Call | Category | Comments |
M0KUK | SO LOW ALL | First license 07-2020 First licenced: July 2020 |
M0LKW | SA LOW ALL | First license 08-2020 First licensed 6th August 2020 |
M0LYB | SO LOW ALL | First license 04-2021 Rookie |
M0MCV | SO HIGH ALL | Enjoyable but tiring after 34 hours with little sleep. Great to see the higher bands in good shape and a few new band slots too! |
M0MGZ | SO LOW ALL | First license 11-2021 Date first licensed 11-Nov-2021 |
M0NVK | SA LOW ALL | First license 08-2020 First Licensed 15-Aug-2020 M7NVK |
M0RKK | SA LOW ALL | First license 05-2020 28/05/2020 first licenced |
M0ROZ | SO LOW ALL | First license 06-2020 |
M0XFJ | SA LOW ALL | First license 03-2021 Licensed March 2021 |
M0XXJ | SO LOW ALL | Great conditions on 10 meters |
M0YKS | SO LOW ALL | Great conditions, lots of good ops. Tnx! |
M0YTE | SO LOW ALL | First license 03-2021 Date first licensed: March 2021 |
M1PTR | SA HIGH ALL | Great conditions especially on 10m |
M3WRL | SO LOW 20M | my 1st CQ WW SSB contest, I will be back |
M4A | MULTI-TWO | Our first entry in Multi-Two for several years. Nice to have some good runs on 10m once again. Thanks for the QSOs |
M4T | SO HIGH ALL | Limited time. 73 |
M6ENS | SO LOW ALL | Actually using 10w |
M6N | SA HIGH ALL | Great to see 10m & 15m were open and my newly constructed 160m T seems to work ok. Thanks for the QSO's, NK |
M6W | SO QRP 15M | Band in good shape but QRP phone without a beam is very tough |
M7DUO | SO LOW 40M | First license 09-2022 |
M7ELC | SO QRP ALL | Operator age 11 Really enjoyed this years Contest. Thanks for the QSOs |
M7TDV | SA LOW 10M | First license 06-2021 Just a few contacts for fun |
M7W | SA HIGH 15M | Just looking for dx |
M7X | SA HIGH 10M | FTDX5000+4 ele Yagi at 14M High Unfortunately local noise has made my QTH uncompetitive so I just do what I can and enjoy chasing the DX |
M7XTT | SO QRP ALL | First license 06-2020 |
MD4K | SA HIGH 15M | Nice to see 15m in good shape, despite Auroral activity. Could not hear a JA on Saturday, glad conditions improved on Sunday though. See you again next year! |
MI5JYK | SO QRP ALL | first major solo contest after heart surgery 10/15m were superb and if I could have gotten another 24 hours id have had dxcc on both bands. exhausted today but sure was worth it |
MM2N | MULTI-ONE | Great fun. No 160m antenna unfortunately which blunted our score. Great 10m conditions |
MM3T | SO HIGH 10M | Entry curtailed by QRM from TA3DE moving onto my frequency. At 40dB over S9 he didn't seem to be able to hear me asking him to QSY |
MM4D | SA LOW ALL | Just giving some points away.....waiting for CW! Nice to see 10m open. Thanks to all for Q's cu in CW 73 de John, GM4ATA |
MM7EST | SA LOW ALL | First license 07-2020 Licenced 24/07/2020 |
MN0VFW | MULTI-ONE LOW | A brilliant contest |
MW0MFX | SO LOW 10M | Operated from Mackerel Quay, Milford Haven, Wales - on holiday! |
N0JDK | SO LOW 10M | First license 05-2022 |
N0JMP | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 25 1997 |
N0LD | SA LOW ALL | Always fun at the top of the cycle! |
N0LRB | SO LOW 20M | First license 05-2020 |
N1API | SA LOW ALL | Best SSB contest in years. THIS is what the bands should be like everyday! |
N1DID | SA LOW ALL | Unfortunately I fell ill Saturday night, and Sunday was my partners birthday and our anniversary, so things were cut short. This was more like a 10M contest, and it was super fun. My only regret is I didn't get the 2 element wire beam up before hand. I could say 'the dog ate my homework' but in fact she chewed through two of the wires just before I could raise it |
N1HTS | SA LOW ALL | Only had a couple hours to spare |
N1JP | SA HIGH ALL | Absolutely great to work stations that I haven't worked in a long time. Accept for 160 all bands were good |
N1KJS | SA LOW 20M | First license 07-2020 |
N1KT | MULTI-ONE | The bands for us were up and down, but more members have discovered the joy of this contest and that made it more fun for all of us. Thank you |
N1LN | SO HIGH 15M | I decided to try something different for the CQWW-SSB contest. Since the high bands have been in pretty good shape, M2 at my QTH pretty much ended with Covid, and I am not a 48 hour single op contester, I decided to enter in the Single Band 15 meter Classic overlay category. To do that I had to figure out a way to make SP faster without using a DX Cluster. What I did was to change the configuration on the N1MM bandmap spot timeout to 1 hour and tell it to show non-workable spots. So, when I worked a station it showed up in the bandmap. It would stay there for an hour so on my next pass up or down the band I assumed the station was the same if the frequency was the same. If I heard a station on a frequency that was not showing a call sign already worked on my band map, I would stop and see if it was new. If so I would work it. If the pileup was huge, perhaps a rare mult, I would call a few times and move on. The spot would show in the bandmap as not worked. That made it easy to come back to with CTRL UP or CTRL DOWN. This process may be obvious for those that do not use Skimmer or Clusters, but it was new to me and made the contest much more enjoyable. Fortunately, the high bands were REALLY OPEN. I was totally amazed with the JA, Asia, VK opening on Friday night. I expected to work HI and AK, but WOW. Then both mornings 15 opened here at 1100 UTC, 0700 local time. So open that it was hard to find a run frequency. That gave me lots of opportunity to use the above SP process. That really helped with my Country and Zone mult count but my QSO totals will probably be lower than others. I did have about 6 hours each day of pretty good runs that helped break up the SP. Then a station would move close and destroy the frequency and I would go back to SP until I found a new place to RUN. As this was to be a more casual entry I was able to take breaks when I wanted to and then back to the chair. In the end I almost put in the allowable 24 hours, worked more countries than expected, and had a fun time. Thanks for the Qs and see you in the CQWW-CW. Probably not in Classic mode there. I am hooked on CW Skimmer! 73, Bruce N1LN |
N1SFE | SO LOW ALL | As I am recovering from surgery, I operated only part time, I didn't do a full-on effort. 15 meters was the “money band” for me, I made most of my contacts there. Condx on 40 were not the great for me. After hearing reports of 10 meters being open on Sunday, I spent most of the day there. 227 cont acts made it into the log on 4 bands. I had a great time. 73, Paul N1SFE |
N2EPE | SA LOW ALL | First license 05-2021 Licensed May 2021 |
N2HMM | SA HIGH ALL | Back injury limited me to three hours |
N2LEB | SO LOW ALL | This contest is always a lot of fun, even more so as band condx are improving |
N2NJW | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 18 Birth Year - 2004 |
N2NRV | SA LOW ALL | My first attempt at CQWW |