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2019 SSB

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Call Category Comments
JR3RIUSO HIGH ALLNot so bad for condition
JR4BYHSO LOW 15MNo heard NA,EU,AF with my dipole,but enjoyed.Many Thanks!
JR4LRYSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JR6HMJ/1SO QRP ALLI enjoyed the contest. FT-991aM with Delta-loop + FC-40 / QRP5W
JS1BIBSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1NDMSO HIGH 40MI enjoyed the contest
JS6SRYSO LOW 20MI enjoyed the contest
JW5EMULTI-TWONot the best condx for contesting from the 78N! CU next year. 73 from JW5E
K0BWQSO LOW ALL100W 40M CFZ in Attic
K0EJSO HIGH ALLRough condx but great activity - South Americans saved the day!
K0HDSO HIGH ALLFirst time entering the contest
K0JJRSO HIGH ALLBand QSOs Pts ZN Cty 1.8 9 14 3 3 3.5 24 46 9 13 7 36 77 13 25 14 150 413 20 57 21 69 182 13 36 Total 288 732 58 134 Score
K0RCSA LOW ALLConditions were so poor on Friday that I went out and bought a new radio. It didn't help!
K0UKSA LOW ALL10 and 15 were in from SA with gusto. PTL 73
K0VHSO LOW ALLFirst time in 5 years! 2014=45,908 score just 10 meters vs 1 QSO on 10
K1IDXSA LOW ALLLicensed less than 3 years
K1IRMULTI-TWOAlthough we dealt with propagation challenges, equipment and antenna issues and competing life commitments, we found ways to really enjoy the contest. We had pileup wins, nice runs and unusual multipliers calling in. Although solar activity was way down, we still worked at least 21 countries on both 160 and 10m. Thanks to Lars KE1J for maximizing our operating time, and to Martin AA1ON for filling in on Sunday afternoon on a moment's notice, even though he was exhausted after just returning from international travel. And, thanks to Marty NN1C for selflessly helping out with some big antenna projects, even though he would not be operating with us. We're especially appreciative of the high levels of participation and persistence of the smaller stations from around the world who kept calling and repeating until we got the call sign right. Congratulations to all those submitting excellent scores representing enviable team and individual efforts in all categories. 73 Jim K1IR Go YCCC!
K1JHSSO LOW ALLSorry for the late submission
K1MTDSO LOW ALLThe CQ WW DX is one of the best contests ever. This year I had a grand time working weak stations that were sandwiched between two or more loud ones. If it sounded like a challenging contact, I went for it. Lots of listening, tuning, timing, antenna switching. Fun!
K1NIKSO HIGH ALLLicensed 2019-8-9
K1SGKSO HIGH ALLLicensed on 2019-09-21
K1VWQSO LOW ALLSadly, Had To Work... Played Radio For A Few Hours... Thanks For Hosting
K2HVESO LOW 40MThank You CQ!
K3CCRMULTI-TWOK3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W3GB operated Multi-2 in 2019 CQ WW SSB. At the start we got 107 Qs, 256 points, and 89 mults 00-04Z, most on 80 and 40m. but 14 Qs on 20m. Sat. AM 10-13Z W3GB did well alone 8 Qs and 11 mults on 40m, then 101 Qs and 52 mults on 20 for 316 total QSO pts. We were both on most of 1300-2030Z for 273 Qs, 126 mults, and 762 pts, all on 20 and 15m except for (surprise!) 14 Qs on 10m. After a supper break, W3GB was on 2247-0347Z, some on 20 but mostly on 80m. N3UM was on 40 and 160m 2333-0215Z, then quit to be up early. Combined we got 168 Qs, 476 pts, and 76 mults. N3UM was on alone 1220-1540Z Sun. for 112 Qs, 326 pts, and 30 mults, 57 of the 112 Qs on 15m. From 17-22Z each of us were ~70% BIC we got 131 Qs, mostly on 15 and 20m, 367 pts, and 26 mults. Our best 1-hour rate was 18-19Z 62 Qs and 178 pts. N3UM ran 1800- 1830Z on 20m for 35 Qs, 33 of them EUs our only run. EUs do most running in CQ WW, since they get 3 pts/Q for both us and each other. Both of us were on 22-00Z, scraping up Qs with the few non-dupe stations still on. W3GB got 11 JAs in 20 min. after 2245. In the last 2 hr we got 48 Qs, 133 pts, and 16 mults. Our final claimed score was 91% of our 2017 best, when more sunspots got us 153 more high-band Qs. We worked 117 distinct countries
K3GWKSA LOW ALLEnjoyed the contest, first major one in quite a while
K3MDSA HIGH ALLTerrible conditions first 24 hr
K3NDMSO LOW ALLReally poor conditions
K3RLSA HIGH ALLA dismal start but conditions improved dramatically by Saturday evening
K3SSSSA LOW ALLFirst SSB contest operating in anger. Lots of technical problems discovered, some overcome, some remaining to fix. RHR station Blueberry, even in low power, was successful far beyond my expectations, and it performed flawlessly. Technical issues were my own on my end. All contacts S&P. 10M consumed too much time for the results it produced, and my available operating time didn't allow much beside zone 5 contacts for country credit on 160M
K3URTSA LOW ALLGee. I sacrificed a whole weekend for this? My last contest until conditions improve
K3ZJSA HIGH ALLOperation time limited to Sunday ~ 1400 - 2100 UTC. Bands appeared to be in relatively good shape given low point in sunspot cycle
K4FBISO HIGH ALLMultiplier scoring 38 distinct countries + 3 other band, 14 distinct zones + 3 other band = 58 QSO Points = 126 Claimed Score 7308
K4IXTSO LOW ALLRookie - I was first Licensed in 2018
K4KAYSO HIGH ALLdropped out early because of rig problems
K4LFJSA HIGH ALL 3/26/2018
K4SBZSO LOW ALLToo many DX don't give C/Ss often. Never say QRZ without your call
K4SQCSO LOW ALLA real challenge with 100 watts and wire!
K4XLSA HIGH ALLWhat a great weekend of contesting!
K5GNSO HIGH ALLLooking forward to sunspots that raise the solar flux and close up coronal holes! Lots of W's in this log, answering CQ's trying to entice a few DX to call in. It seemed the DX was very far away most of the time!
K5KHKSO LOW 20MFirst time participating, was just a very casual operator,
K5RXSO HIGH ALLTribander stuck WSW. line noise only 3/4 mile to my north, my only K3 with a subreceiver (allowing diversity reception) not back from Elecraft and, of course, poor conditions made for a less than stellar contest for me. Still, I put in 25 1/2 hours
K5WASO HIGH ALLVery bad powerline noise closed this contest early for me
K5XUSO LOW ALLGood to find some activity on 10 meters including VP6R
K6CSLSO LOW ALLWorst Conditions I've ever seen for a CQ WW event

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