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2014 SSB

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Call Category Comments
K1IXSO LOW ALLApprox 6H on & off Sat only S&P only
K1JHS/5SO LOW ALL10 meters was really rocking!
K1MCSO LOW ALLHad a lot of fun operating in a phone contest after 44 years of operating only CW. It was nice to have the 20 m, 15 m, and 10 m bands open on both days of the contest. The big learning step was determining how strong a station had to be on receive before he could hear my dipole and 100 W output power SSB signal
K1NOK/0SO HIGH ALLFirst contest.
K1WCCSO LOW ALLIcom 7200 with wire and vertical antennas
K2GMY/6SO QRP 15M4 watts into a ground-mounted vertical
K2MFYSA LOW 10MFantastic condx on 10 meters! Just like what to expect at the sunspot peak. Wall to wall DX from 28.3 to 29.3 MHz
K2NPNSO LOW ALLEnjoyed the contest. I look forward to next year
K2PS/4SO LOW ALLJust a few hours spent trying to throw in my puny-weak callsign.
K3BZSA HIGH ALL10M was exceptional, especially to Asia. Need more time in the chair
K3CCRMULTI-TWOK3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community in MD at FM18OW. In July we put up an 85-ft. tower on a hill, with a Skyhawk beam. We have two contest-quality high-power operating positions. We did a few state QSO parties with the new antenna, but CQ WW SSB is our first big international contest with it. We are pleased with the results, and hope to do even better in future tests. For details see the K3CCR bio page on QRZ.com
K3DCWSO LOW ALLLimited time to operate
K3EST/6SA HIGH 15MThanks to Ken, N6RO for the use of his great station! Almost no runs to Europe... almost all were S&P! On Sunday one European run lasted 45 mins. First time in 56 years missed zone 35! Friday night was a blast! Worked ~ 1/3 of all my contacts in the entire contest in the first 5 hours! Can't compete with stations in the Northwest...they can work Europe very well
K3STLSO LOW ALL10 meters was amazing during this contest!
K3UHUSO LOW 10MFun spending 45 min unsuccessful contact KH2L
K3VPZSO HIGH 80MFirst SSB contest really enjoyed working all stations!
K4DMHSA LOW ALLSuperb band conditions this year !!! Very disappointed the very high number of very low quality signals on the bands that caused severe interference with all stations within + or - 15 to 40KHz of their frequency. Many over modulated and badly distorted signals on all bands
K4IKM/3SA HIGH ALLWhat a great event! My personal best this year! Thanks to all the DX who operated and made the even special! 73 to all! Steve...K4IKM...Go FRC!
K4KAYSO HIGH ALLexcellent band conditions, had fun, not enough time to operate
K4TOJSO LOW ALLGreat Contest! Conditions on the bands were very good. Used a TS-590S with Carolina Windom compact 80 at 10M. Thanks to all who returned my call!
K5EWJSO HIGH ALLMy SteppIR is on the ground for repairs after a lightning strike last summer. I operated the contest with wire antennas, my Elecraft K3 and my SPE Expert 1k-FA Amp which gave me about 1 KW. My wire antennas were Inverted Vees on a 44 ft. pole with an Alpha Delta 80-40 with a 75 meter element. I used the tuner in the Expert 1k to operate all bands. I also have an inverted L which I used for 160 and 75
K5MXGSA HIGH ALLDate first licensed 08-31-2012
K5RXSO HIGH 80MEuropean signals seemed at least 10 dB below normal most of the time. I was hearing well but it was as if my amp were off. One of the very few highlights was a surprisingly nice little run of 27 JA's the first morning. The only other highlight was being called by three mults very late in the opening the second night - GW3XHG, GI3OQR and CU7MD. Two zones heard, but unheard in, were 20 and 24
K5WLSA HIGH ALLFirst licensed in 2012
K5ZD/1SA HIGH ALLGreat conditions on the high bands!
K6CSLSO LOW ALLWhat a battle with the solar flares
K6JEBSA HIGH ALLHad to run my FT-857D into an AL-811H for 400 watts into a Yagi/vertical/wire. Still having an issue with the amp relay (and I've tried everything but replacing the relay). S-9+ noise levels during the day on 20m and 15 while 10m was productive with stations shoulder-to shoulder well past 29.0 MHz. See you CQWW CW Weekend!
K6RAH/5SO LOW ALLGood conditions on 10 & 15 Meters!
K6STSA HIGH ALLAfter the solar flare black out of most HF bands on Saturday 10m was good and then all the band came back very strong with better than average conditions. Excellent DX!!!
K6TUSO HIGH 10MFlexRadio 6700 with Alpha 9500 SteppIR DB18E at 50' FlexControl & K6TU Control iPad app for radio control
K6UNSO LOW ALLLicensed 02/15/2013
K7ABVSO HIGH ALLI had 45 minutes to work the contest at the very end, I just got home from a long trip to Seattle...my shortest contest ever!! Thanks for the very few QSOs...was fun
K7ACZSO LOW ALLAS and OC did not come alive until Sunday afternoon. Many southern Eu stations worked but not many northern Eu. I could hear some dx on 160 and 80 but they could not hear me answering them
K7DDSO HIGH ALLMurphy lives at my house. It was fun
K7JA/6SA HIGH 10MI just intended to get on Friday and work some mults but had too much fun. Neglected the fact that Low Power is 100 Watts not 150 so this barefoot entry is "High Power." No deep polar prop to Zones 17/22
K7JANMULTI-ONE LOWVery fun with very odd conditions at times!!
K7JKMSO LOW ALLuntil next year 73
K7VSSO HIGH 15M15 meters wide open both days to west coast. Great time, great contest!
K8GLSO HIGH ALLA great time! I did not once get mad at anyone for not signing enough. A sign of age? Still using a single ground mounted vert on 10 and 15. I need my towers to go up!
K8TSSA LOW ALLs-9 noise for first few hours--yuck!
K9GYSA LOW 15MSSB is not my favorite mode but I handed out some QSOs
K9JUSO LOW ALLNice to encounter very good conditions on 10M and 15M
K9WN/0SO HIGH ALLJust giving out some Q's
KA3YNVSO HIGH ALLBeen a Ham for 20 years and this was my first contest ever...will not be my last. Had a great time!
KB0ARZSO LOW ALLWhat a great contest! It's been 2 years sence the last time I entered. TKS CQ Mag
KB3ACSO LOW ALLFirst licensed August 24, 2012
KB3YQKSA LOW ALLRookie: Licence issued on 27 April, 2012

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