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2011 SSB

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Call Category Comments
KR5DX/0SA HIGH 10MIn and out the shack as I had visitors but had fun
KS4YXSO LOW 10MGreat 10 openings
KT4QSO HIGH ALLJust a little over 8 hours to spend to provide some contacts and gain points for our club
LA1DSASO LOW 10MUsing my Yaesu FT-2000 and a SIRTEL S2000 5/8 vertical CB antenna
LA1PHASO HIGH ALLIC706mk2g , THP 1.2Kfx 750w pep, Inv.L / Cushcraft R5 GP
LA1TPASO QRP ALLMaximum power 5 watt
LA1TPKMULTI-MULTIRigs: Kenwood 480HX, Kenwood-570D,. Antennas: 160m Carolina Windom, 15m high. 14m vertical with CG-3000 antenna tuner. QTH: Hegra, Stjoerdal, JP53FK, Wala V, Wanca V-21. Callsign LA1TPK is only in use when we are out working in the field. Antennas are made in field almost every time, up in the trees. We are not contesters, we only enjoy working radio out in the fields
LA2ABSO HIGH 10MFantastic condx on 10m band! Heard all 40 zones on 10, worked 35! Joined to work new ones, they were aplenty! Had a fantastic time, thank you!
LA6HJASO LOW ALLNice that 10M band was open SD worked perfectly to my satisfaction
LA6YIASO LOW 10MThis was fun, 10 mtr was absolutely incredible. :-), 73s de Rune
LA7HMULTI-ONEFirst time on CQWW with the club station. We used a FD4 abt 10m up for 40 and 80, a BigIR for the rest. 1K linear and FT1000
LA8OKASO LOW ALLUsed TS-590 and a windom during the contest. I used 100 watt
LU5MTSO LOW 10Mwww.bureaudeargentina.com.ar
LU7HZSA QRP 10MOperated SO2R FT840(r1) & FT890(r2) ALC controlled to stay QRP, 5W or less. 3 El Yaqui at 50 Ft as primary, 4BTV as secondary. Homemade SO2R controller and running home made software to integrate N1MM with OmniRig (PMSO2V/MM2OR). Good level of activity, lot?s of DX stations. Solar activity High. Better CONDX during Saturday than Sunday, somewhat difficult to work EU stations. However more number of stations on Sunday to compensate. Can not run more than 29 hours, mixed CONDX and sickness limitations All in all went higher than plan, very much fun and looking already to CQ WW CW!!
LX7ISO HIGH ALLThis is my best score I ever made in the CQWW Contest. I was not able to operate the full time as I had a flu. Thanks for all the QSOs
LY2OMSO LOW ALLRIG(s): ICOM IC-751; ANTENNA(s): Inv.V 1,8;3,5;7mc; 5el. Yagi 14;21;28mc
LY9ASO LOW ALLThanks my old buddy Albertas LY5R for letting me use his fantastic antennas field and shack
LZ2JASO LOW 10MRIG: FT-990D 100W ANT: 4-element Yagi
LZ2STOSO LOW ALLFT-857D, ANT1-Doublet, ANT2-Spiderbeam Many thnaks for the great Contest! Really
LZ2SXSO QRP ALLGreat condition on higher bands ! We all enjoyed it especially QRP fellows.The lack of proper antennas for 40 and 80 forced me to try the same category.Ihave to say that having a good propagation on one hand and directional antenna on another-you will not feel as " a looser " on bands.Of corce you need to wait until BIG GUNS working the desired station before you but it gives you a time to find first another one.It was 100 percent Search and Pounce mode work ,and I had a fun to listen and work very rare DX stations.It is not true that QRP is just loosing a time even without DX cluster. I will try to improve my aerial setup before CQ-WW-CW and to test it in LZ-DX-Contest.Good oportunity for all CW contesters. Let condition be the same or litlle bit better... ;-) 73 Boyan / LZ2SX
M0DCDSO LOW ALL1st real entry into this contest
M0MCVSO LOW ALLGreat conditions - 5 new DXCC. Everything worked on a full sized G5RV!
M0NSASO LOW ALLmax power 95W
M0TRNSA HIGH ALLMy first entry in a major contest. I was first licenced in December 2010 as M6TTH and got full licence and current call on April 28 2011. I didn't do very much operating with my home call, as I was also doing shifts at M4A, so just worked a few hours in between shifts
M1DSTSO LOW 10MDidn't operate the whole time due to family time but conditions were great!
M4AMULTI-TWOFantastic conditions; great to hear 15 and 10m back in good shape again. Thanks all from all of the team at Cambridge University
M4FMULTI-TWOThanks for a great contest! Hard going against the big guns with only 100W, but great conditions for our first club entry. Look forward to working everyone again next year!
MM0FNRSO LOW ALLFT1000MP 100W. Inverted-L 160m. LW for 80m and 40m. Cushcraft A3S for 20/15/10m
MM0GPZSA HIGH ALL5 years to get to 99 DXC on 10m. 2 days for 123 and 38 zones. Fantastic
MM3TSA HIGH 10MElecraft K3, ACOM 1000, 3 ele yagi @8m. Great condx on 10m throughout contest. Thanks to all who worked me
N0LDSA HIGH ALLThis is the first time I entered the CQ WW SSB contest! What a blast at the peak of the cycle!
N0MKSA LOW ALLMaximum power used was 100 watts
N0ODKSA HIGH ALLWow, 10 meters is back and fun! Did not even use the amp on 10 meters. Everyone had room to spead out all the way up on the band
N0SOSO LOW ALLVery little time to participate, but it was great to see 10 meters open
N0ZCSO HIGH 10M10 is open! 10 is open! 10 is open! 8-)
N1APISA LOW ALLRadio computer died one week earler. Scrambled to put up club's laptop and configure it for my radio. Then a freek snowstorm took out my power for the weekend and most of the next week. Fate did not want me to operate this contest!
N1BMXSA LOW ALLLost Power Due to Storm FT-950 100w G5RV 15m First BIG contest
N1DGSA HIGH ALLoh those sunspots! Best ever score
N1DSSA LOW ALLFirst contest filed in a year or two. Glad now dx is more the norm! Contest experience fb!Improvement. my times may be in error. Looking ahead to more contest joy this cycle. Old CT; &Old ctry file, & Corrected most clock errors but some times slip up to 10 min
N1URSO LOW ALLFantastic Conditions...finally. 10M was a bottomless pit of Qs, at times almost overwhelming
N1VVVSA LOW 10MGreat propagation however weather conditions here in New England were not good with high winds and a blizzard that caused a lot of power outages. . N1VVV
N2BEGSO LOW 10MOperated entirely from the mobile(parked)on 10m at 100w with a hamstick. Very small effort but still lots of fun. Highlights were breaking the pileup for ZD8O and working zones 25,30 and 31 right before the end
N2EIKSO HIGH 10MIt was great to be working 10 meters again!
N2FFSA LOW 10MThis is a single band entry but I want the all band score to be assigned to YCCC and to the Order of Bolied Owls club competition. Great contest despite a Nor'easter that came through on Saturday with plenty of snow and wind we did not loose power or antennas. It was a good weekend to be inside and on the radio. I decided on single op assisted, single band operation for ten meters. I did make a number of contacts Friday night on 40, 20 and 15 meters and also on Saturday morning and evening when ten was not open. Those points go to YCCC and the Owls team effort. My all band score was 800 QSO's and 805, 143 points for almost 24 hours of operation. With winds predicted to reach 60 mph or more Saturday afternoon I kept my 3 element quad at 30 feet for the entire contest. As great as things were it would have been much better to have it at 50 feet. But that was a risk I was not willing to take at the first contest of the season. Also I had no problems with snow static. Some experts claim that is because it is not high enough. The splatter may have made up for the lack of snow static. I started on ten at 12:57 Saturday morning just as the band was opening here and it was go all the time pouncing on packet spots. I tried running once and made about five QSO's before someone moved in on top of my 100 watts. I decided I would be a "packet pouncer" for the rest of the contest figuring I would wast les time that way trying to establish run frequencies. Fortunately my mouse hand made it through without injury. I also did not bother to load the voice keyer with the contest exchanges. My voice lasted but my wife did accuse me of yelling at the radio. She pointed out correctly that would not have been good in a multi operation. In 40 plus years of marriage she has learned more than I realized about the contest addiction. In all I had six hours with rates above 40/hour and two above 60/hour. It's not running but I probably had more mults than were I running. When I threw in the tower at 2243 Sunday night I had a total of 800 QSO's with 588 of them on ten meters and some 124 countries and 31 zones for 265,050 points for ten meters. It has been a long time since I had 124 countries on ten meters in any contest. In fact I am not sure that I have ever had that many. While I did not set any record I believe that I did manage to increase my numbers for the DXCC Challenge. It will take me awhile to figure that out. On Sunday evening I developed the feeling that every male on Guam was a ham. I neve saw so stations from Guam on the air at the same time. Meanwhile thanks to all the great operators in far distant lands who listening for my signal and made it so much fun. Our ears are collective well splattered after this experience. It will be fun to read others summaries and adventures

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