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2019 SSB

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Call Category Comments
YO9XCSA HIGH 15MRIG Tnx for good contest!
YP8VSMULTI-ONE LOWYaesu FT-2000 (100W) , OCF antenna in 160 m , GP antenna in 80 & 40 m , D-loop antenna in 80 m , Inv-V antenna in 80 & 40 m , 4/4/8 elm Yagi in 20/15/10 m
YU1LMSA QRP ALLCONDX very changeable very high level of noise hard for real QRP!
YU1TUFSA HIGH ALLFirst licenced in 2016-12-27. Worked @YT5K contest location KN04EQ
YW6CQSA HIGH ALLcrazy conditions from a 9+30 qrm saturday on all bands to CHANGE and give a surprise on sunday with openinigs from 10 to 40mts especially on 10 and 15 hope improve even more for cw part 73 YW6CQ op yv6bxn mel
YY5AEPSO LOW 40M'Class A' amateur radio permit on April 24, 2018
YY5RABSO LOW 40M1st licenced 01-14-2019
ZA1FSO LOW ALL 5/25/1995
ZL1YESO LOW ALLAlways a struggle with the noise wall in this huge contest
ZL2MFSO HIGH ALLBand conditions on Saturday were dreadful but amazing to see a brief opening on 15m. Sunday conditions a bit better. Gave up on Sunday night as brain couldnt take anymore static from weekenders power tools!! IC7300/KPA500 3eletriband+ 40m rotating dipole
ZL2RXSA HIGH ALLHardly any QSO daytime 40 metres did work at night but poor generally
ZL2WSO HIGH 40Mdue to various commitments this is a rather limited entry this year
ZM4TMULTI-TWOYouth Contest Participation
ZW5BMULTI-MULTINice to have a bi-national team for our MM effort. Surprisely good propagation on first day, and very bad on the second day. Thanks for being on our log 73 Oms PY5EG
ZY2RSA LOW ALL 12/5/2017
ZZ3ZZMULTI-ONENice contest, in spite of the very severe storm on the second night (sunday at 3 am, local time) with thunders and lightning everywere. The first 24h were just amazing specialy on 15m with a non stop operation, but we had to stop the operations, due to this storm. All bands were widely open and many pile ups were formed. First time for this Multi Single effort and, in our opinion, a tremedous result for only 30h of operation. See you next contest! ZZ3ZZ team

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