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2018 SSB

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Call Category Comments
AG5NHSA LOW ALL 10/17/2020
AG6JASA LOW ALLSteppIR 2 element for 15 & 20, then I take that down after sunset and put up a Cushcraft R7000 for 40m
AG7GPSO LOW ALL 5/17/2020
AG7NCSO HIGH ALLFirst time participating in any SSB contest. Made my first ever contacts to South America and Africa!
AH2RMULTI-ONEWe have introduced new antenna for 75/80m which is phased verticals of 4SQ. It was working successfully to get many multipliers. However the condition from low latitude was much worse than expected
AI6INSO LOW ALLAlways fun! Thanks!
AK1KSO LOW ALLGreat fun. Thanks to all who participated
AK2GSO LOW ALLI received zones 4, 8, 9, 14, 15, 33
AK6RSO HIGH ALLThanks for all who participated
AT3ASA HIGH 20MNew location and with limited height of Hexbeam antenna (32 feet). Kiran VU2XE
BD7OBChecklogAnt: VERT for 20m, Long wire for other bands. Rig: Zeus ZS-1 Amp: 100W IC-730's PA unit. In 12 times calling after, worked EF8 station, on 40m in the morning here
C37NLMULTI-TWOFR4QT call "Out side of Europe" in Contest several times and dates 15m 21.251 14:10h I think is not the spirit of Contest Regards URA Team Leader C31US 73s
CD4PSHSO LOW ALLLic. First issued 21/03/18
CR2LSA HIGH ALLGreat but very windy place in the southeastern corner od Europe. Many thanks to Jose, CU2CE and Guillermo, CU4AB for their big support and the opportunity to use the CU4DX-station
CR5KMULTI-ONE LOWSuper Weekend,Radio,Fun and Barbecue!Will be Back for Sure! 73s CR5K Team
CS7AOMSO LOW ALL 5/19/2016
CT1AHUSA HIGH 15MRadio IC756PRO Linear ACOM A2100 Only 1000 W E Antena 6 Element on 21 Mhz I am im Holidays im Portugal but now I Live im Brasil * PT7ZT
CT2JBDSO LOW ALLGood contest but with windy weather and propagation up and down. Thanks for the points and multipliers
CT7/HB9AAPSO LOW 20MKnown call signs, and a few new ones, were improving their scores using spread spectrium mode, up to 17kHz. I'm working on the design of a "Distorter", thus giving everyone equal chances. Pre orders are welcome!
CT7ABESO LOW ALLMany stations despite poor propagation conditions
CT7AIXSO LOW 10MRIG Icom IC-7300 ANT Dipole PWR 100W Bad conditions on 10 this year. 73
CX3BZChecklogJust wanted to be in the party!73 de CX3BZ
D4CMULTI-TWOD4C team has worked a lot in the past months to get the station operational at least on a basic mode. Many hours of telcon meetings, planning, simulations and executing have enabled us to be qrv in the Multi section again. The House roof and structural issues belong to the past. We could focus in one of the planned projects: Antenna stacking. So not only two new towers for the 15m band were replaced but also Momobeam antenna company provided new antennas to be configured in a 2x4el NA and 2x4el EU configuration. We are happy of the results and we plan to extend it to other bands soon. This year the Guest-op team was composed by PX2A, Alto da Serra DX & Contest Station members who reached Cape Verde from San Paulo with 3 different flights. PY2EL Ricardo, PY2LED Fernando, PY2WC Waldir have been a tremendous asset to the core team. Special thanks go to PY2EL to have persuaded the other two guys to come over. Honestly in this leg, many inconvenient by flight delays, luggage lost have happened to 50% of the participants. This confirms how important is to plan an early arrival to a such difficult station in terms of WX conditions. IZ4DPV Max did an enormous preparation and troubleshooting work prior the contest. Moreover, our 160m antenna was found unusable, therefore Momobeam provided a MB1-160V 22m high vertical modified as Inv-L at 29m which was set with 100 radials. We had the feeling to be heard well again so confirming its efficiency. The category was decided on the last minute, also because of the potential missing people due to bad flight service and to a unfortunate surprise happened to part of the team just 1 hr before the contest that let us started with lot of tension and not at ease at all, situation solved on Saturday afternoon only. We are happy of the good teamwork with new mates and of the station performance tough without any automation at all as still in planning. We will keep working hours and hours back in EU to keep up the station and its improvements. Tnx all for the QSO and CU in the CW leg!
DC5LYSO LOW ALLROOKIE / Licence since 2016
DF5BMSO LOW ALLThanks to all for the QSO`s. Conditions were not the best, but OK. Till next year, UWE DF5BM
DF5FSSA LOW ALLFirst licenced September 14, 2016
DG2FDDSO QRP 40MOnly one hour of QSOs, but quite ok for a first attempt
DG2JASO LOW ALLAgain a wonderful contest. Bad conditions but good atmosphere. 73 to all participants
DG5MLASA LOW ALLCondx in south Gemany not very good on Sunday Is a nice Contest 73
DH0MBChecklogTarget was 100000 Points
DH8BQASA HIGH 15MBetter than expected! :-)
DH9DX/PSO LOW ALLIcom W 20-15m homemade 5/8 trap vertical, 8 radials 40m homemade quarter wl vertical, 2 elevated radials 80m 1/8 wl vertical, 2 elevated radials 73 cu next test de Erwin
DJ1AASA HIGH ALLRegarding QRL very busy in case of business trips to YO5/ until Saturday and OZ/ on Sunday/Monday 300 QSOs by S&P in 3.5h shorttime activation with IC-7800, ACOM2000A, Optibeam OB17-4 and 80m and 160m inverted V Dipols. TNX es 73 es hope to have more time in 2019. CU Mirko DJ1AA
DJ2QVSA HIGH ALLfew hours only. no fun with my small setup and all the QRO QRMers in EU
DJ6TKSO LOW ALLSorry, only a short Test for me, but SSB is not my Mode
DK1YHSO LOW ALL3rd September 2016
DK2MXSA HIGH ALLFirst licenced 06/11/2018
DK3HVSA HIGH ALLonly short time between a wedding invitation and a business trip starting sunday. But used the contest to test the new TS890 for the first time in contest
DK4VWSA HIGH ALLVFO transfer by CAT control didn't work always correctly
DK5KKSA HIGH ALLlic.date 02.04.2016
DK5TXSA HIGH ALLConstruction and testing weekend. At least one antenna per band again. Had to debug some RFI issues after being QRO again. I missed a lot of openings due to solder and installation work, but catched at least a nice 20m opening to the West Coast. 10m and 15m not worth mentioning from this place. First time usage of a band scope, which makes checking band conditions or finding a free QRG for CQ a lot easier. Running into a lot of friends on the bands after being 4 years QRT was the greatest of all
DL/PA3DATSA LOW ALLSunday, operating from a German campsite
DL0AOMULTI-TWOWe enjoyed the runs on 20m with the US boys
DL0ESASA HIGH ALLTRx. IC-3000, Amplif. ALPIN100, Ant. OB9-5 + Inv V 40m + monopole 80m 73 from the European Space Agency - Operations Centre (ESOC) Radioclub Op. Javier (EA1HEO) Thanks for organizing!
DL0WMMULTI-ONEClubstation DARC F19 Wetzlar
DL1DXASA QRP 20MKX3 + wire dipole

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