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2022 SSB

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Call Category Comments
N2OGSA LOW ALLZS6BKW Antenna and 100 watts Rig : FTDX-101D Antennas : ZS6BKW
N2ZNSO HIGH 10MWelcome back 10 meters!
N3AMLSA HIGH ALLFirst license 12-2020
N3BASSA LOW ALLFirst license 05-2020 5/4/2020
N3BMXSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2021 Very 1st Contest ever worked
N3HROSA LOW ALLFirst license 07-2020 7-29-2020
N3IQChecklogObservations: Was planning 'Classic' entry with focus on low bands. The low bands were not good, so I decided to chase multipliers, assisted. Used old version of Writelog. Submitted as CHECKLOG, as usual. Had some fun we don't do much phone here because of severe tinnitus. Pre-recorded some audio files and cleaned them using Audacity. Cool. Added some compression (20 on K3) on second day. That helped. No log changes after the contest period didn't fix Alt-N notes Contact number 580 is probably hosed. I didn't confirm the prefix. I ran briefly on 10, 15, 20 and 80M with mixed results
N3KFSA HIGH ALL10 meters was a blast. Onward and upward from here!
N3LHSO HIGH ALLHad a great time using new IC-7610
N3RSSA HIGH ALLFirst test of new antennas on tower that replaced the 140' AB-105 that came down in March. All went well. 10M was great and 15M close behind. Problems with 80M system forced me to run barefoot on that band most of the time. Overall, GREAT FUN! Sig, N3RS
N3WASSO LOW ALLHad a lot of fun
N4CWSA HIGH ALLWhat a delight...10 Meters is now a working band! I don't have the ears for this SSB stuff, but I did enjoy what I could. Many thanks to all. 73
N4DWSA LOW ALLSince propagation is improving, I thought I'd try low power for a change. WOOF!
N4FPSA HIGH ALLFlex 6400, Ten-Tec Titan 425, 160 dipole at 50 ft, 80 dipole/40 inverted V at 50 ft, Classic 33 at 45 ft, Hy-Gain AV-640
N4QWBSO LOW ALLMy casual S&P approach with a meager vertical still netted me 4 new countries. Always fun
N4RAFSO LOW ALLFirst license 06-2021
N4RWHSO LOW ALLFun contest. Thanks to those who worked to make this a successful event
N4SFCSA LOW 10MFirst time working the contest. It was a lot of fun and 10 meters was wide open. Looking forward to next year's contest were I will be operating the entire contest on multi bands. Thanks again to all the operators who were working 10, it was a fun time
N4TLSA HIGH ALL9 hours and 45 minutes
N4TLCSO LOW ALLFirst license 08-2020
N5EESA HIGH ALLAmazing conditions on Sunday Morning. Unfortunately, I had to QRT in the midst of it. It felt like every station in the world was calling CQ. Thanks for the Q's, mults and a few new ones for me. I can't wait for the CW version to roll around. 73 Kenny, N5EE Icom IC-7610 Elecraft KPA500 Pro 67B up 55 ft EFHW up 40 ft
N5QNSSO LOW 40MSubmitting log only to allow stations I contacted to confirm their log entries
N5ZKFSO LOW ALLEnjoyed hearing all of the stations. Contacts in new countries for me!
N6HISO QRP ALLQRP - 5 Watts to a 20 foot wire tossed into a tree out the window. Just spent a little time when I could. Nice to see 10m open. Thanks to all for your patience and the QSOs. Can't wait for CQWWCW! GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS! -73- John N6HI
N6JSOSO LOW ALLFirst license 06-2020 That was fun - my highest score yet in a contest and new DXCC entities! Date first licensed June 23, 2020. Also wanted to enter CLASSIC category but it only let me pick one
N6RVSA HIGH ALLIt was a gas. We need more contests!
N6SPPSO LOW 10MCasual operation.. Condx were vy good..Standard Oceania paths opened late
N6TVSO HIGH ALLGreat to see the high bands opening up again. I'm a CW guy, but it was fun to make some QSOs on phone for a change
N6VOHMULTI-ONEHad a great time during this contest. Looking forward to next year
N7AMESO LOW ALLNot a lot of time this weekend and then in the middle of QSO. Next year
N7GRCSA LOW ALLFirst license 11-2021
N7JOESO LOW ALLI had a great time and worked some new DX
N7JVJSO LOW ALLThanks for all you do! Fun contest!~ 73
N7LFOSO LOW 10MFirst license 08-2022
N7MZWSA LOW ALLMultiple computer crashes=poor results!
N7RBLSA HIGH ALLFirst license 07-2020
N7RQSO HIGH 15MPlenty of fun this year on 15 meters. Great openings worldwide and good to see friends again. Many thanks to my OM/tech guru/chef Bob K8IA who does all the real work so I can contest. We're currently at the mercy of a horrendous S6 northwesterly noise that makes running after 01:00 UTC for several hours on any band impossible, so I missed some opportunities there. Despite the challenges, this contest was a real pleasure. Thanks to everyone for your QSOs and hope to see you next contest
N7VSSO LOW ALLIt was nice to have 10 meter activity for a change. Conditions seemed to deteriorate starting Saturday afternoon local. Breaking the pileups, with low power, and wires, was a challenge. Especially the second half of the contest. Competing obligations limited my BNC time to only 10 hours. Thank you for the contacts. Especially those who gave me zero point multipliers. I hope to be back for the cw event and do better. 73, Steve N7VS
N7WYSO HIGH ALLK4D, KPA1500, KT36xa on 10, 15, and 20 meters. 40M2L on 40 meters
N8ACPSA LOW ALLFirst license 12-2020 First licensed 12/22/2020 as KE8QFQ
N8AJMSO LOW ALLOperator age 15
N8IESO HIGH ALLHad fun with paying around the in the new shack
N8IISO LOW 10MPoor conditions over polar paths, no zone 1,27, or 40 worked let alone anything from central or east Asia except 3 weak JA's. Excellent EU opening Sunday with activity from below 28300 up to 29000 KHz! Conditions were better the week before the WW
N8VWSO LOW 10M10m was hot! So cool to hear a dad helping their kid work the contest (DN4AN), all the South American stations and many old friends. CQWW is the best!
N8YXRMULTI-ONE LOWGreat to be back!!!! Moved over the summer and got a G5RV up
N9ARXSO LOW ALLFirst CQWW Contest Entry. First contest in about 20 years. Had great fun!
N9ATFSO LOW ALLFirst license 02-2021
N9GQASO HIGH ALLHad a good time with the little time I could operate. Thanks and 73, Josh, N9GQA

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