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2011 SSB

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Call Category Comments
C4WSO HIGH ALLGreat contest. Many thanks to my host 5B4AGN for allowing me to use his station. See you next year;
C4ZSO LOW 15MTHIS ENTRY IS FOR 15Mtrs - SINGLE BAND. Splatter & wideband sigs do spoil this event, Wouldn't it be great to have a low power contest whilst cndx are this hot! Disappointed to only margin- ally improve last years score, we do our best but lifeis tough forllittle pistols in this ssb leg of cqww
C5AMULTI-MULTIOur second M/M effort from the beach in Gambia. We have had a lot of problems in the beginning, part of our luggage with all the aluminum and glass-fiber was lost somewhere on the way, our PPA's were held by the customs, there was only 190V in the net..... but finally everything was sorted out and we were able to come with a decent station on the air. Since the propagation was NICE we hoped to cross the 50 mil mark, how ever the Gods of contesting did not approve...... twice black out - no electricity Saturday night and Saturday around noon - loss well over an hour of operation, significant thunderstorm with lighting and big winds and waves came Sunday late afternoon and evening and pull down our 20m antenna - we were still able to put it up again. It was audible even on 10m, so we gave up completely 160m Sunday and 80+40m was really bad - big loss since we were deaf for a couple of hours
C6ARWSA LOW ALLWhat a fun contest!
CE3GDRSO LOW 40MPower: 90 Watts, antenna: 5 element inverted V Yagi, 12 m high
CE4SFGSO LOW 15MMax. power output: 90 watts
CO8ZZSO LOW 40MGreat fun!... My primary goal was to improve my own record and I made it despite I should be QRT before the end of the contest cause job's duties... will see u all next year!
CT1AOZSO QRP ALLI want to thank everyone who made the effort to copy me in with only 5 watts (FlexRadio 1500). Indeed with 5 watts each contact is a real thrill and a great incentive to continue. ...Thanks again for all the contacts... See all of you in Cw...73 de Jose CT1AOZ
CT1EATSO HIGH 10MStill fun 20 years after 1st CQWWDX! Great to listen 10m alive again. 73
CT2KFASO LOW 15MRig: Icom IC-718. Ant: Homemade Dipole Again good contest. Until next year
DB3BXSO LOW ALLnice contest! only highlights picked out!
DC4ASA HIGH ALLEspecially enjoyed the loud KL7s on 10m
DC9ZPSO HIGH ALLA Contest-Ham is feeling better if the bands are free of splatter. TNX es vy 73 de Manfred, DC9ZP
DD1JNSA HIGH ALLIC-7700 ACOM 1000 hor. wire Loop
DF1LXSO LOW ALLGd condx on all bands - but terrific SSB all over - I like CW :)
DF2AJSA LOW ALLWhat a great fun ! Worked only with a screwdriver antenna from 10-160m Never thought about almost 1k qsos with a mobile setup. TNX to all !
DF5BMSO LOW ALLThese excellent condition 's on 10 m and 15 m made the contest to an fantastic weekend !
DF5PKSO HIGH 80MI agree to have respected the lokal licence rules and the rules of CQ WW DX Contest 2011
DF5RFSO HIGH 10MRig IC-775 200W, 2el Moxon The best 10m conds since years
DF5TRSO LOW ALLHave had only few hours of time for this great contest, anyway I will send you my little log! I used the following equipment: TS-440S and Inverted-Vee 2x13m long and 8m high
DF6YCSA LOW ALLohh woh, very nice con-dx on the high-bands, 10 m wide open - very nice. A small problem with the non rotating three-element-beam. We meet us again next time. 73 Michael DF6YC
DG0OMSO LOW ALLFT-897D, 100Watt, Ant:Windom FD-6
DG1KTSSO LOW ALLUsed an Elecraft K2 (#6809) whick has no 100W PA, so my maximum possible power in my shack is 15W anyway
DG2BHBSA LOW ALLMany thanks for a nice time on air with great opening on 10m. Hope to see you again next year!
DG3FKSA HIGH 15M>100 Dupes are strange, sorry for all they logged my Call as DJ3FK, DF3FK, DL3FK, etc. or believed the wrong Clusterspots :-(
DH3RBSO LOW 10MFLEX-5000, multiband vertical antenna DX 88 by Hygain, 100w
DH4PSGSA LOW ALLHello, only playing a little in this year...best condx since a lot of years...a "couple" of stations in the air... looking only for new DXCC and bandpoints...shame on me... contest festival... 73 Peter, DH4PSG
DH6PFSO LOW ALLGood conditions on 15m and 20m, partly 10m. I have participated for the first time and I had a lot of fun
DJ1AASA HIGH 80MICOM IC7800, Heil Headset, ACOM2000A, 80m Monoband Dipol inverted V @18m
DJ1ERSO HIGH ALLFT950 ,Titan 425, microham digi keyer 3 element 3 band home made v ertical 40mtr inv-L 80mtr nice conditions on the bands ,it was funny cu all next year again i was 700 watts , but think that was low power when i see the signals fr om some stations
DJ3GESO QRP 40MQRP 5 Watt from FT817 via tuner Z11 to off-center-fed dipole, 21m long 8m high
DJ4WMSO LOW ALLIC-756PROII Antenne 80m-40m Dipol / 7 El Beam 10/15/20
DJ5ANSA HIGH ALLBeautiful condx on 10 and 15, a real joy to join the contest
DJ6FOSO QRP ALLK2, Topload vert.,2el.yagi, dipole Much enjoyed the contest!Looking forward to CW leg! 73!
DJ6TKSO HIGH ALLIt was very heard to work only with a Dipole up 80 feet
DJ6UPSO LOW ALLFT1000Mp 3 el.Beam Dipol 100w
DK2ATSO HIGH ALLYaesu FT1000MP, PA 400 Watt ; 5 El.FB-DX-506 , LW
DK4EFSO LOW 10MRig: Yaesu FT950, 100 Watts, to groundplane
DK4WFSO LOW ALLI declaire that all the contest rules and all the rules and regulations for amateur radio operations in my country have been observed and adhered to. I accept all the decisions of the Contest Committee. I cfm this.. de Ben DK4WF
DK5OCESO LOW ALLgd dx esp. on 10m 15m too
DK6NFSO LOW ALLRIG: elecraft K2 PWR: 10 W ANT: Hexbeam, Doublet
DK7ANSO HIGH 10MGood condx on ten meters. So my contest time extended from 1 hour to more than 7 hours. For work one band map (s&p!) I used more than one hour
DK8QUSO LOW 160MStation : K3 TX ANT: INV L at 60 FT high RX ANT : K9AY Loop , schieldet rotable loop
DL/JK2VOCSA HIGH ALLFirst time Visit for Europe. Contest and Sightseeing was enjoued. Many thanks 73! Yoshi

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