance to use 10 and 15 extensively
NT5ASA LOW ALLGreat weekend! Great fun! Some familiar stations!
NW2PSA HIGH 10M'There's no meters like 10 meters!' Wow! Great conditions on 10M
OE1KSGSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2021
OE1VMCSO LOW 40MRIG YAESU FT-857D ANT 40m Folded Dipole QSO Points: 85, Zones: 8, Countries: 32 Log received at: 2022-10-30 20:50:00 UTC
OE1XTUMULTI-ONEANT SteppIR DB-36 Yagi for 20m-15m-10m ANT Fan-Dipole for 160m/80m/40m TRX YAESU FTDX-5000MP, PWR 200W 2nd Rx KiwiSDR sofware v1.566 WX overcast, TEMP 16C 487 contacts in OE1XTTU log OE1XTU Log status of 29.10.2022 2050 UTC
OE3EDSSO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2021 License 2021_10_05
OE3MCSSO LOW 10MTX/RX TS-890 S ANT High End Fed LW POWER:100 W nice to see 10m so wide open! Tnx for nice contest!
OE3NHWSO LOW ALLIt was great
OE3OPWSO LOW 20Mhad only time on Saturday but fun with 70W and 11m Endfeed
OE5MZLSA LOW ALLFirst license 07-2021
OE5TMULTI-TWOHappy to meet old friends on the air. Good to see some sunspots and fair conditions. No antennas for 160 and 80 again. But lots of fun!
OE6NOA/PSO QRP ALLOperator age 22
OE7KNK/PSO QRP ALLFirst license 11-2021
OE8DDXSA HIGH ALLOperator age 14
OE9SEVSO HIGH ALLOperator age 22 1999
OG2XSO HIGH ALLThank you for another nice contest. So many good operators on the bands. Spent a lot of time on 10 meters, which produced a nice pile of multipliers. Worked for 12 hours only
OG6NSA HIGH ALLTower not rotating and several antennas off-line but had a bit of fun DX-ing. No 10m antenna but surprisingly I was able to work 88 countries there with mt 15m yagi!
OG8MSO HIGH 15MFirst CQWW entry since 90s, great fun! Got antennas up 2hrs before the start (03 AM local time). Great respect to OH8PF/OH8Z, tower works in rain and pitch-black conditions demands some attitude. Day1 was challencing due to the beloved lady aurora but day2 was quite a ride at times. Thank you everyone!
OH0VSA LOW ALLThank you for another CQWW. One of the biggest contributors to my radio hobby
OH1FSA HIGH ALLIt was an eventful contest. The cndx was miserable the first day because of Aurora. The electricity went out for an hour on Saturday and two amplifiers broke
OH1NOASO LOW ALLSaturday was all aurora, Sunday daytime much better
OH1RXSO HIGH ALLShort visit to test on Sat. Good cndx on high bands. Tu fer Qs!
OH1VRSO HIGH ALLAurora Borealis hit. The feeling was like operating without antennas most of the time

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