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2020 SSB

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Call Category Comments
N6WSSA HIGH ALLJust played around answering CQing stations
N7MSISA HIGH ALLAlways a fun contest and a great way to make some DX contacts
N7MZWSA LOW ALLTough going with 100 watts and a wire, no rig control, antenna sagging from ice buildup, and limited op time. NOTE: 'QRZ' should be the very last thing that you transmit before unkeying your microphone, and should not be followed by 'This is...'. This poor operating practice only serves to hurt your score and make the pileup more confusing than it needs to be!
N7NWLSO LOW 15MEntered as 15M single band effort this year. 100 watts to a multi-band dipole at about 25'. Dabbled a bit on 40M and 80M, but log submitted as 15M single-band. Claimed score is for 15M contacts only. Had a good time, and as always, many thanks to the operators on the receiving end of my contacts. 73, John, N7NWL
N7ODPSO LOW ALLFirst licensed in June 2018
N7VSSO LOW ALLOne of the toughest contests that I have participated in for a long time. Most contacts were difficult. Hope to be back next year and band conditions will be better
N7WYSO HIGH ALLK3s, KPA1500, KT36XA on 10, 15 & 20 m, 40M2L on 40 m, inverted Vee on 80m. Time on 20:25 RSP1 via WaterFall BandMap + N1MM Logger+
N8BAPSO LOW ALLDate First Licensed 03-26-2018
N8IISO LOW 15MBetter than last year, but 15M was very congested when open to EU. The lack of DXpeditions was noticed hopefully back to normal post COVID. The nice opening at 00Z start into SA and KH6.VK,ZL was a big surprise! Working northern EU was tough, did get most N EU countries except YL & ES. 73, Jeff
N8TCPSO LOW ALLBig storms at the start in the area. Still had fun
N9BTSO LOW ALLIt was fun!
N9NCSO LOW ALLThis operation is dedicated to Karen, KM8Q (SK). Operated by N9NC from the KM8Q and KM8AM station near Dayton, OH. Thanks for the QSOs! CU in CQ WW CW! Tom N9NC
N9OKSA HIGH ALLIt was nice having 10M open for a portion of Sunday afternoon. The bands were hopping, made some great contacts among the chores I had to do both days
N9RVSO HIGH ALLLine noise ended the party here
N9SXFSO LOW 15MThis was a hoot, work the world with 100 watts and a wire!
NA4DASA HIGH ALLMy primary rig failed after 150 contacts. The rest of the contest I used a Yaesu FT-991a. Not exactly a contest rig. Conditions were much better than last year. 15 meters was very active
NA6MBSA LOW ALL15 was good for a change!
NA6NASO LOW ALLLots of fun!
NC1ASA LOW ALLEnjoyed every QSO!
NC4MISO LOW ALLLoud QRN. 5x9+. Thanks for the QSO's 73, NC4MI
ND0CSO QRP ALLVery part time effort. 20 & 40 were tough, but nice openings on 15
NF7ESO LOW 15MAll of SA must have been on as lots of them in my log!
NH2DXSA HIGH 10MTen meters had a short opening to U.S just after contest started. Good to hear it open
NI0KSO HIGH ALLWhere was Asia?
NL7DSO LOW ALLDid Not hear as many Islands on the air
NL7SSA HIGH 20M20m and 15m very poor condx
NL7VSO HIGH 20MFun contest. Conditions up and down for me. Could hear Europe 57 at times but they were pointed to stateside
NL8FSO HIGH 80MNice Test wish propagation better I think a lot more guys could have been on 80M Or maybe it was my ofc dipole at 40 feet Regards Tim NL8F
NN4XSA HIGH ALLOdd conditions, but very happy to see some activity on 10M
NO2DSO LOW ALLDX contacts hard to come by this year. Still enjoyed it. Thanks. Pete, NO2D
NO9ESA HIGH ALLFirst operation from vacation site with new 40-10 JK Mid Tri 40 on 30m tower. Tower shunt fed for 160m and used as support for 4 sq on 80. Spiderbeam at 13m for multipliers. Flex 6600 with Expert 1.3k amplifier. 7 200m beverages. Performance much below expectations with only a few short runs. Lots of competition almost for each S&P. On the positive side, 15m was pretty good and 10m opened up even for EU. Mixed feelings about Flex6600 compared to K3
NP2JSO HIGH 160MConditions were very bad only thing worse was the QRN!!!! Continuous S9 Noise with crashes to 10-20 DB over S9......fun (not!) Got on few minutes start of second night then said the heck with it. Lets hope the CW weekend is better! (should be- 5 weeks away) CU all in CQWW CW! 73 Dan
NR0DSO LOW ALL15M is back, at least on Sunday, and a nice 10M tunnel to Brazil from Colorado as well! Had a good time, nice diversion
NR5TXSO LOW ALLLicensed June 2020
NS7USO LOW ALLFun contest, and I am glad to see 10 and 15 meters reviving
NX1PSO HIGH 20M24 hours in the beam had a feed line problem causing high swr. End Of Contest for me. Oh well
NX6TMULTI-TWOThis was another completely remote controlled operation from NX6T in Fallbrook. We had a limited number of operators with a limited OP time availability. Despite the HORRIBLE space-WX, there were nice openings on 160. 15 & 10. On the high bands, the secret was pointing the antenna(s) to South America and start sniffing around. Stations remoted into NX6T using Elecraft K3/0's, except WQ6X who relied on the classic RCForb connection software. Attempting to key the radio vox-wise popped-up error boxes, so WQ6X ran only S&P using pre-recorded DVK messages. You can read more about this at: http://WQ6X.Blogspot.com
OE1CIWSO LOW ALLAs usual really not easy with indoor antennas and 100 watts but ... after some hours of poor propagation due Aurora and reasonable conditions thank god we also had an incredible Sporadic-E to get also lot of contacts on 10 and 15 m! I could not use my 160 m antenna because of bad SWR with SSB frequencies. 40 m was my favorit band and i had contact with TI7W from Costa Rica ... but on 40 m i could not get any USA or Candadian stations in my log - Saturday i even could not hear them! On 40 m i also heard PT5J from Brazil at 0534utc, HI8RD at 0552utc but not a beep from USA/Canada. 20 m i could hear ZM1A at 0428utc but not even a QRZ? from him ... i worked him in CW on 40 m recently. SSB is not easy with poor antennas ... Sunday we had incredible propagation on 10 m so i start to work on 10 m at 0937utc and got my last 10 m contact at 1610utc! Every station i heard i could also work except EA8RM - no problem to work other EA8 stations. Worked stations - my highlights: 40 m: A60A, TI7W, A71AM, 3V8SS, HZ1TT, A42K 20 m: 3V8SS, EA8RM, VY2ZM, K3LR, K3WW 15 m: HZ1TL, A42K 10 m: EA8CYE, EA8TX At the end of the day i was terribly tired but happy to work some stations ... maybe i even had some fun during the SSB contest 😉. But i really don´t like SSB ... i definitely prefer CW because doing CW during a contest is a lot easier than SSB and is much more fun for the operator - i´m so happy to be active in the 2020 CQ WW DX Contest CW for sure 🙂. Thanks for every single contact - hope to meet you again in the CW part! 73 de Michael, OE1CIW
OE2SSA HIGH ALLSome great runs despite multiple visits of Mr. Murphy
OE3MCSSO LOW 15MTX/RX: Kenwood TS-890 ANT:HighEndFed Long Wire Power:100 W nice to see 15m and 10m open!
OE5TMULTI-TWODespite COVID19 some desperate OM gathered in the shack and handed out points. We certainly will remember this one
OG1DSA HIGH ALLWas supposed to spend a weekend at BY5EA but didn't get my BY-op visiting license before the contest so a few qso's done on remote in my home qth. Having very unstable internet connection, though providing redundancy through mobile network, long latencies is still a pain on a phone contest. Overall, my remote setup serves to feed radio bug until I get my paper and get in touch with real radios again. Fun though not too many QSOs
OG2XSO HIGH ALLFirst QSO's on 15 meters for 25 years
OG4WSA HIGH 20M99% S&P, testing new antenna. IC-7300, TL-922 amp. 800w, Antenna Depot AD2334
OH0VSA HIGH ALLThank you for keeping up the CQ WW spirit!
OH1MARSO LOW 160MKP10FK IC-756 Pro2 Inverted L 160 m

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