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2020 SSB

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Call Category Comments
K7ACZSO LOW ALLOperating conditions: Icom IC-7100, antennas F12 C33 at 80 ft for high bands. Slopers for 40/80/160. I am 2300 ft above sea level on a hill. I missed the DXPeditions of previous years. Plus conditions were not as good as they could be. 80 mtrs was not as good as last year. 40 mtrs was good except for a lot of noise. 20 mtrs was my best band. 15 mtrs opened up for me Sunday afternoon to SA and a few AS and OC. Hope for better conditions for the CW test next month. Still hate that people will call QRZ without their calls. How hard is it to give ur call instead of QRZ. The best ops do it all the time. 10/27/2020 1645L
K7EGSA HIGH ALLVery poor conditions. Only put in a couple hours
K7EZQSO LOW ALLGreat fun, my first World Wide contest.... super
K7TMSA HIGH ALLWe had heavy wet snow during the contest and the antennas required retuning often
K8GLSO HIGH ALL15 meters is back! 10 meters is back! Thank you SFI!
K8LFSA HIGH ALLDon't really like SSB contests but like to put in an effort to support PVRC. Even when I was using the old Alpha 76 power I found it hard to break pile-ups. I did work New Zealand on 40M low power Sunday Morning. Condx not great but ok. Some 15M to europe openings and never even tried 10M
K8OZSO HIGH 20MCould only operate ~13+ hours. It was tough to break through the east coast 'Iron Curtain' - even with a KW and a 2-element quad. Still... had a good time. 73, K8OZ
K8YESA HIGH ALLEnjoyed the improvement of propagation - with the beginning of Cycle 25. Lots of participants on all the open bands. I enjoyed the Contest!
K9AWSSO LOW ALLDate licensed 1/1/2019
K9CHPSO LOW ALLWay too many stations calling QRZ, QRZ... no call sign..!
K9IDQSO HIGH 80MDX signals GOOD but TUFF to work with only 200 watts and an elevated wire vertical. Always nice to 'hear' Japan and so many others!!
K9TYSO HIGH 15MPretty rough with only a wire antenna, but happy to just work some Q's!
KA0PQWSO LOW ALLfun contest Thanks 73 Matt ka0pqw
KA2ENESA LOW ALLIcom IC-7300 @ 100 Watts Various Wire Antennas
KA3PCXSA HIGH ALLpoor band conditons on Sat.!
KA5WMFSO LOW ALL1st CQ DX contest stateside
KA9GDWSA HIGH ALLWOW! What fun! Truly an enjoyable great amateur radio event. Thanks and 73
KA9KQHSO LOW 20Mdidn't have much time but did get a few
KB4IRRSO QRP 15MNice to see 15 Meters alive! I was at Grand Trace Conservation Area battling the cold but what a great afternoon for me
KB4QZHSA HIGH ALLTough contest with wire antennas. But I always have fun
KC1MBQSO LOW 20MFirst time in this contest had a great time! Will be more prepared next year
KC4CRSO LOW 20MSubmitting log so other stations can cooroberate their contacts. -
KC4TEOSO LOW ALLEnjoyed hearing from so many people around the world. I swear that by next year I'll have a voice keyer and an amplifier!
KC7QYSO LOW ALLRemarkably good 15M opening. High k index made Europe difficult from NM though
KC8ZKISA HIGH ALL1st ever CQ WW - Looking forward to the next one
KD0WANSO LOW ALLIcom-746 HF transceiver, 100 watts with a G5RV up 30 feet and OCF dipole on a mast up 23 feet
KD2UATSO LOW ALLDate licensed 2020-16-06
KD3TBSA HIGH ALLFirst time in over 10+ years that I have not been DX in this contest in either Zone 2 or the Caribbean as VP5 . Contest started off slow with a K index of 4 and fluctuated from a low noise to high noisy bands. Both 20 and 15 meters were the money bands from my location. Hopefully next year back to VP5
KD4CXSO LOW ALLFun contest. Thanks to those who made this a successful event
KD6HOFSA LOW ALLI dabbled with Cluster but it didn't help
KD7FQISO HIGH ALLYaesu FTDX5000, Johnson Viking KW Matchbox, Dipole antenna
KD8GCNSO LOW ALLGreat contest!
KD9LSVSA LOW 40MShort Time. Helped get more hams licensed instead
KD9MSSO HIGH ALLOpen bands are a good thing, and long awaited!
KD9NYHSO LOW ALLFirst Licensed 10/02/2019 and upgraded to General on 10/09/2020. This was my first CQWW!
KE0VRTSO HIGH ALLDate licensed 5/13/2019
KE0WPASO QRP ALLMy first CQWW SSB - I had fun and learned a lot!
KE0YTPSO LOW ALLDate licensed 12/18/2019
KE1VTSA HIGH ALL100-600w w/an OCF @ 50 ft
KE3NPSO LOW ALLSubmitted after 30 Oct. 2020 as a Check Log only. Duplicate QSOs (removed form QSOs below) QSO 14182 PH 2020-10-24 1500 KE3NP 59 05 DL3PWR 59 14 QSO 7221 PH 2020-10-24 2244 KE3NP 59 05 VE2IDX 59 02 QSO 7180 PH 2020-10-25 0322 KE3NP 59 05 IR4M 59 15 QSO 7154 PH 2020-10-25 0325 KE3NP 59 05 YU7XX 59 15 QSO 7172 PH 2020-10-25 0349 KE3NP 59 05 DR1A 59 14 QSO 7156 PH 2020-10-25 0355 KE3NP 59 05 S51YI 59 15 QSO 14176 PH 2020-10-25 1407 KE3NP 59 05 K9ZO 59 04 QSO 21386 PH 2020-10-25 1610 KE3NP 59 05 EA2W 59 14 QSO 7126 PH 2020-10-25 2252 KE3NP 59 05 ED5R 59 14 QSO 28340 PH 2020-10-25 2316 KE3NP 59 05 PY2YU 59 11 NA-USA Points: 31 x 0 = 0 Points. NA non-USA Points: 28 x 2 = 56 Points. EU Points: 66 x 3 = 198 Points. SA Points: 16 x 3 = 48 Points. AF Points: 5 x 3 = 15 Points. 0 + 56 + 198 + 48 + 15 = 317 CQ Zone Multipliers: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20, 33, 38 ] - 15 Total Unique Country Multipliers: 35 Total 317 QSO Points x (15 + 35) Multipliers = 15850 Total Thank you for the 2020 CQ WW DX, PH Contest
KF0IQSA HIGH 15MGlad to have some sun spots! Good activity on 15m
KF2OSA HIGH ALLGood news - 10 starting back bad news - Covid closed down Caribbean islands and cost about 75 band country multipliers
KF5KWOSO LOW ALLmade my money on 15m!
KF5VDXSO LOW ALLgreat contest as always!
KF7ROSA HIGH ALLFirst contest I've entered in over 20 years. At age 75, this really help to keep me mentally active!
KG4GVLSO LOW ALLKenwood TS-140s running 100w, to a full wave 20m loop. Contacts made on 10m, 15m, 40m
KG5VKSA HIGH 160MPart Time effort Goal was to add a couple of DX entities to my log on 160m That did not happen, worked a VE and a Cuban station after that was mostly Stateside for the needed zone I did work a Japan, Indonesia, Hawaii and a couple of others but again no all time new entities for 160m. I probably missed the EU opening. Still had some fun de KG5VK Steve

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