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2021 SSB

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Call Category Comments
EA4HERSO QRP 20MFirst license 03-2019
EA4HIHSO QRP 20MFirst license 07-2020
EA4HKFSA LOW ALLFirst license 09-2020 Licence Date-30/09/2020
EA4KSA HIGH ALLTesting https://github.com/ea4k/klogserver a backup software just finished for the contest
EA5IXOSA LOW ALLFirst license 07-2019
EA5JAXSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2020
EA5JBGSA LOW ALLFirst license 07-2020 Date first licensed 27/07/2020
EA5JDNSA HIGH ALLFirst license 12-2020
EA5JNSA LOW 20MAnother year having a good time the whole band full of stations with a desire to do radio, and seeing those great stations on the air, working with Big Signal 73's 14mhz delta loop and good luck
EA6SXSA LOW 15MI didn't have much time and I only tried to give the multiplier in one band. LP for some RF problems with my son's PC. Excellent conditions, but when they left, there was no way to do a simple QSO with LP. Thank you EA6SX
EA7IIWSO HIGH ALLMany thanks for this nice contest
EA7KJGSO QRP 10MFirst license 11-2019
EA8/OH0XXSO QRP 10MKX-3 (5W) & inverted V for 10m on a balcony
EA8AQVSO LOW ALLYarsu FT 897D Dipole Windom 70 Watt
EB3AMSA LOW 80MIcom 7300 + SKYLOOP Antena home made
EC4AASO QRP 10MQTH: Madrid Locator: IN80EL Rig: YAESU FT-817ND Power: 5 W Antenna: Wire (6 m long) + Tuner (LDG Z-817) Thanks to all OM who listened and answered my QRP whispers... :-)
ED2BSA HIGH ALLFirst license 09-2019 First license: 20/09/2019
ED3DMULTI-ONE LOWYaesu ft 991A, triband 10-15-20, dipol 40/80
ED4TSA HIGH ALLDespite everything, I had fun with the good conditions on the bands
EE3MSO HIGH 80MThanks all for QSOs Very noisy band, full of splatters and QSB but fun as always! 73 Ariel EA3CX Rig: Yaesu FTDX10 Amp: Home made 8X MRF151 1KW Output Antennas: 2X 3el bidirectional inverted V wire yagis RX Antenas: 4X beverage 120 to 200m long
EE7LSO HIGH 80MNice contest with a quite impressive propagation on 80m. Looking forward other major contest soon. 73s
EI4GNBSO LOW ALLF2 is back & Beam headings matter again!
EI5LASO LOW ALLFirst license 09-2021 Birth Year: 2006
EI6GSBSO QRP ALLUsing a Xiegu G-90 with an end-fed wire. Location is Co Louth in Ireland
EI7FRBSA LOW ALLVery enjoyable
EI7MMULTI-TWOGreat conditions on the high bands but 40m, in particular, seemed worse than usual. Overall it was a good experience :) Like many this was our first group operation for nearly two years and it was great to get everyone together again! Thanks for all the qsos
EI8KWSA LOW ALLOperator age 12 Birth year 2009
ER1MMSO LOW ALLIcom IC-756pro3
ES1BBQSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2020
ES5RIMSO LOW 20Micom 706 mk2g antanna delta loop
ES5TFSA LOW ALLRIG Icom IC-9100, ANT 80m delta loop, PWR 100 W
EW/R3XASO HIGH 20Mtnx guys! 73!
EY8MMSO HIGH 40MPart time operation. Lost electricity
F1RHSSA HIGH ALLGood opening on 10 meters
F2CTSO HIGH 10MTremendous activy with amazing propagation in all directions with a lot of QRM ! 10m was occupied til 28,900 !!! Enjoy nex leg in CW !!! 73 all
F4BITSO LOW ALLGood surprise for the 28Mhz so happy
F4CPYSA LOW ALLL'important c'est de participer -)
F4CVOSA LOW ALLUnder 8 Hours of activity, just llike this, hight SWR problem on antenna saturday in the end of afternoon saturday, then QRX till sunday evening. GL All 73 de jay F4CVO
F4CZVSO LOW ALLHi, a very nice contest with the propagation comme back. Thanks for the CQ Team. See you next year! 73
F4DUZSA LOW 10MFirst license 06-2021 First contest in my life!! Many thanks and best 73from France!
F4FBPSO LOW ALLTX FT-897 + Tuner CNW-419 + Long Wire 27m 73 de F4FBP, Denis
F4FPRSA LOW ALLThis year the propagation was there, the bands were open up to 10 meters. What more could we hope for? That a geomagnetic storm is not in the game, of course, but that did not prevent this CQ WW SSB 2021 contest from being one of the most exciting that I have experienced. See you next year
F4HGFSO LOW ALLNee le 17 02 1978
F4IDCSO HIGH ALLOperator age 13 2008
F4IGVSO LOW ALLlicencied since 03/05/2019 (european date format), 73 de F4IGV
F4IRTSA LOW ALLIcom IC-7610, 100W, Deltaloop 20M, Dipole 15M, Cadre 10M. Very good Contest, 73. F4IRT
F4IXJSO LOW 10MFirst license 06-2021

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