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2020 SSB

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Call Category Comments
JR2PZXSA HIGH 40MI enjoyed the contest
JR3JRISO LOW ALLANT:mobile whip 20mH RIG:FT-991A
JR3NZCSO HIGH 20MI enjoyed the contest
JR3RIUSO HIGH ALLThank you for QSO. IC-7600 KPA500
JR4BYHSO LOW 15MThe condx was not so good as I could not hear any Eu and AF this year. I enjoyed to contact with four continent stations using barefoot into sloping dipole
JR4CZMSO LOW 160MIt's hard to operate 160m SSB by my poor equipment. But enjoyed the contest
JR4LRYSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JS1BIBSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1NDMSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2DNNSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest!
K0DVPSO LOW ALLMy first contest, so I was not sure what was right
K0EJSO HIGH 15Mgreat kick-off for the new cycle
K0RFSA HIGH 160MThe high point was working my first JA SSB contacts
K0VHSO LOW ALLS&P on mostly 15 was ok running new IC7300 barefoot but
K1AUSSO LOW ALLThank you for sponsoring the contest . Looking forward to next year. As Hawaii is not in North America and is in zone 13 you should get points for working stations there from NA
K1LOKSO LOW ALLJust a few contacts on Friday night
K1MTDSO LOW ALLEveryone stay safe, stay home, and stay on the radio!
K1OCSA LOW ALLJust getting back on the air after a multi-year absence, so token participation only but so glad to be here
K1SOSO LOW 20MDid not get to put full effort into the Contest,, but had lots of fun trying to work a lot of stations
K1VRSO HIGH ALLAbout 8 QSOs from CQ'ing. I just can't easily bring myself
K2CDSA HIGH ALLNever called CQ. Just had fun making DX contacts
K2HVESO LOW ALLGreat Conditions!!
K2NVSA HIGH ALLMeager effort this year. Tower was down and tilted over for maintenance. Reflector 2 ft off the ground and beam pointed to the
K2PJCSA LOW ALLEntering rookie, first licensed 4/2018
K3CCRMULTI-TWOK3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W3GB operated Multi-Two in CQ DX SSB, with 6 ft. and plexiglas between chairs, and masks. Our goal was to beat our 2019 CQ DX SSB result. We did that, with 0.95 X the mults but 1.25 X the Q points for 1.19 X the 2019 claimed score. We also beat our best CQ SSB claim, in 2017 . With Kp of 3 or 4 for most of the test and SFI of 72, condx were poor on 160 and 80 M, fair on 40 M, but good on 20, 15, and 10 M. We clicked spots for the first 3 hrs 00-03Z and got 192 total Qs and 124 mults, with N3UM on 20 and 80 M and W3GB on 40 and 20 M. From 03-0530Z 40 and 80 M were slow for W3GB, but he got 46 more Qs and 28 mults. Early Sat. AM 1148-14Z N3UM got 137 Qs on 20 M in 2.2 hrs, mostly EUs. For the next 8.8 hrs 14-2248Z we were both on the high bands with offset breaks, and did well 150 Qs on 20 M, 138 on 15 M, and 18 on 10 M. But, low bands were poor in the 6.2 dark hrs 23-0512Z, just 100 Qs 45 on 40 M, 46 on 80 M, and 9 on 160 M. Alone for 2.2 hrs till QRT, N3UM got just 38 of those Qs, much like W3GB’s 46 Qs in 2.5 hrs till QRT 24 hrs earlier. Early Sun. AM 1045- 1610Z W3GB got 172 Qs in 5.4 hrs 116 on 15 M, 45 on 20 M, 8 on 40 M, and 3 on 10 M. N3UM got 17 Qs on 10 M by 17Z we were then QRT 17-18Z. In the last 6 hrs we scraped up 25 Qs on 10 M, 28 Qs on 15 M, and 22 on 40 M. But 20 M was best 117 Qs, 72 by N3UM in the last 3 hrs, 56 running, incl 5 loud VKs on long path! We got 114 countries on 15 M, 5H, 5T, 6W, 7Q, 9G, A4,6,&7, FR, and OD!
K3HWSO LOW ALLWorst conditions I have experienced in my brief 14 year contest career. Took a nap on Sunday afternoon. Was like watching paint dry. Not fun!
K3RLSA HIGH ALLWire antennas: G5RV at ~60ft, 40m vertical wire Moxon pointed to Europe at ~55 ft, 80m 1/2 Square at ~70 ft, 160m/75m loaded dipole in lazy U at ~60 ft
K3RWSO HIGH 40MHeard no 10m SSB activity at my QTH. Heard only 1 DX station on 15m during daylight hours. Daytime 20m domestic signals drowned out quieter DX ones. 40m had good propagation at night
K3SVSA HIGH ALLBands seem crowded. Some terrible splatter on signals. 73 K3SV
K3TWSO LOW 160MBand conditions on 160m could not have been worse!
K3WWTSA HIGH ALLThis log is submitted as confirmation for the benefit of the stations worked
K4CGYSO HIGH ALLGreat contest, good conditions
K4GIGMULTI-ONERadios: ICOM IC-7300 Amplifier: Ameritron ALS-600 TX Antenna: RadioWavz DX80SHPL | Cushcraft MA160V | Hustler 6BTV K4GIG (GigaParts ARC)from the KI4KWR/KN4JJA Compound off County Line Road in Madison, AL. Friday Night: 20/40/80m were the main focus and with noise floor from rain in the area we worked who we could and enjoy the time in the seat. 160m vertical got some heat appiled into the late evening/early morning and impressed even though SWR is low around 1860 right now but made contacts so I was satisifed. Saturday: Once daylight was present though wx here has been a problem with working more Q's we never gave up. 15m/20m were the main bands all day and worked who we could on this postage stamp property. Something we noticed and no doubt wx related was any storm to the south gave us Canada and NE US contacts. Into the evening once the storm was to the Mid-Atlantic region we were focused on finishing strong on 20/40/80m and we did. We did work Alaska and Hawaii with ease in the afternoon so that ensured me the antennas work even in mixed conditions. Sunday: 15m opened up nicely at 1200Z and worked a few before finishing up at 1700z. Observations: The 4 call area was desperate for Q's at one point on Saturday that several thought if you screamed into your mic you could bust thru the pile-ups...well did not work for them
K4PISA HIGH ALLI had not planned to operate the contest and in the beginning the radio was not connected to the computer so the exact frequency readout is not shown for the first 50 or 75 contacts, just the band, if that even matters.. 15 M was outstanding
K4PVSO HIGH ALLMy Antenna Farm is only partially operational. I plan to improve my antenna farm this year. Hopefully, this will help improve my performance with the sun spot cycle (25) beginning its slow climb. Had a great time. 73s and Look forward to the next one. Regards, Jim K4PV
K4QQGSA HIGH ALLRookie. Licensed 01-31-19
K4RFKSO LOW ALLJust got my shack together after a move and had a great time but I have to put up a better antenna. Heard a ton of stations that could not hear me
K4SHWSA HIGH ALLDate licensed 6/6/2018
K4SXTSO LOW ALLThe SSB is a tough contest for low power and only a wire vertical
K4TOJSO LOW ALLGreat contest. TS-590S, Carolina Windom compact 80 at 10m - 12m, RumLogNG
K5TUSA HIGH ALLCasual operators should read the rules. This is not a stateside
K5XUSO LOW ALLGreat to find some activity on 10, and a lot on 15
K5ZDSO HIGH ALLClassic operation. Only one radio and no spotting assistance. Suprisingly good conditions. Never expected 15m to be so good, much less have 10m open!
K6CSLSO LOW ALLVery rough Conditions, especially on Saturday
K6EZSO HIGH 40MTried EU multipliers on Sunday morning (GMT) but almost empty..... Thanks for QSOs, see you in CW event next month. 73 Kazu M0CFW, MJ5Z, JK3GAD
K6GHASO LOW 20MBetter than last year, but LP is a challenge to EU from the West Coast (as usual)
K6NDSA QRP ALLThanks to Will, K6ND, for the use of his fine station!
K6NRSO HIGH ALLNice to have 15 meters open to Europe
K6TUJSO LOW ALLAlways a fun contest, a little more challenging this year. (40m loop @ 20')

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