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2013 SSB

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Call Category Comments
UW1USO LOW 80MTRCVR Flex-3000 100W, Ant: OCF Dipole
UW1WUSO LOW 10MTS-590S 100 Watts Vertical, dipoles 14m UP
UW7WChecklogRadio: IC-718, TS-50S Antenna: 4-EL, 5-EL QUADs, Dipole
UX0ZABSO QRP 10MRIG. Elecraft K3 ANT. KT-34
UX7USO LOW 20MBucha, P.O. Box 1011, Kievskaya obl., 08292, UKRAINA
UY2UQSO LOW 80MTnx for nice contest. Good luck!
UZ7MDisqualifiedrig icom 756 icom 746 pro ant 160&80 inv.v &gp 40 3QQ 22 up 20 4qq &4qq 15 6QQ , 10 6 qq
VA3DBTSO LOW ALLCertificate Issued: September 1, 2011
VA3MPFSO LOW ALLRookie - First Licensed in May 2012
VA3RKMSO QRP ALLKX3, 5w, verticals
VA3TICSA LOW ALLrookie low power all bands,single op assisted low power all bands LIC :Jan 5 2011
VA7TTSA LOW 10M10 Meters....WOW!!!
VC3RSO HIGH ALLIt was an awesome contest. It was a personal best result!
VE1JSSA HIGH ALLFantastic conditions!! It has to be good when I get DXCC on the week-end!! It is great to be using EI5DI's SD again, Helping to stomp out bloat ware. Way to go Paul!
VE2DXYMULTI-TWOBest contest in years from Zone 2. We doubled our score from previous years. Band conditions were the best we have seen with a better than predicted 10 Meters. Even the weather cooperated with good conditions for set up and take down
VE2PDTSO LOW ALLlicensed july 2011
VE2PMVSO LOW ALLIcom IC-718. Long Wire w/ Icom AH-4 Ant. Tuner
VE3AAQSO HIGH 15MNow this is what a sunspot peak should sound like!
VE3BRSO LOW ALLA truly bizarre experience! I managed to (just barely) improve my SSB personal best, but have been disoriented all along. I know that there will be statements made about good conditions, but in my opinion, they were not "good"; they were straight out of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Those heard were heard well, but nearly always I could not make it through to a running DX (even with no pile-up) while hearing other "locals" just "walk-in" and make a QSO on the proverbial "first call". On the other hand, few QSOs, usually difficult for me, were extremely quick and painless. The problem? "Easy" ones were an infinitesimal minority. I almost gave up after first 24 hours. No wonder that I took it easy the second night with a full "beauty sleep". (Hold your comments: I know that in my case it ain't gonna help.)
VE3BVASO LOW ALLA bit of a challenge with wire antennae and 100 watts, but fun none the less
VE3DCMULTI-MULTIVISITORS: VE3KTP VE3RYI & Georgette, Scott's friend. Another great DX contest that the group had fun on again this year. We had some problems with coax, rain and mud this year, but the group came shining through. We surpased our score from last year with more Zones and Countries worked. A fun contest. One of the guys kept working rare ones and kept asking where he had worked. 73 Rick VE3BK
VE3DQNSO QRP 10MCamped out on 10M, perfect for QRP. Would have cleared my schedule for more radio time if I'd known band cndx would be so hot
VE3EDYSO LOW 160MVE3EDY Fantastic Band conditions finally,Solar activity made for an exciting contest this year ,Thanks to all for being there this season.VE3EDY
VE3FTMSO HIGH ALLSo many stations, so little time !
VE3JSOSO LOW ALLjuly 17 2012
VE3MEWSO LOW 10MSome editing of this header done as per the example shown on http://www.cqww.com/cabrillo.htm ... 10.5 hrs total op time. Lots of fun thanks to sunspots and good propagation on 10M
VE3NDQSO LOW ALLROOKIE-licensed march, 2012
VE3XDSA QRP 15M5 watts to an attic mounted end-fed 15 meter dipole
VE3ZZSA HIGH ALLGreat contest, great cx - what more could on ask?
VE4RASO LOW ALLBest contest conditions I have seen in many years. All bands were wide open. Highest points I've ever scored
VE5AADSO LOW 10MKenwood TS-850S Dipole
VE5KSSA LOW 15MOutstanding Cndx, Got DXCC in 15 hrs
VE5ZXMULTI-ONEThe first contest with my xyl who just got her licence
VE6SVMULTI-ONEThe operating team was the best and the propagation was next!
VE6ZCSO LOW ALLGreat contest weekend! Nice to have all the hight bands wide open, but low bands were disappointing - you can't have everything I guess
VE7BGPSO LOW ALLI had a lot of fun operating the contest for a few hours Saturday and Sunday afternoon. This contest gave me an opportunity to give my Classic IC-751A a good workout, Sunday afternoon was really nice wx so I took a break to a local Park for a walk
VE7GRQSO LOW ALLRan portable on 100 watts using $70 attenna. Great fun
VE7JKZSO HIGH ALLWhat great propagation. This is what a sunspot cycle peak should sound like!
VE9UNBMULTI-ONEThe call sign VE9UNB is held by Richard Tervo, VE1BMR, who did not participate as an operator in this contest. The licensed participants in this contest were Gleb Egorov, VE9EG, and myself, Brent Petersen, VE9EX. Under my direct supervision, the unlicensed participants in this contest were Sameh Elnaggar, Fred Goora and Tristan Losier, who recently passed, with HF privileges, their amateur radio examinations. Friday evening, Fred and I made a few QSOs. After failing to contact a rare DX station, for about ten minutes, we heard Rick, VE9HF, just across the Saint John River from VE9UNB, get through. I figured the rare DX wouldn't be able to hear me and I made the error of trying to get a contact with Rick, on the DX's frequency. Rick knew the DX would hear him; he politely followed the DX Code of Conduct and ignored me. Saturday morning, all five of us were present. One of the participants made a trivial operator error. I mentioned that was nothing compared to the error that I made on Friday evening while I was suppose to be demonstrating good operating procedures. A short while later we heard Rick calling CQ. I said that was the same guy from Friday evening. I went for the microphone and answered his CQ. He said: "Hi." I said: "Thanks." We logged the QSO and the five of us burst into laughter
VK2EZFSO LOW 10MHR2600 with 20W PEP into a vertical half wave dipole in a tree at 7m
VK2FJSO HIGH ALLconfirming contacts. Regards John
VK2LEESO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 80 watts PEP The recorded CQ CONTEST with CALLSIGN is very often A very poor recording with the audio very difficult to understand with the first Letter or Number extremely difficult to hear. AS Radios have More than one memory its a good idea to use more than one recording of Your callsign using different phonetics and alternate the calls. VK2LEE
VK2TTPSO HIGH ALLGreat action on Ten Metres
VK2WLSSO LOW 40MActual TX Power: 80

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