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2022 SSB

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Call Category Comments
JA9LXSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA9NEGSO LOW 20MI enjoyed the contest
JA9TQYSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE1FQVSA HIGH 10MAll logs except 10M are only for check-log
JE1GZBSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JE1ICUSO LOW ALLI enjoyed Contest
JE1QHPSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE1RXJSO HIGH 10MI operated my 2nd Shack. I enjoyed 10m condition in the contest. Cycle 25 has begun
JE1SPYSO LOW 160MI paticipate in 160m low power. This was the 3rd SSB contest since the 160m SSB was lifted in Japan. Japan's 160m SSB band has only 30KHz witdh, from 1845 to 1875KHz(LSB lower limit is 1848KHz). On the other hand, domestic local rag chews are always held during the contest. Local lag chews in Europe and the United States are performed at frequencies of 1880 KHz or higher, but in Japan, SSB DX WINDOW and domestic lag chews are mixed. Furthermore, DX SSB stations cannot be called because SSB is prohibited below 1845 KHz. Western stations will surely earn points if they use the Internet etc. to find frequencies that are not lag chewed in Japan and have them run CQ! My score was 154 in 2020, 171 in 2021,209 in 2022
JE2DODSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE2LPCSO HIGH 15MI enjoyed the contest
JE3EDJSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JE3GARSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JE3OUUSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest. Thanks a lot !! I will join in CQ WW DX CW
JE3RMQSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE4ADOSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE4USZSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE6CMGSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE6DNNSO HIGH 15MI enjoyed the contest
JE6PJPSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE6WGTSO HIGH ALLI could not aparticipate full time in this year. But I enjoyed contest as every year
JE7GSUSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE7KJGSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest. I would like to have fun next year
JE7KTISO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE7SRKSO LOW 40MI enjoyed the contest
JE8IASSO LOW 10MTNX! I attended for the first time in seven years. I will try my best to be in the CW division next year
JE8UHYSO LOW ALLRIG: ICOM IC-7300 50W ANT: Mobile Whip Operator's License: Japanese 2nd class Very fun contest. I want to spend much longer period next year
JE9EMASO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE9PFDSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1GZZSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JF1HAJSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest. Thank you
JF1LMBSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1NHDSO HIGH ALLMany thanks to my host for the chance to operate his capable station and for his gracious hospitality. It was a pleasure to be here
JF1TEUSO LOW 20MThe propagation is gradually improving, so I enjoyed the DX contest
JF1UMKSA HIGH 40MI enjoyed the contest
JF2CTSSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF2FIUSO HIGH ALLThank you all stations
JF2KWMSO LOW 15MFTDX3000M(50W) Whip on my balcony.(20mH)
JF2WXSSO LOW 40MI enjoyed the contest
JF3DCHSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF3KCHSO HIGH ALLFTDX5000(200W) & VD(10mh) I enjoyed the contest
JF3KQASA QRP 20MI enjoyed CQ WW DX contest with QRP+Wire ANTs. CU AGN next year!
JF3LOPSA HIGH 10MPropagation on Sunday was excellent! I enjoyed the contest!
JF3PLFSO LOW 15MI enjoyed pileups for just about 30 minutes before ending. The condition was superb. I could log 6 stations per minute with 100W and 4 element TRI-bander. I hope the Cycle-25 will continue as long as possible
JF3RLVSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF9JTSSA LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JF9QYVSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG1CMTSO LOW 20MOperator age 22 2000
JG1GCOSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JG1ITHSO HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest

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