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2021 SSB

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Call Category Comments
N1IBQSO LOW ALL95 watts to an end fed
N1SFESO LOW 10MI only had a 10 Meter antenna available at house since moving last year. 1/2 wave dipole about 15 feet off the ground. Conditions were very active on 10 and 15 Meters. While listening to the activity on 15, I had wished I had taken the time to at least string up a temporary 15 Meter dipole as well. Great contest! Thanks!
N1YZSO LOW ALLFirst time using contest software
N2BEGSA LOW ALLnot much time this year between work and family activities. GREAT to see the high bands active and OPEN. Great to work JAs on 15m again!!
N2BZDSO LOW ALLWas great trying 10 m opennnings
N2CUSO LOW ALLOperating mobile with two hamsticks (20, 15m) and a non-resonant (8' too short) whip (10m)
N2FFSA LOW ALLConditions were GREAT! Nice to be able to say that after so many down years. Nice to see ten meters open a good part of the time.so that i have 15 zones and 37 countries in the log. Fifteen seemed to be the best band with 82 countries and 21 zones. Not sure why that was. Perhaps my antenna at 40 feet made a big difference on that band. In any event I spent most of my time there. Hopefully conditions will be even better for the CW event in November. The one negative aspect was that I lost telnet Saturday afternoon..My big disappointment was that I was unable to work 3A3A for DX Honor Roll on SSB. Thanks to all the DX with good ears who were able to hear my 100 watts
N2KASA HIGH ALLBrake on rotor failed in early winds. Advantage of using a multi element yagi with 2 active elements on each band is you don't have to rotate antenna that much
N2LDVSO LOW ALLHad a great time!! 73, Lenny
N2RRASO HIGH ALLWish I put more time in. Great propagation
N3BASSA LOW ALLFirst license 05-2020
N3FPSO HIGH ALLGreat fun on 15!
N3GTSA LOW ALLFirst license 02-2021 02/18/2021
N3KASO LOW ALLCasual attempt between family time. Flex and getting things configured properly, need to work on the ergonomics of the shack as well
N3KFSA HIGH ALLEmergency room visit kind of ruined this one for me. Thankfully I am OK, log totals suck. Oh well
N3RSSA HIGH ALLThanks for yet another year of fun! How about 10M!!!
N3TTTSA LOW ALLwire antennas
N3XZSO HIGH ALLAwesome fun!
N4BBGSO LOW ALLFirst license 06-2020
N4BPSA HIGH 10MPart time while preparing the house for termite tenting, and spending time with XYL in long term care following a stroke. Lost a good part of the Sunday opening to Europe when a noise source switched on. Apparently one of the neighbors has acquired a noise generator. Never heard the close in DX like ZF, CM, KP4, TI, etc. in spite of seeing them spotted all weekend. K3, KPA1500, A4S @ 65 feet
N4FPSO HIGH ALLFlex 6400, Expert 1.3K-FA,80 dipole/40 inverted V at 50 ft, Classic 33 at 45 ft
N4LDBSO LOW 10MFirst license 05-2021
N4LSJSA LOW ALLMore fun than expected and best band condx during a contest since I got back on the air in 2019
N4NTOSA LOW ALLOnly time enough for a brief effort, which was fun. Glad to hear signals on 10!
N4RWHSO LOW ALLFun contest. Thanks for those who worked to make this a successful event
N4TPTSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2021
N4TZSO LOW ALLI long for days when DX would listen up the band for USA on 40 meters
N4WLLSO QRP ALLOperator age 19 Youth Overlay, born 2002
N4XDSO HIGH ALLFantastic prop on 10 and other bands. Mostly search and pounce on 10
N6ANSA QRP ALLOperated on Flint Peak. 5 watts and 66' doublet fed with CAT5 twisted pair. What a thrill to hear 15 meters fully occupied and 10 meters with signals! Best DX: JA on 10 and D4Z on 15
N6DWSA HIGH ALLI knew this was going to be a busy weekend, so I didn't plan on a lot of operating. I also didn't plan on a software problem (probably caused by power outage before the contest). I have a K3, P3, KPA500 and KAT500, After a couple of hours of operating, they stopped talking to each other, and it took me several hours to sort out. By Saturday noon, things were working, but I had little time on Sunday, so
N6HISO QRP ALLQRP - 5W to a 20 Foot Wire thrown in a tree out my window. I was in and out of the shack, spending time when I could, Just playing around a bit when I could find time to operate. The great SFI and pretty sunspots seemed as thought they nearly met their match when the CME arrived from the X flare. SSB is not really my thing, but this was still a very fun contest. 15m was actually more productive for me overall, but WOW, it was sure exciting to have 10 meters open for this contest! My hearty congrats and THANKS to all for your patience. GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS! -73- John N6HI
N6ICSA HIGH 15MLots of good activity. Nice to have the sun's spots on the rise
N6RSHSO HIGH ALLGreat Contest!! Added 3 new countries to my DXCC
N6RVSA HIGH ALLBest Score Ever! All the bands were humming! I guess the tools you can use in N1MM+ when you operate assisted is a big advantage!
N6TVSO HIGH ALLAmazing conditions with the K index at 4 or 5. I actually enjoyed operating PHONE, which is a new experience for me. Maybe using an Elecraft K4 has something to do with it. :-)
N7AMESO LOW ALLThe bands were great and the time was short but tried to work everyone I heard
N7GNDSA HIGH ALLFirst license 04-2019 first licensed April 5, 2019
N7MZWSO LOW ALLHad fun with 100 watts and a wire from my Apt. QTH in Cheyenne, WY
N7RBLSO HIGH ALLFirst license 07-2020 07-2020 Licensed 07-2020 as KJ7PGD
N7RQSO HIGH 15MWell, this was a pleasant surprise - DXCC on 15 meters in one weekend! The CME that might have ruined our weekend fun took a turn away and left 15 open to all continents. There was plenty to do from start to finish with a surprisingly good opening to EU beginning early Saturday morning. With wall-to-wall DX it was harder than past years to find a place to run, but when I finally settled into a great spot near the contest's end there was plenty of DX to log. Many thanks to great husband, station engineer, and chief sandwich-maker Bob Epstein K8IA for making this contest possible for me
N7VGOSO LOW ALLDisappointed, The big guns need to slow down there calls so some of the S&P guys can copy their call signs. Many times I had to dig around 5 to 10 minutes to get a call sign, and then they could not hear me
N7VSSO LOW ALLThank you for hosting another interesting event. It is nice to see some life on 15 and 10 for a change. My schedule prohibits a full time entry. Hope to be back next year with better antennas for 15 and 10. 73, Steve N7VS
N7VZUSO LOW ALLNice to start having some propagation
N7WSSO HIGH ALLVery casual S&P only. Nice to hear the higher bands jumping
N7WYSO HIGH ALLK4D, KPA1500, KT36xa on 10, 15 & 20 m, 40M2L on 40 m, inverted vee on 80 m
N8AJMSO LOW ALLOperator age 14

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