Call | Category | Comments |
DL2OE | SA HIGH 10M | Nice Condx on 10 was pure fun! |
DL2TM | SO QRP 15M | Elecraft K2, Antenna: Dipole |
DL3SG | SA HIGH ALL | It was great fun again, i'm happy to look forward for next year! |
DL3UX | SO LOW ALL | It was a fine contest. Unfortunately I did not have the time to be active the complete distance. Maybe next time |
DL4DXF | SA HIGH ALL | Good condx on 10m this year, but my ant only simple Dipol 5m up... hope next year same gd condx Angela |
DL4EBA | SO LOW ALL | RX=IC7400, TX=IC7400, Antenne: 3 Element Beam von Fritzel und W3-2000, Leistung: 100 Watt |
DL4FAP | SO HIGH ALL | FT-901D + FL-2100Z |
DL4HG | SA HIGH ALL | Nice 10m condx ! |
DL4JLM | SA HIGH ALL | very good conditions especially on 10m and 15m. That was fun! |
DL4KUG | SA LOW 10M | fb conds on 10 m, wkg all with 100 W and monoband GP! |
DL4LAM | SA HIGH ALL | tnx to DL6LSM for hospitality - good propagation - I enjoyed it !!!! |
DL4NN | SA LOW 10M | Kenwood TS-480SAT, 3 Element SteppIR |
DL4ZA | SO LOW ALL | Yaesu FT-450 SteppIR 3El LOOP 163 Meter Umfang |
DL5KUD | SO LOW 15M | 75 watts dipole up 10m - thanks for picking up 73 "Jo" |
DL5ZB | SO LOW ALL | TRX Icom 756 proIII ANT TA33M,FD4 and Inv"V" |
DL7CX | SA HIGH ALL | excellent condx on 10m, topband not vy busy |
DL7LIN | SA HIGH ALL | First million points contest. I like it |
DL8RDL | SA HIGH ALL | Mein Fazit: Gebts ma a gscheide Station dann geht a wos :-) Die Clubstation des OV Landshut U08 leistete hervorragende Performance! |
DL9GTB | SO LOW ALL | IC-7400 (100 Watts) Antenna: Fritzel GPA-30, Groundplane 40m |
DL9HB | SO LOW ALL | approx. 80 Wts |
DL9LF | SO LOW ALL | FT1000MP Field Vertical GAP Titan DX |
DL9OLI | SO LOW ALL | IC-9100 , 1/4 wave for 80m, GAP Titan vertical |
DL9ZWG | SO LOW 20M | Logged with SD by ED5DI it is a fun |
DM3KXL | SO HIGH ALL | 3rd try, now i'm hopeful. 73 de Reinhard - DM3KXL |
DN3AL | SO LOW 15M | Single Op / All Band / Low Power (< 100 W) |
DN5NDH | MULTI-ONE | 3 Kids-Operator with Training-Call DN5NDH Trainer is DK5NAD |
DO2WHK | SO LOW 15M | Yaesu FT-950, Quarterwave vertical dipole |
DO4TP | SO LOW 15M | the Band is open > strong signals away mny qrm :-) vy 73 de thorsten |
DR1D | MULTI-ONE | Quite successful operation from the fine station of Robert, DL3KO. We beat the 1999 DL record for M/S by about 2M points, which we did not expect in the beginning. We have to see if that cushion is enough to stand the more delicate log checking process introduced this year (checking of correctly copied zones). Murphy stayed mostly away, except for some CAT issues on the run radio, which did not slow down us too much. Everything else held up very fine. The high bands were fun, although we felt 15m being more worth running, so that we have more QSOs on 15 than on 10, unlike most others. 20m is the new 40m: S9 QRM from wall to wall - very exhausting. Thanks to all stations calling us - we enjoyed it! |
DS5FNE | SO LOW 10M | Good ^^ |
DU1VHY | SO LOW 15M | Typhoon stymied plans for an MS participation of DZ3Z. But was able to visit and operate at DX1M. There will be other contests. 73 |
DU7HF | SA LOW 20M | my third CQ-WW-SSB contest. Great and Fantastik, 73 |
E74KM | SO LOW ALL | IC 706MK2, Vertical 20/10/15, InvV 80/40 |
E77M | Checklog | TS 530 S SLOOPER |
EA1BP | SO QRP ALL | NEW EA RECORD IN QRP!!!! :))) So hard, but i did it!! |
EA2DDE | SO LOW ALL | ICOM 706 MKIIG dipolo DX-B Alpha Delta |
EA2QU | SO QRP ALL | Never help - 68 years old |
EA3KT | SO LOW 15M | Special and short calls must more repeat and spell I enjoyed using SD programs |
EA3TI | SO LOW 10M | Good propagation on 10m, 73 Ramon EA3TI |
EA3WL | SA HIGH 10M | Nice experience.More than 15 years without taking part in a contest.Enjoyed |
EA6/AA5UK | SA LOW ALL | Had a blast this year but my radio died 10 hours before the end of the contest |
EA6/DK5IR | SO LOW ALL | Icom IC-7000,+ AT-7000, Ant. Multiband GPA 6,35m long, 5m above the gr ound |
EA6SX | SO HIGH 15M | I started fine with good numbers of QSO?s. Unfortunately winds of around 100km/h with the vibration, take out the screws of my antenna rotator and was turning free, making damage to the tower and doing a difficult QSO?s. I had to repaired frozen for 2 hours flighting with the wind in the tower. As usual enjoy although this. Thanks to everybody for calls. 73?s Mike EA6SX |
EA7BHO | SO HIGH 10M | Put your comments here. Use multiple lines if needed |
EA7FRX | SO LOW 10M | My Rig: TX/RX ICOM 728 ANTENNA DIPOLE ^ PWR 40 W. P.E.P. I think that the propagation was very good in this contest because I've listened many stations on 10 meters so that I've enyoided so much. See you in the next contest. 73 es GL |
EA7VA | SO LOW 15M | Very Funny!! |
EA8/DL3FCG | SO LOW 10M | Nice pile-up to the west coast. Unfortunately I had only the Saturday to share the zone 33 with you all. See you next year |