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2017 SSB

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Call Category Comments
JA3HILSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA3KDJSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA3PFYSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA3QOSSO HIGH ALLI could enjoy the very wondefull contest
JA3WNJ/1SO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA4BEVSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA4DQXSO QRP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JA4DWGSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA4EVNSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA4EZPSO HIGH 40MI enjoyed the contest
JA4JBTSO LOW ALLLog for chaking only
JA4OPWSA HIGH ALLConditions were not good, but I enjoyed
JA4RWNSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA4TUJSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA5QJX/0SA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA6DJSSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA6GPRSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA6ONQSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest. 1st attended this contest
JA7BEWSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA7KEDSO LOW 20MI enjoyed the contest. Condx was No Good Condx was No Good
JA7KQCSO LOW ALLI enjoyed a contest with a short antenna
JA7LLLSO HIGH 20MVery fun of having QSOs this year. Thank you
JA7QQKSO QRP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA7QVISO HIGH 20MI enjoyed the contest
JA7RPCSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA8AZNChecklogI enjoyed the contest
JA8CXYSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA8DJYSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JA8KSW/1SO LOW 10MI am glad to be able to participate in a 2017 SSB and Tks for everybody to QSO that its my ANT is no good condition due to comming typhon. also Tks for management of CQ-WW contest to yours everytime
JA8TGDSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest. FTdx5000 Ant 4elyagi FTdx5000 Ant 4elyagi
JA9CCGSO HIGH ALLI've met a lot of old friends through the contest
JA9EJGSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA9GEWSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JE1CKASA HIGH 15MI lost 80/75m and 20m antennas by Typhoon #21, so I had to be in 21MHz single band
JE1COBSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE1CTLSO LOW 40MI enjoyed the contest
JE1GZBSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE1KDISA LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JE1REUSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE1SPYSO LOW 80MI QRV on 80 single band low power. The condition was very bad as a last year. Because I have a very heavy Chinease OTH lader QRM. 2016year was 810 points.(This year) 2016year was 2027 points. 2015year was 2210 points. 2014year was 1610 points. 2013year was 1748 points. 2012year was 1242 points
JE1VTZSO HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest
JE4ADOSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE6ETZSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JE6PVGSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JE6TUPSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JE7KJGSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest. I would like to have fun next year
JF1LKLSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest. I do my best on the next time
JF1LMBSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1NZWSO HIGH 20MI enjoyed the contest

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