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2013 SSB

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Call Category Comments
W2ZV/4SO LOW ALLRan a 2 element 10 Meter beam hung on the rafters in the attic pointed due west with clip leads to extend the driven element for 15 and 20 Meters. Worked a JA and 3 VK's on 10 Meters. Saturday was really good on 10, while Sunday was down some. 20 Meters was OK to Europe and the Americas, while 15 Meters was not so hot, as the 10 Meter reflector hurt the pattern some. Never even tried the 40 meter dipole in the attic. Had a great time. - W2ZV
W3ECSA HIGH 10MBand condx were nice!
W3JGSO HIGH ALLHam since '74. First time in this contest
W3TZ/5SA HIGH ALLGreat year wish I could have been longer
W3UASMULTI-TWOStation W3UAS Unallocated Space
W4DFGSO QRP 10MLot of fun even with limited operating hours. Really enjoyed it
W4DHTSO LOW ALLLoads of fun; the Sun gods smiled on us this weekend
W4DTBSA LOW ALLOnly operated for a few hours; but submitting as a checklog
W4JHC/5SA LOW 10MThank you
W4KWSA HIGH ALLHeard several TCG Folks
W4PHSSA HIGH ALLTennessee Contest Group
W4RYWSO LOW 10MBest 10M condx in 10 years!
W4SLTSO HIGH 10MConditions on 10 better this year
W4TTMSA LOW ALLLicensed 12-22-2011
W4UALMULTI-ONEOps: 10 meters was terrific! Many JA's and beyond!
W5EIM/4SO LOW ALLMy first contest! I had lots of fun and will do more!
W5GCXMULTI-ONE10 Meters was incredible on Saturday and Sunday Morning
W5GFISO HIGH ALLwas 10 meters crowded, you bet ya! what a fun event, the propagation was great
W5THTSO LOW ALLBiggest score everThanks for repeats
W5VOLSA HIGH 20MMy First Contest. I had a lot to learn. I was in it just for fun so I worked as many multipliers as I could. It was great great fun. Next time I will give a go at running a CQ frequency
W5ZOSA LOW 10MI was assisted
W6NEVSO LOW 20MHad a great time
W6UESA HIGH ALLI carelessly clicked on two bandmap spots of VEs and worked one on 21168! The other reminded me to check my VFO. My intention is to never make that mistake again. Great condx!
W6ZQ/7SO HIGH 10MI had a computer crash after saving QSOs from start of contest until 0200. QSOs maybe out of order and utc times mixed.I don't know how to properly correct. They can't be too far off as I have been receiving LOTW confirmations
W7ATSO HIGH ALLClassic Overlay also as could only play in the last day of the contest
W7DXX/5MULTI-ONEMulti op from the world's first remote base!
W7RCASO LOW 20MCQWWSSB remains my favorite contest by far
W7TJSO HIGH 10MHighest Solar Flux for any Contest during Cycle 24 !
W7UPFSO LOW 15MComputer failure cauesed a submitting a smaller log than actual contacts
W8PRMULTI-TWOGreat time! New club station so we had a few integration issues, but we had lots of fun. Bigger and better antennas coming for next year
W9WI/4ChecklogChecklog due to massive violation of rule VIII-1. (mobile operation, transmitters & receivers were confined to a circle of 50km, not 0.5km as provided in rules...)
W9YBSO LOW ALLFor the contest I operated from Purdue Amateur Radio Club. Purdue has one of the oldest clubs in the USA. Experiments in radio at Purdue started around 1910 and the first license of 9YB was obtained in 1912. Federal licensing of 9YB is confirmed in the RADIO SERVICE BULLETIN of December 1920. The call W9YB was granted in 1932 pursuant with the Communications Act of 1932. We have been active in the West Tower of the Purdue Memorial Union ever since. After being out of ham radio for 10 years I decided to jump back in during the biggest contest of the year. The guys at W9YB took me back as an alumni member and offered me the shack for the weekend. Contesting is still as fun as it ever was and I got to show off to the club members what it is to contest. They had not been into that part of the hobby for a very long time and got excited about how I could work through pile-ups on a mere 100 watts. It was great fun digging out those weak signals and having hams in other parts of the world remember the W9YB call as they had either worked us in past years or had been members when the were at Purdue. The best part was working the equipment again to get the most out of what we have. Although I could only work 16 hours of the 48 hours of the contest, I worked over half the zones and actually worked my first Japan station. I am definitely hooked on contesting again. Eugene Glover KA9NOH
WA0QVC/7SO LOW 15MThis is my first log submission and I am so sorry for the mistakes. I am resubmitting to change my claimed score because I misunderstood how to calculate my score. I think I finally have it right
WA1JMPSO HIGH 15MNot enough space to operate on band
WA2BFW/7SO HIGH 15MManaged to damage the tower 24hrs before the contest but still had fun
WA3SRUSO LOW ALLGreat contest. Actually worked all 6 bands with 100 watts. 10 meters was so good, I spent a lot of time there. Best score of any contest for me
WA5IYXSO LOW ALL(2002) FT-847; (1977) 3-el 10-m Wilson Yagi 20' AGL; 15-m 2-el Yagi 12' AGL, 20-40 m fan dipoles 15' AGL. 10-m activity was the big news again with being forced above 29 MHz at times. Almost all Qs S&P (sometimes 2/min), longest of my few runs only c. dozen (and most of that were US Qs). Slowed by having to put my QRG in the note file of CT with each Q (later manually moving that info via notepad into this log). A73A there a nice new catch. Loss of director on 15-m Yagi had SWR limit rig to 50w out there. With only c. 10-15 min between 15-m and 10-m paths opening to Europe limited morn op time on 21-MHz. 20-m open so late hardly any time spent on 40-m. No 80-m as antenna problems there
WA5RMLSO LOW 40MTT Jupiter @100 wts; G5RV antenna;
WA5SWN/0SO LOW 15MDid we have a solar flare or something? Getting QSOs was like walking in molasses. I kept looking for an antenna problem after I gave up the contest, but found nothing
WA5WFESA LOW 10MGood conditions. Band open to many regions and low noise level
WA6KHKSA HIGH 40MI went for 40 meters single band entry because I had a reunion on Saturday and a service for a family member with cancer on Sunday. However, I couldn't resist the nice morning openings on 10 meters!
WA7LTSO HIGH 15MAt 80 years I still enjoy the contest and find it fun!
WA7NBSO HIGH ALLTen Meters was in great shape. Best I've seen it in years
WA7PRCSO LOW ALLI didn't work very hard at it... around 12 hours total seat time. EU was there in a big way on 20m just about every time I sat down. 10m was good for SA
WA8YSA HIGH ALLI achieved a personal best in my second CQ-WW-SSB contest!
WB1EAZSO HIGH 80MWorked country #99 on 80m
WB4MNKSA LOW ALLFun Contest and Bands were great

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