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2016 SSB

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Call Category Comments
VA3PDGSO LOW ALLEnjoyed making those tough long contats on 15M this year with my wire - horrible conditions but great fun all the same
VA3QBSO LOW ALLFirst Contest !!
VA4HZSA LOW ALLNothing like a contest to show you the weaknesses in your station
VB2WMULTI-ONE LOWBad condx but great experience operating from Zone 2 in Waskaganish, Qc, James Bay. Thanks to Cree first nation and NorDx Club for support on this small Dxpedition
VC3RSO HIGH ALLAuroral Zone played havoc with access to Europe and Japan
VE2DXYMULTI-TWOA combination of antenna, network and poor band conditions made this a tough contest to work, but we had fun from Zone 2 in Canada. Propagation to Europe was a challenge having an affect upon our final score
VE2IDXSA HIGH 80MOne more DX-pedition to Zone 2 behind 1700 km driving one way by mountain`s roads to the Northern Quebec. I came to Zone 2 on heavy loaded minivan in one week before CQ WW SSB Contest. I planned to operate in SOSB (A) 80m HP category, during this week I was installing 4 SQ on 80 meters by myself only in small French speaking fishing village on the Atlantic shore. It was big challenges to install 4 SQ on 80 meters because the weather has been changed often to low temperature, cold rain with snow and strong wind... However up to Friday four phased verticals on 80 meters was installed and was successfully tested. Also was installed 2 beverages as well. I was little bit worried about magnetic storm which happened during last week before CQ WW and unfortunately condition on the bands was strongly affected to it on the my far North QTH. I have operated SOSB(A) 80 HP and I should say that first night was very difficult due to my far North condition on 80 was very poor and every QSO was taken with difficulties. I had feeling that due to magnetic storm radio waves does not reflecting at all. Second night was better, time to time I did pile-ups with Northern American`s stations and have enjoyed by good work of 4 SQ as well. FR4NT, 6W1RY and ZD8W was taken through pile-up after first call, but conditions was still too far to be calling perfect. However I have enjoyed the Contest, suspect next CQ WW condx will be better. I would like to thanks Yuri VE2IM and Max VE3CCN for their great help during preparation to Zone 2 DX-pedition. Also thanks to all who called me during such difficult conditions in CQ WW SSB 2016 and 73! Igor VE2IDX / Zone 2
VE2NCGSA LOW 40MFirst contest ever, very bad condition on my side
VE3DCMULTI-MULTIVisitors: VA3DJ Dan, his Dad Joe and Georgette, better half to VE3QU We at VE3DC enjoy this contest for all the great DX we get to work. Conditions were down for this one but we were still able to work many multipliers and have fun at it. Thanks to all our operators for doing such a great job, all that worked us and especially the Hams South of our border that gave us many contacts. A great fun contest again. 73 Rick VE3BK
VE3GFNSO LOW ALLMan, who turned down the crank on the SFI index?
VE3RCNSO LOW ALLUsed a G5RV laying on the roof of the house
VE3SOOMULTI-ONE LOWOperating VE3SOO from EOC with 13 new amateurs and 6 amateur radio students
VE3TWSO HIGH ALLSo long, Cycle 24... it's been nice to know ya!
VE3UTTMULTI-ONECasual remote operation
VE3VEESA HIGH 20MBad CONDX allowed me to sleep 10 hrs and finish the contest well rested
VE3XDSA LOW ALLWorst conditions in memory
VE3ZZSA HIGH ALLPoor conditions but still a lot of fun!
VE4JBBSO LOW 20MLicensed June 15, 2016
VE4PJVSO LOW ALLLicensed 14 May 2015
VE4VJRSO LOW 20MLicensed April 8, 2016
VE6LBSA HIGH ALLCondition ugly in general. A lot of out of US band calling on 40. Saturday morning many US working ZM4T on simplex 7.114
VE7BGPSO LOW ALLI had a lot of fun operating in this contest with my venerable old IC-751A. I also had a few with my vintage FT-ONE a very early synthesized rig
VE7CKZSO LOW ALLBand conditions not as good as last year
VE7GLMULTI-TWOReally foul conditions here so some of us went fishing instead
VK2BJSO HIGH ALLAbsolute crap conditions in VK2
VK2CZSO HIGH ALLPart time effort and great event as always
VK2IOSA LOW ALLMy first entry into this contest as a means of working some new DX countries. Low QSO rate but high FUN rate!
VK2KDPSA LOW 20MPainful at times with low power and a low antenna (9.5m A GL) but nice to work a few new ones
VK2LEESO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 95 I need to put My antenna back on My tower with the ROTATOR... Fairly good conditions most of the time. Great to actually hear stations on 15 again, although I only heard and worked 3 or 4 US stations which is normal for Me
VK3AVZSO HIGH ALLConditions were very poor during the contest
VK3ERMULTI-ONECLub Station of the eastern and Mountain District radio club
VK3IOSO HIGH ALLLow bands were great, as expected, especially 40m. Top Band was good, with K3LR peaking S9+15dB, but unfortunately not much activity. High bands were surprisingly good, especially 20m. Would be even better, if DX pointed their beams to South Pacific and VK , more often
VK3MHYSO LOW ALLActual TX Power 15/09/2014
VK4AFUSO LOW ALLin low power,very hard conditions. Thanks for few new ones.73 Daniel
VK4ATHSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 90w
VK4CLSO HIGH ALLRotten propagation. Last year 10m was jumping
VK4HECSO LOW ALLActual TX Power 100W Icom 7400 Transmitter Antenna Off set dipole 120 feet long, 20 feet high
VK5PASSO LOW ALLActual TX Power: 100 watts
VK6SMKSO LOW ALLWell Mr Propogation never visited this shack. You know its bad when you struggle to get K3LR. I hope you still enjoyed the chase as much as I did. Good luck till next time. 73 Steve
VK6SXSO HIGH 20MRookie. First licensed September 1, 2016
VO1BQSO HIGH ALL500W and Dipole
VP2MDGSO HIGH ALLI had a wonderful time taking it easy this year
VR2YAKSO QRP 10MIC7000. MP1 Portable Vertical on the balcony 250ft ASL

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