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2013 SSB

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Call Category Comments
G5DMULTI-ONEAnother great contest ! Fantastic conditions on 10 metres. Thank you. The G5D Tall Trees Team. PS. 27-10 at 1249 - NP2MR/4 gave us '08' instead of '05'. Think it's his ITU Zone! 27-10 at 1321 - KB2OZH gave us '215' (which wouldn't fit) instead of '05'. Presumably it's a s/n
G5WMULTI-ONEFantastic conditions, but antennas relatively low, because of a forecast "storm of the century". In the event, hardly a breeze. Very frustrating ! Some appalling signales here in Europe - I asked one station if he could please not use 20 kHz of the band. He did something which resulted in a "normal" signal, but 20 minutes later was again taking 7% of the band ! This is an intentional "keep off the grass" and needs action from the organisers
G7NSO HIGH 40MI FIND IT DIFFICULT TO THE FAR EAST Sorry the frequency read out seems to fail at times. Dupes with DR1A and NN3W
G7NIBSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 80
G8ZRESO LOW ALLSearch & pounce enjoyable contest as usual
G9VMULTI-ONEHad problems with the HF yagi but a 10m monobander saved the day. We suffered on 15m and 20m. Kept an eye on the weather forecast for the storm which never came. Good fun was had by all. See you next time
GI4SJQSA LOW 10MWhat a contest. My second year of 10m single band but this year with an Elecraft K3. What a difference a radio can make. Nearly doubled my score over last year and my first time EVER of working over 1000 Q's. Superb conditions and the band was in great shape. Roll on CQWW CW
GJ3YHUSO QRP 10MGreat conditions but almost impossible to work nearby EU multipliers 5W to dipole not enough for back-scatter
GM0BMULTI-MULTIThe last CQWW we did M/M was in 2010 we had about 130 QSO's on 10m. This year on 10m we worked 130 DXC and nearly 2200 QSO's. As normal, the inquest starts straight after the contest finishes and we are discussing what we did wrong and what we can do to make it better next year. What kit, antenna, gadget can we get to make it easier!!! Can't wait for next year already but CQWW CW first. 73 and thanks for a great contest. Gordon MM0GPZ
GM2TMULTI-TWOGreat contest once again: Nice to see the high bands in great shape: Managed to introduce some new Foundation Licence holders to contesting, they all said they had a ball and learnt lots of things. Fingers crossed we have given them the "bug" No technical issues apart from loosing our 15M aerial and mast to an extreme high winded squal. Tore the bottom out of the rotator, mast bent and smashed up the antenna
GM2VSO HIGH ALLFantastic conditions - great contest - 73 !
GM4UBJSO QRP ALLConditions on 10m were fanatastic ! even with my feable 5watts, it seemed all to be long haul stuff with no short skip, 15m was just as good and open till the end of the contest. Just for a change the usual storm force winds hit the south of the UK and missed GM closing down many of the more prominent G`s hopefully they were all prepared. Thanks to all who worked me see you next year... Bill
GM6NXMULTI-MULTICongratulations team, fantastic effort, best year ever Mic monsters take a bow :-D
GM7TUDSO LOW 10MKenwood 590 100watts 4 Element Mono bander, hard going at times but fun
GW0GEISA HIGH 15MA part time daytime effort due to lack of time to prepare antennas prior to the contest. Decided to do 15m high power with just a 40m 1/4 vertical in the tree. Late on the band first day and difficult to find a run spot plus when I found a frequency it was unproductive. Some good dx around but never really had runs to the usa. Sunday was betting in the afternoon to europe when I managed some runs, and then s and p again in evening for usa and south america etc. Took quite a few breaks for meals but still managed to break my target of 500 qsos and 100 countries with 30 zones worked. A few zone and country mults heard but not worked, which is to be expected with just a vertical. Good practice but I still prefer the cw leg
GW0RYTSA LOW 15MCasual operation inbetween shopping trips with XYL. Mast down below roof level due to high winds
GW4BLESO HIGH 40MPlan was to set a new GW HP record for 40 metres...success ! Contest audio is available at www.gw4ble.dxlist.co.uk
GW4HBKSO LOW 10Menjoyable but wx here limited antenna height used sd no problems
HA0GKSO QRP 15MRig: Homemade TS9D Pwr: 5 Watt Ant: YP3 3 element yagi
HA1BCSO HIGH ALLVery good conditions on 10m, but on the other side a high level QRM... My 400 W seemed to be QRP... My station: EX14, 12m up and dipole 10m up. TRX Icom IC738 + 400W. 73 Alex
HA1TNXSA HIGH ALLRig: IC 761, 2X GI7B 1kW 160m 18meters high top loaded GP 80/40 MFJ 1792 20/15/10 A3S 16meters high
HA1ZHSA QRP 10MTCVR TS-870 output 5W
HA3HZSO HIGH ALLKenwood TS-830S, Drake L4B, 2el Quad, Delta Loop, Inverted L
HA5PPSA HIGH 10MTS590 + 400W, 3 el Yagi 13mH to USA and GP. 73, Zoli
HA6NLSA LOW ALLICOM756pro 100w 3 el yagi dipoles
HA8RTSO LOW ALLLicensed: 2012.10.31
HB9AASO LOW ALLK3 100 Watts Antennas - Force 12 C-4s for 28/21/14/7 MHz Inverted L for 1.8/3.5 MHz
HB9DVHSO HIGH ALLFT2000 TH5MKII + L?vy Levy 2 x 20 m
HB9EEMULTI-TWOgood condx, especially on 10m. Two PA's blew up. strong wind on Sunday. But in total it was fun :-) Article on www.HB9EE.ch
HB9MXYSO LOW ALLtnx fr nice Contest. Conditions were excellent on all bands, but noise was also very high. Unfortunatly i had only in saturday nigth and on sunday some houres time to participate in the contest. Thanks to all, cu next year, 73 de hb9mxy
HB9TRRSA LOW ALLI using SD Log, its perfect for me. Condition are good, on 15 and 10 Meter Thx for Organisation and Thx all for Contact! 73 de Peter, HB9TRR
HD2AMULTI-ONENot bad for 2 guys... Thanks to all!
HF6KMULTI-ONELicences since: HF6K: 25.10.2013 SP6PWS: 01.12.2012 SQ6PNP: 01.01.2011 SQ6POL: 01.01.2011
HG6CSO QRP ALLHG6V contest station: IC 765 pwr 5 watt, Ants: 160 m dipole, 80m GP dipole, 40m GP, 20m monoband and tribander yagi, 15 m monoband and trtibander yagi, 10m monoband and tribander yagI, GP 80-10m RX: EWE and K9AY
HG8CSA LOW 10MIC735 60 Watts out, EX14 antenna up 40m We've had a very good spread of 10 meters, lots station .... It was a nice race
HI3LFESA LOW 10MRig: Elecraft KX3, PWR 10W. Antenna TA33 Mosley
HJ4DLOSO LOW ALL73 from Caldas, Antioquia, Colombia
HJ4GJOSO LOW ALLRookie My first licensed February 17 2012
HK4CMBSO LOW ALLThis is my first CQ, hoping to do well. Thanks to all participants and organizers
HR2WWSO LOW ALLI love this Contest,so I requested my calsing to be WW (hr2ww ) keep up with the good work
HS0ZEESA HIGH ALLI have QRN from power lines noise that make SSB difficult to hear when the noise Blanker is turned on. 73 Don HS0ZEE
HZ1PSSO LOW 10MEnjoyed the contest with conditions good on Saturday but not as good here on the Sunday.Still pleanty of stations Sunday with very few vacant spots across the band. Thanks to all for the contacts and to CQ for sponsoring
I1EISSO HIGH ALLThe new "Classic" is a good idea, my old Collins S Line work better than ever, but not have 160 m. In the CW test I will work with the younger Drake 4C Line, that have cristals for Top band. Antennas: TH7 Dx Hy gain 22. up, GP for 40 and 80
I3JKISO LOW 10MI subscribed, by submitting a CQ WW DX Contest log, and in consideration of the efforts of the CQ WW DX Contest Committee to review and evaluate this log, unconditionally and irrevocably, I accept that : 1) I have read and understood the rules of the contest and agree to be bound by them, 2) I have operated according to all rules and regulations that pertain to amateur radio for the station location, 3) I accept that the log entry may be made open to the public, and 4) I agree that the issuing of disqualifications and other decisions of the Committee are official and final. Roberto Napoletani
I3LTTSA LOW ALLMy rig: YAESU FT-950 - Antenna: rotary triband dipole. Good propagation and good partecipation. I had fun during the contest. I have qso with many countries that are difficult for me to contact. Thank you for the opportunity. 73, Giulio I3LTT
IB9TMULTI-ONEWe run one of our best M/S contest ever but, on sunday, Mr. Murphy fired our final result with an internet (cluster!) blackout since 01.15 to 11.30z... what a pity!

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