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2021 SSB

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Call Category Comments
VU2BRSO HIGH 10MMy First Contest
VU2JROSO LOW ALLicom 7300 antenna 3 band yagi with rotator
VU2LOCSO HIGH ALLLet's Get Radio Active
VU2XEMULTI-TWOFirst time attempted Multi contest format with couple of new to contest buddies. It was a blast on 10m band when opened. We tried hard on 40m to get runs, but could not getout well. Our location was next to a river estuary in a small coastal town. All of us enjoyed the contest. 73 DE KIRAN
VU3CZFSO LOW 20MFirst license 07-2021
VU3IYESO LOW ALLOperator age 23
VU3PUASO QRP 10MI have used my Home brew 10M qrp with power output @ 250MW only and Vertical Ground Plane Antenna. I think , my log should be considered As special contestent . Thanks and regards. De VU3PUA
VU3XIOSO LOW ALLOperator age 24 4 JULY 1997
VY2DFSO LOW ALL1st decent attempt for a 'small fish in a big pond'. Wishing I had a better antenna and some power. Maybe when I win the Lotto....hi
VY2LISO LOW ALL100% S & P. Greatest disappointment was leaving 9K2 on the table. Was surprised to hear him very well calling CQ and showing GREEN on N1MM with not that many takers. Surely, I can work him. No joy! Kudos to the N1MM crew...worked perfectly, but then I am not a power user. Some great ears out there...thanks for the Qs. 73, Bill FT-950, N1MM+ 20 & 40m WIRES @ 7' AGL
W0BFSA LOW 15MGreat condx this year. Lots of fun and DX !! Quite a few U.S. stations were out of band calling DX below 21.200. Need to brush up on the Freq. allocations or just didn't care !!!
W0JMWSO LOW ALLMy first experience with CQ-WW and it was a blast. I look forward to making a larger effort participating next year. It was exciting making all the DX contacts. Thank you everyone involved!
W0PSYSA HIGH ALLWhat a difference a few spots can make!! Sure was exciting to have 15M as the money band. The antennas used were a venerable TA-33 at 20', that can only rotate between 0 to 90 degrees and some dipoles. The rotation issue should be resolved in the next month with a proper tower
W0WLA/MSO LOW ALLI operated this contest mobile with Yaesu FT-891 and a Tarheel 75 antenna
W1ASTSO HIGH ALLI wish I had more time to operate. This was a blast! 15m was HOT HOT HOT!
W1DGLSO LOW ALLDid not operate the full contest operated from 0000Z-0600Z Friday, 10/29 (local day/date), 2300Z until 0600Z 10/30 and again between 1300Z-0445Z, 10/31
W1HSMULTI-TWOBest in years. Had a great time, thanks everyone!
W1PRSA HIGH ALLWelcome to Cycle 25. DX is fun again!
W1QKMULTI-ONE LOWactivity. Welcome back 10M! Thank you for sponsoring the contest. 73, Dan - W1QK and Roger - NG1R
W1RMSA HIGH ALLDelighted to work 3A3A on 75 for country 294 on 80
W1WEFSO HIGH ALLAfter too much BIC time the first day I had terrible leg cramps and decided I couldnt operate any longer. I was really disappointed because i was having fun but chalked it up to old age and lack of exercise. After going out for coffee with a friend Sunday morning I decided to get back in and just do an hour or two at a time, and drink alot of water which I know helps leg cramps. I know I didnt drink hardly any yesterday. Im glad I caught the fantastic opening on ten...just like yesteryear! Had a great run way up high in the band and decided my new goal was 1000 Qs or 1m points, whichever came first. Hapilly I met both goals. JACK
W1YKMULTI-ONEFirst license 08-2015
W2AABSO LOW ALLA difficult effort using S&P with 100 watts and a wire. The openings on 10 and 15 were most welcome, and provided new contacts and multipliers. Onward to the CW weekend. Go FRC!
W2FTLSO LOW 10MFirst license 03-2020 First contest!
W2NPTMULTI-TWOThe club, just prior to the covid lockdown, installed a nice new multi-band beam and raised the tower another section and invested in a Flex 6400M and a Flex 6400 ... this was really our first chance to put them all on the air seriously! We have an amazing blind operator who, by Saturday night, was tuning, contacting and logging about 95% UN-assisted by anyone else! He was so excited, and so were all of us. Several members who had not really contested before seem to have gotten 'bit by the bug.'
W2OIBSO HIGH ALLBand Condx weregood here. 10 Meter signals very loud, Work 3 China stations, doesn't happen often at this location
W3DQSSO HIGH ALLNice to have action on 10m :)
W3FIZSA HIGH ALLAlways a great contest. Bands were best shape in a long time. See all in the next one
W3FLHSA HIGH ALLBand condx were much better than expected. About 7 hrs of S&P, wish it was more
W3FOXSA HIGH ALLUnfortunately, I had some amplifier/antenna issures and could not operate on 40 and 80 this year. Also, at my age, I need a good nights sleep, so my operating time was not as long as it should be to have a competive score. The bottom line: I had a lot of fun and it was good to get back on SSB afte r spending so much time on FT8. Also glad to contribute to the PVRC totals. Rig was an Icom 7610 and an Icom PW-1. Antenna was a hex beam at 40 feet a nd an inverted L for the little time I spent on 160
W3HKKSA HIGH ALLSeems the CME may have upset the apple cart after a very good start to Day 1!
W3LWMSO LOW ALLMy first bit of contest experience. Enjoyed the little bit that I did
W3MAMSA HIGH ALLFirst license 07-2019 First licensed July 8, 2019
W3TBSA HIGH ALLW3TB, Franklin, Tennessee KAT500. 40 feet for 80m
W3ZGDMULTI-ONE LOWFirst license 03-1954
W4EESA LOW ALLFun to get those Green and Red stations
W4KAZSO LOW ALLFun to hear activity on 10m and 15m
W4KWSO HIGH ALLWOW - Double - WOW. 10 & 15 Meters were GREAT. Thanks for ALL the contacts. A surprise call from HZ1HZ. Many TCG Folks were active. 73's, Bert
W4LIDSO LOW ALLTNX 4 contacts. 73 All!
W4RNSA HIGH ALLSplatter and distortion from European and some South American stations is really getting out of hand. A contest-manager-authorized recording crew needs to be established to send recordings and yellow cards to the worst offenders the first year. The next year another warning and a red card to the worst offenders. The third year a recording and a DQ for two years. That should get the offenders under control and serve as a warning to others who pull this crap. It is ruinous
W4SLTSO HIGH 10MAt last some decent conditions to work with
W4SSFSA HIGH ALLFirst license 12-2019
W4VICSA HIGH ALLThanks for the Qs. 73, Vic W4VIC
W5BHTSA LOW ALLFirst license 10-2020

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