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2021 SSB

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DK6VCOChecklogJust to share a few points
DK8NISO LOW ALLIC 746, Dipoles 40/80 m, 3-ele-3-bd-beam 20/15/10 m
DL/SP2RBASO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2021 ROOKIE 20.07.2021 SP2RBA
DL1BAXSO QRP 40MFirst Contest with the new QRP Radio TX-500 by lab599. Thank you guys for this fantastic radio. Ralf, DL1BAX
DL1ONISA LOW ALLMany ops with high TX pwr but no RX this year
DL1SBFSO LOW 10MSome QSQs on 10m only
DL2FQSA HIGH ALLThis time very short participation. Anyway enjoyed on Sunday the great openning to NA,SA on 10m
DL2KBXSO HIGH ALLYaesu FT 2000 +Kenwood LT 922
DL2RPNSO LOW ALLYaesu FT-990 (100W), 40m HyEndFed Antenna Good condx this year, especially on 15m. Could work some good DX, but not so easy with low power. 10m was also sometimes open - better than I thought. Tnx to all and cu next year - 73 de Chris
DL3AOSO HIGH ALLMy first participation in a WWCQDXC was in 1949 !
DL3CBSO QRP ALLlot of fun for short time with only whip antenna on balcony
DL3MLASA LOW ALLOperator age 24 Year of birth 1997, 24 years old
DL3ONSA HIGH ALLOperator age 17
DL4ANDSO LOW ALLExtraordinary band conditions, thanks to magnetic storm. Haven't worked so many DX for years. Thanks for the great contest and all participants!
DL4AX/PSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2019
DL4JLMSA HIGH ALL10m was wide open after years. That was fun
DL4NHPSA LOW ALLFirst license 01-2019
DL5CZSO LOW ALLFirst license 09-2020
DL5KUDSO LOW 15M80Watts, dipole up 5m only, pretty fair propagation. Thanks for picking up me. 73 Jo
DL5PIASO HIGH ALLFirst license 07-2019 Overlay: Rookie (License date 09.07.2019)
DL5RUSO LOW 40MIn the contest it is difficult to work with 100 watt DX station
DL6NCYSA HIGH ALLPart time activity - nice opening on 10m
DL6SBDSO HIGH ALLIcom 730, Yaesu FL2100B, Fritzel FB-53 Beam Member of DARC, P37
DL7ABSO LOW 15MFirst license 08-2021
DL7AOSSA LOW ALLBecause of time constraints only a few qsos here and there on 20/15/10m. Good activity, loved to see 10m open to the world! Rig: IC-7300 @100W Ant: 10/15/20m-trap-GP @ 2m (!)
DL7AUOSA HIGH ALLWas a lot of fun
DL7PIASO HIGH ALLFirst license 07-2019 Overlay: Rookie (License date: 09.07.2019)
DL7TGSO LOW ALLtnx for the contest
DL7YSSA LOW ALLSaturday we were facing superb conds :-) Sunday evening, CME destroyed everything...:-( Nevertheless, I had fun. Peter, DL7YS
DL8AAESA HIGH ALLMy first idea for the 2021 WW DX SSB was only to try to put missing DXCC's to my list and not really to participate in the contest. But then, wow, all bands open this year! So I changed my mind and started the adventure. At the end I was quite happy even if I missed my long time goals again, i.e. 1.000 QSOs / 1.000.000 points, but nothing failed, no computer broke down and I ended up quite close with 995 QSOs and a new personal highscore
DL8KXSA HIGH ALL10m was crazy, what a fun!!
DL8OBFSO HIGH ALLGood conditions over the major part of the contest, excellent runs on 10m and 15m, unfortunately some QRM during the last hours of the operation
DL8RDLSA HIGH ALLGute Bedingungen auf allen Baendern, schoene Runs nach USA, ein wunderbarer Contest mit viel Beteiligung! Und meiner 40/80m-Morgain-Antenne rang ich noch, voellig fehlangepasst, 15 QSOs auf 160m ab. Zusaetzliche 35.000 Punkte -) Unfortunately: why transmit stations after their QSOs only worthless 'QRZ?' instead of their own callsign? why do stations transmit on occupied QRGs without asking prior to transmitting? why are still stations in region 1 who transmit at 7.200? Uh, and why are stations calling CQ in SSB in a dedicated CW-segment of a band? des Bandes? 73 de Lenz, DL8RDL
DL8SDCSO LOW ALLonly 40 Watt, R5 Cushcraft Vertical
DL8TGSA LOW ALLGood conds and high activity, great weekend! Thanks for all contacts with my simple wire antenna. 73 Klaus DL8TG
DL8UISA LOW ALLUfb condx! Glad to meet so many friends. Thanks for hearing my 100W signal. 73's Ben DL8UI
DL9ECASA LOW ALLFirst license 08-1981
DL9GWASO LOW 20MTS570 100W Ant. vertical Dipole
DL9NDWSA HIGH ALLToo much overdriven SSPAs make it harder and harder to hear DX in EU Stubborn OPs are the fly on the soup too
DL9PKWSA LOW 20MOperator age 25 birth year 1996
DM0ASO HIGH 20MTNX to all for QSOs and hope to hear you in CW part
DM1MCSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2020
DM4ETSA LOW ALLRookie Lic. Date: 2021
DN1MGFSA LOW ALLOperator age 16
DN1NEMULTI-ONE LOWfirst contest of my son Simon (8 yrs) on the mike. I did the logging

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