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2011 SSB

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N2MTGSO LOW ALLMother nature did a number of the East coast with an early snwo fall. Lost power for 38 hours
N2OBYSO LOW ALLDidn't get a lot of operating in due to the freak Halloween snowstorm, but much fun was had. 73 & good luck in the contest!
N2SLOSO LOW 10MThis was my first CQ WW SSB DX Contest. I operate an Icom 746, power set at 50 watts, with an IMAX 2000 5/8 wave antenna at 35ft. My expectations were low, but the 10M band conditions have been open for weeks. I was very happy with my result, approximately 180 contacts, and several countries. The highlight of the contest for me was around 2200 on Sunday night, near the end of the contest. I first worked ZM4T (New Zealand), then KG6DX (Guam), then closed the night with VK4KW (Australia). What fun, only 50 watts and a vertical you can work the world. 73 David
N2WN/4SO LOW ALLObviously 10 and 15 were the big story this year, amazing to hear so many signals on 10 after the long dry spell. The CW session should be very interesting indeed!
N3BM/4SA HIGH ALLIC-756PRO III AL-811H Force 12 C-3SS Inverted L
N3EH/4SO HIGH ALL1st CQ World Wide
N3NRNSA HIGH 20MLost Power during Snow Storm!
N3RSMULTI-TWOPower failure & icy antennas made this a bust. Better luck next time
N3UMSO HIGH ALLMy 10th year doing CQ WW SSB from this QTH with comparable gear. Biggest factors this year: lots more sunspots, BUT my BIC time was limited to 18.3 hr. vs 27.5 hr. last year, and 25 hr. or more '04 thru '09. Reasons: I had hernia surgery 3 weeks before the contest, and Sun. afternoon there was a concert I wanted to attend with my wife. Even with 2/3 as many hours, I found 11 more multipliers than in 2010, most of the extra mults on 15 and 10 m. Got only 560 QSOs vs 773 last year, so my claimed score this year was lower, though I did do better than in 2009 and nearly equalled 2008. Improved conditions best illustrated by my making 83 QSOs in EU on 10 m. vs NONE in EU last year. I didn't do quite as well on the low bands, simply because fatigue required me to quit and go to bed 1.5 to 2 hrs. earlier than in recent years. I always enjoy finding rare mults: this year HZ and ZA on 10 m.; A4, A7, and OX on 15 m.; and BY, HZ, C5, ZD8, and RN1ANC in Antarctica on 20 m. Activity level was excellent, as illustrated by the semi-rare EUs available: HB0, C3, and T7
N3XUDSA HIGH ALLGreat contest once again and good band conditions!!
N4DXISA HIGH ALLFor once in a long time, 10 meters was the money band
N4LZSO HIGH ALLWOW! Great band conditions
N4PNSA HIGH 15MWOW!! This was really a great weekend for CQWW. Too many nice surprises from all over the world to name...Worked all 40 zones when FR5EW called me on Sunday morning...Hope more of the same for the CW contest
N4RWHSO LOW ALLGreat Contest!!! One of the best. It was a fantastic DX contest!!! One of the best I have participated in!
N4TZ/9SO LOW ALLWOW! Great to see 10m open; sorry to see 160m not live up to past
N5DOSO LOW ALLMaximum power output 100W (Elecraft K3 barefoot)
N5DTTSO LOW ALLFantastic conditions on 10 Meters
N5MXSA HIGH ALLI do appreciate the QSO's with new entities during the contest
N5PDSO LOW ALLDriveway Mobile
N6ANSO HIGH 10MWow!! 10 meters was alive this weekend! What a thrill to work 35 zones and 110 countries. Highlights include: 9V1YC, JT1RF, ST2AR, 5H3EE, C91KHN, D2QV, 9Q6CC. It is amazing how many stations can fit on this band!
N6DWSO HIGH ALLIt is hard to be one of the great unheard. I am happy that I could only operate 7 hours. It limited the embarrassment. A stealth vertical and 600 watts doesn't cut it on the west coast unless you can only work Sunday afternoon when all the stations with big antennas have worked everybody else
N6EESA LOW 10MVery limited time for this one so I focused on working as many countries as possible on 10M running low power. No CQing, just S&P and Cluster spots yielded 101 countries. What fun! There's no meters like TEN METERS!
N6MISO HIGH ALLPortable operation from Alvord Peak, San Bernardino County, California
N6RVSO LOW ALLAll I could say is Wow! The bands held up all weekend! I worked over half the contacts on 10 M!
N7EIESO LOW ALLThis was my first phone contest after 172 CW contests using 75 watts. I need a linear. DX stations couldn't even tell I was in there unless they were over S9 with no pile-up. How do the QRPers do it?
N7JLCSO QRP ALLhad rig problems on ten, so started qrp, and ran off and on as time allowed, lots of fun, qrp was a challenge!
N7VPNSO LOW ALLHad a lot of fun. See you next year
N8IISO HIGH ALLHeavy heavy snow caUsed my wires to come crashing down Saturday, but not that upset because I had to work during the day time anyway. Plenty of JA activity, but 10 was only wide open to there Sunday evening. Not much of anything rare worked despite mostly all S&P. Most fun was start on 15 running down BD's,RA0's ,9M8Z. Also fun to work all continents on 20 in about first 1/2 hr
N8MPX/4SO HIGH ALLThanks to all It was fun N8MPX
N8MWKSO QRP 10MThis was the best conditions on 10 meters for over a decade. I used only a Yaesu FT-817 at 5 watts and a wide spaced 3 element monoband yagi. I hope the ARRL 10 meter contest has this kind of propagation in a couple of months. I am sorry I didn't have more time to devote to the contest
N9BTSA LOW ALLVery good conditions on 10 m, wish I could have operated more
N9CIQSO LOW ALL10 meters was as good as I can ever remember - signals all the way up to 29.200!
N9OKSA HIGH ALL10 and 15 M bands were in great condition on Sunday, open to SE Asia
N9UYSO LOW ALL336 contacts 211 multipliers 10 meters this year was rocking - like 20 meters on a really good day not that very long ago!
NA4CWSO LOW ALL18 Housr part time. Excellent condx on 10 and 15
NC4MISO HIGH ALLGlad that 10 and 15 meters are finally back and they were hot with all kinds of good dx
ND0CSO QRP ALLWow! What a blast! 10 meters was unreal: 94 countries and 30 zones with QRP! A total of 105 countries and 32 zones using 5 watts from the "Black Hole"! I had to force myself to leave 10 meters to pick up mults on 15 and 20. 40 and 80 were tough going with mediocre antennas. What's with the guys that don't give their call signs. Those of us not using packet spotting don't know who you are!
ND3RSO LOW ALLHad alot of fun. Great to see 10 meters crowded again. See you all next year
ND4VSA HIGH ALLCan't wait to see the big guns scores. Conditions were great with openings to SE Asia Sat and Sun evenings (local time)
ND5TSA HIGH ALLMost activity I have ever seen in a contest
NE4MSO LOW ALLBands are getting better
NF1LSO LOW ALLPower Outage affected the hours operated
NF4ASA HIGH ALLSore throat and cold and couldn't hang in there.....that is one of the many advantages of a CW contest ;) 15 and 10 were HOT !!
NJ1HSO LOW 10MR5 vertical, 100W Operation terminated due to Snowtober power outage. Used AC generator for essentials next 4 days

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