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2022 SSB

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Call Category Comments
EA2EWLSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2021
EA2GMSO QRP 10MThanks to all operators, you know working with 5w is so hard, but a lot of fun. Best 73 Javier
EA3BRLSO LOW ALLI had a big time. Awesome CONDX on 10m and 15m. Don't miss the Solar cycle 25 with great DX chances! Thanks everyone!
EA3FHPSO QRP 10MThe DXCC country of EA3FHP is Catalonia
EA3FZTSO LOW ALLIn the end 10 m open!
EA3IMRSO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2021
EA3INDSO HIGH ALLFirst license 07-2021
EA4DESA HIGH 10MUn gusto participar un año más! :D
EA4HKFSO LOW ALLFirst license 09-2020
EA4HKVSO HIGH ALLFirst license 11-2020
EA4HLZSO LOW ALLFirst license 02-2021
EA4HOTSA LOW ALLFirst license 07-2021
EA4HQVSA HIGH ALLFirst license 02-2022 ROOKIE 02-2022
EA4HSYSO QRP ALLFirst license 07-2022
EA5JBGSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2020 License obtained on 27-07-2020
EA5JDGSO LOW ALLvery happy of participating this year my conditions were 20W + wire dipole glad to have made some nice DX contacts
EA5JEGSA LOW ALLFirst license 04-2021
EA6SXSA LOW 10MVery busy nowadays unfortunately taking care of mom, but could manage to work on sunday with FB results and with great propagation. Thanks to all. 73,s Mike EA6SX
EA7VASO LOW 10MVery Funny
EA7ZSA LOW 10MNice propagation on 10 meters this year
EA8AQVSO LOW ALLYaesu FT-897D Dipole Windom 80 w
EA8DIGSO QRP 40MJust having some QRP fun afer the 24 hour Classic as ED8M :-)
EA8DNFChecklogFirst license 07-2022
EB3EPRSO QRP 10M5W and 1/4 wave antenna here. Operation only during saturday and not full time. Have been fun to be back to HF contest after several years
ED1RMULTI-TWOFantastic contest as always, great opeing at 10m. CU at CW Part. 73 de ED1R TEAM
ED3ZSA LOW ALLHi, Many thanks for the QSOs. It was my first SO2R try. very interesting and more fun. It is a field day style (portable) station. See you in the CW version. 73s, Doug, ED3Z / EA3ICJ
ED5ISO LOW 10MGreat fun even on my 5/8 vertical
ED8MSO HIGH ALLMy 1st full-time contest efort from EA8 :-) 73 !
EE1GMULTI-ONEWe are the most time without internet help for We lost the wifi
EE7LSO HIGH 80MAnother great experience. 73s
EF5TSA HIGH ALLFirst license 12-2020
EF8BBMSO HIGH 10MFT1000MP, SPE 1,3K linear (700W) and vertical for 28MHz
EI3LCSO LOW ALLenjoyable contest, sd logger very helpful
EI4GNBSO LOW ALLRSI from triggering my voice keyer, and a return to pleasant surprises made this a CQWW of quality & distinction! Once again, never a dull moment
EI5KGSO HIGH ALLGreat conditions Everything worked well for a change The bit of annual maintenance was worth it !!
EI6HZBSA LOW ALLJust antenna testing, especially on 40m. Nice contest as usual
EI7INBSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2021 licence 1 year figured out a lot of functions of sd in this contest
EI7LCSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2022 My first CQWW. Great fun and lots of good DX
EI7MMULTI-TWOConditions are definitely improving, at last! Hopefully, next year Far East conditions on the highest bands will open for us on the short-path it was great to see long-path in good shape this time, which is a good sign, but not so many use it when SP is open to other parts of Europe. Congrats to everyone for getting on and having a good time after a tough couple of years, and thanks for all the QSOs. We took a free choice, this time, not to press the single button in DxLog to post a live score. Sometimes it's nice to sit back, relax, let the contest run its course, and remove oneself from today's 'want it all, now' culture. Ireland is a beautiful, relaxing country, and we can offer deep meditation for anyone that gets stressed by not knowing what our score is, or which section we're in - we take their concern as a compliment )
EI8KWSA LOW 40MOperator age 13
EI9HXSA LOW 40MThanks for a great contest, i was disappointed i was not able to finish the contest as I got sick and had to pull out. Conditions were very good & my antennas worked very well Obti Beam 3-element full size beam @ 100ft (30m) and a Gap Voyger DX Verticle
EI9IKBSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2022
ES1TARSO LOW 20MPropagation up and down, but overall OK
ES5MELSO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2021
ES5TVISO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2022
EW7TSWSA LOW 40MFirst license 07-2021

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