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2012 SSB

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Call Category Comments
VE3IQSA HIGH ALLIt was great to see 10m solid with signals from one end of the band to the other. That should inspire a whole new generation of Dxers and provide them with memories for years to come of just how good 10m can be
VE3JEHSO HIGH ALLFirst entry into a contest
VE3KKQSO LOW ALLHad several OPs ask to be spotted
VE3RRHSO HIGH ALLGreat contest,great weekend,worked everyone I heard. No complaints from the neighbors
VE4DRKSO LOW 20MLearning as we go
VE5BCSSA LOW 10MThis was my first try at the big contests. I made some mistakes xe2s And pe3pg was contacted but is not in my log I can only think I hit the delete key instead of the enter key. I enjoyed the test and may try again. Nice to see ten open
VE5KSSA LOW 10MWould have done better but my yagi was on the ground leaning up against a shed. the tower and beam will be up next week, see you in the cw contest
VE5PVMULTI-MULTIForgot to check the computer clocks and ended up over a minute fast so last four QSOs are into next day
VE6ZCSO LOW ALLA wide open 10m on Day 1 made this contest truely memorable. Let's hope Cycle 24 has and even better one in the wings for 2013!
VE7EPPSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed my first contest
VE7JRSA HIGH ALL300 watts from the project
VE7NAMULTI-ONEWe had a lot of fun operating this Contest. Again a few new hams got their first opportunity to work dx
VE7WWWSO LOW 10MIt was nice to have 10 meters open for more than a couple of hours this year
VE7XSSO HIGH ALLJust Bill Gipps operating by himself as time permitted - band conditions were awesome
VE8GERSO LOW ALLThe bands were wide open! Good to make the contacts that I did & glad to help all others out with Zone #1!! see you next year!! 73
VE9OASO LOW ALLMax output 100 watts
VE9PLSSO LOW 20MThanks for the contest CQ! 73's Martin
VK2AFYMULTI-ONEOperators: Karen VK2AKB, Peter VK2EHQ, Geoff VK2ZC, Ed VK2ARE
VK2BJSO LOW 10MEnjoyed the contest in short spells
VK2CZSO LOW ALLlost the plot at the end... probably logged on wrong band ;-{
VK2LEESO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 90 watts great contest and great conditions on 10 & 15m will be on for more time next yea
VK2MWGSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 80W
VK2NRSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 100W
VK2TTPSO HIGH ALLShame Australia is so far from the centre of all the activities
VK2XESO HIGH ALLGreat contest. I have never seen so many signals on 15m all at once
VK3AFBSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 100 Good Fun Even with the relatively small number of QSO's. I could hear more stations than they could hear me. May be next year I'll get that 1KW PA. ;-)
VK3DGNSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 85W
VK3MEGSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 100 thanks for the contest my first cq ww ssb contest I'll be better preaped next year
VK3NRWSO LOW ALLUsed SD for logging Great contest and will be in it again next year Not many impatient operators who didn't allow for low powered amateurs
VK3VTHSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 100W
VK3ZPFSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 50
VK4/VK5MKSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 100W
VK4ATHSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 90watts
VK4BLSO LOW ALLCQ WW SSB 2012, Lots of fun as always. Icom 718 100w, Ground mounted short wire vertical. Fed with ladder line to homebrew ATU on 20/15/10 meters Conditions down this year, 15 meters was the best band for me Plenty of stations to work and some that got away all the things that keep me coming back each year. Thanks to all for the FUN!
VK4CTSO HIGH ALLThanks to all participants for the QSOs. Great conditions on 40 20 15 and 10m. A local storm destroyed 80m Antennas, 80m Vertical; 40m 3 el Yagi 20-15-10 Yagi, 20-15 Dipole, 10m 6 el Yagi SO2R FT1000MP
VK4FAASSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 10 cabrillo log vkcl3
VK4GMHSO HIGH ALLMy 2nd CQWW All Vertical Antennas only 400w VK Great fun
VK4MAXSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 100
VK4MONSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 100W Great to hear so many HAMS on the bands during this contest. Thanks to all contacts 73
VK5AKHSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 100W
VK6FTSO LOW ALLEnjoyed the contest very much
VK6MABSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 100 Great contest! First time I have entered after Getting my license a couple of years ago. 100w into 3ele Yagi (TH3 Jnr) and ICOM IC7000. Only did part time, but had a ball
VK6NCMULTI-ONELots of signals on 10. Missed out on 160m. Maybe next year
VK7ZXMULTI-ONEGreat to see 10m open on the first day, an unusual phenomenom here in Tasmania of late. Overall not bad conditions except for the downturn from early Sunday morning onwards. Look forward to next year
VP9ISO LOW ALLThis was a new personal best for me as well as a new claimed VP9 record
VP9NNLSA LOW 10MHope the multipliers helped and thanks for the fun! 73 de VP9NNL
VU2EXPSO LOW ALLWow... Fantastic Contest. My 1st attempt. Thanks 73 - VU2EXP

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