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2021 SSB

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Call Category Comments
9A7ZZSA LOW 40MIC-7410 ant. Butternut vertical
9A9RSO HIGH 15MFirst surprise was when I was looking for clear frequency, just at the moment when KL7RA was doing same thing. Radio was IC7610 and I was unable to setup radio in order that I have minimum splatters and QRM, and splatters where huge. HM QRO suddenly went QRT , and i LOST 45 minutes repairing it. Second day I was forced to hard reset radio.... Recently installed 3 3banders on 31, 21, 11m worked flawless. Need to improve radio setup for contest environment . Nice contest, tnx
9M2JBHSO LOW ALLFirst license 01-2021 19-01-2021
9M2SAFSO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2019 09-05-2019
9M2TDXSO HIGH ALLFirst license 11-2018 MY LICENSE DATE 11.11.2018
9V1PLSA HIGH 40MFirst license 02-2021
9W6EZSA LOW 10MLove to see the 10m band opening up again!
9W6JNRSO LOW ALLOperator age 16 BORN 23.11.2004
A44MMULTI-MULTIEnjoyable contest this year. Ops from Masirah Island, AS-014, LL90kp
AA3KSA HIGH ALLFriday night started off slow. Other stations just were not hearing me and at least the other stations in the Mid-Atlantic area. If I had made my normal number of Friday night QSO's I would have easily have made a million points this year. It was really nice to see 10 meters open and be the go to band. It has been a long time coming
AA4VTMULTI-TWOGreat conditions for 10m and 15m this year! With that and some antenna improvements, were able to more than double last year's score
AA5HSA HIGH ALLFirst license 10-2019
AA9ZISO HIGH ALLParticipated first time, learned a lot and enjoyed it. Will do it again
AB2RASO HIGH ALLFirst license 01-1959 Had a great time. Sunspots were awesome! Lots of 10 and 15 meter activity. Definitely need to upgrade the rig for the next one. Thanks for a great contest. - Janis AB2RA
AB2TCSO LOW ALLDecent propagation for the first time in many years
AB8ACSA LOW ALLI am too old to compete anymore in these big contests. So I just get in there, pick out a few and try for a new one. This time ' China ' thanks for the fun guy's
AC1EVSA HIGH ALLNot a rookie anymore!
AC3LZSA HIGH ALLFirst license 09-2019 Rookie
AC3MBSO LOW ALLFirst license 06-2020
AC4GSO LOW ALLGood to see 10m-160m open. Since I was running 100 watts low power and competing against most operators running amps, it made it difficult to get thru and took several attempts for me to complete a QSO. Heard many stations, but missed FK, A73, some DU's, BY's, YB's, etc. I choose not to use spotting nets as I like digging them out myself. Oh well, last contest, it was easier to make QSOs with low power, but may try high power iin the CW contest. Conditions make all the difference in the world. Kudos & thanks to all that were able to pull my weak signal out
AC6ZMSA HIGH ALLGreat conditions on the High bands. Many ATNO during this contest
AD0HSO HIGH ALLBest DX contest ever
AD1CSA LOW ALLSaturday was fun. The solar flare wrecked Sunday. I gave up with two hours left in the contest. Too many unruly pileups. Phone contesting is simply about being loud (and fast). CW leaves some room for finesse
AD2BOSO HIGH ALLMy Antennas EFHW 40-10 inverted V at 45 feet. 15 meter Vertical Dipole 4 band Fan Dipole at 30 feet for 10meters. TXV: ICom 746 Amp: RM Italy Bla 350
AD8HNSO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2020
AE1EZSA LOW ALLThanks for great contest and fixing the prop conditions :)
AE2WChecklogRemote opr
AG5MSSO HIGH ALLI found time for a few hours on Sat. All contacts using off-center fed 80m Dipole wire antenna. Good contacts on 80, 40. 15, and 10 meters. Still learning how to use Mac OS based logging program. Lost a file with 100 contacts from Sunday
AI6KMSO HIGH ALLIt was my first CQ WW SSB contest. i enjoyed it. it gave me a better appreciation for 15 meters and my antenna
AI8OSO LOW ALLI am new to contesting. I am inexperienced at calculating scores. I hope I got this correct
AJ4ASA HIGH ALLIntended to multi-op with friends but was unable so I chased DX at home. LOTs of Zones and Band Multipliers. Had a blast!!
AJ6NBSO HIGH ALLFirst license 11-2019 11/19/2019
AJ6QHSO LOW ALLFirst license 09-2020 Rookie licensed 2020-09-25
AK8ESA HIGH ALLFirst time with the FT-990, LA-1000A and the R6000/longwire from from this location. Enjoyed the contest and the fact that the bands were popping this year
AL7AFSA HIGH ALLCongratulations to the HD8R group they were there before, during, and after the contest
AL7LOSO HIGH ALLExcept for the CME which plays havoc on us here in Alaska, nice to see the solar activity picking up again!
B4TMULTI-TWOFirst license 09-1995
BA1RBSA QRP 15MFirst license 07-1994
BA2BASO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2020
BA3AXSO LOW 15MFirst license 05-2008
BA3MCSO HIGH ALLFirst license 05-2020
BA3MMSO HIGH ALLFirst license 06-2006
BA3NHKSA LOW ALLFirst license 01-2000
BA4SCPSO LOW ALLFirst license 08-2019
BA5ABSA LOW 10MFirst license 09-2010
BA6KCSO LOW ALLFirst license 06-2009
BA7LACSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2020 12-1996

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