Call | Category | Comments |
UR5EFL | SO LOW 20M | TKS for Contest |
UR5EPG | SA HIGH 40M | RIG(s): TS 870S; ANTENNA(s): Cushcrsft A3S, dipole. 3 el yagi |
UR5FCM | SO QRP ALL | Antenna: Delta 40m, Rig: HomeMade, Pwr: 5 Watt(s) |
UR5LAM | SA LOW 10M | RiG: K3 100w ANT: Vertical |
UR5UEG | SO LOW ALL | IC-718 100 W |
US0HZ | SO LOW ALL | FT 2000 100w |
US0TA | SO LOW ALL | FT 990 |
US1IV | SO LOW ALL | TNX for Contest ! |
US5ZCW | SO LOW 15M | ICOM-756, 4-el YAGI |
US7IS | SO HIGH 20M | 86706 |
UT2LU | SO LOW 80M | 100wt TS-2000 |
UT3EG | SO LOW 10M | trx IC-726 80watts ant DIPOLE |
UT3EK | SO LOW 15M | trx FT-767 96watts ant Delta |
UT3RS | SA LOW ALL | TX/RX - FT-950, 100W Ant - I.V |
UT5EPP | SO LOW ALL | Using FT-2000, PWR ABT 80 WTTS |
UT5IZ | SO LOW ALL | 73! |
UT5UUV | SO QRP ALL | HOMEMADE TRX 3-4 WTT OUT ANT VERT 40 m HIGH on 80-160 TRAP GP on 10-15-20 NO ANT on 40 |
UT5VX | SO LOW ALL | Kenwood Ts 590s |
UT6IS | SO HIGH 15M | 73! |
UT7UA | SO LOW 160M | trcvr FLEX-3000 100W, OCF Dipole Antenna |
UT8UF | SO LOW 20M | Yaesu FT-950, Heil proset HC-5, 4 el. Yagi 20m |
UW2ZL | SO LOW ALL | ic-7400 Windom all band |
UW5EES | Checklog | Mini SW2012C |
UX5UU | SA QRP ALL | 5 W; ANT - DL, GP |
UZ7M | SA LOW ALL | rig icom 756 icom 746 pro ant 160&80 inv.v &gp 40 3QQ 22 up 20 4qq &4qq 15 6QQ , 10 6 qq |
V31MW | SA HIGH ALL | I had a great time in the pile-ups! It is always fun to be the DX! |
V47JA | SA HIGH ALL | 15m was great! |
VA3NW | SO LOW ALL | Quite tiring, but very fun! |
VA3PAW | SO LOW ALL | My first entrance to this great contest - loved it |
VA3RKM | SO QRP ALL | KX3, 5w, verticals |
VA3RNJ | SO LOW ALL | Awesome conditions my best ever performance. Everyone on the band was friendly and patient |
VA3WU | SO HIGH ALL | Great time 10-15-20 in great shape!! |
VA3YT | SO LOW 20M | 100 Watts |
VA3ZAK | SO LOW 20M | Operating mobile on battery power from Prevost motor coach, Antenna - opposing ham sticks 15 feet above coach escape hatche. VE3 Hamilton area, heavy rain |
VA6UK | SO HIGH ALL | Great conditions loved every minute of the contest |
VA7HZ | SO LOW ALL | Had to take a break from the contest to log into the BC Emergency net after the 7.7 Mag earthquake in Haida Gwaii |
VC3X | SO HIGH ALL | Conditions could have been better on 80 and 160 but overall it was a great event. I am happy to say there is still room for improvement. I learned some things which should help the score next year...only 365 days to go. :) Member of Team Orca |
VE1SKY | SA LOW 80M | 100w max power output |
VE1ZA | SA LOW ALL | Running 100W from output of transceiver. Interesting contest. I originally contemplated a QRP effort, but that quickly changed to low power. My score was not better than last year, but I reached 1m points/1000 Q's in 18.5 hrs, vs a 26 hour operation last year. My Q rate went up from 49 to 56 Q per hour on average and my operation was 99% S&P. I am very happy with that since I improved my operating techniques. Running an FT-1000MkV, triband yagi @ 15m and wires for 80/40m and an INV-L for 160. Using a pennant antenna for recieve, even on 15m--it was really needed. The low band condx were not as good last year--lots of noise. However, the KH2/AH0 stations were plentiful, which was great!. Had lots of fun as usual. Thanks to all participants and the contest committee--Tony VE1ZA |
VE2DXY | MULTI-TWO | Band conditions were good and local weather cooperated in Zone 2. It's rare to have both of these in alignment from our northern location. This year our Multi-Two station performance was significantly improved as we added a second beam on 10 through 20 to our antenna set up, used two Electraft KPA500 amps and the new KAT500 tuner. This greatly increased our band agility on both stations. We had good runs on all of the bands, especially 10 meters. Due to pending Hurricane Sandy and possible RACES responsibility, we decided to return home early for family considerations and only operated 36 hours. After two days of driving, we made it home just in time before roads and bridges were stating to be closed |
VE2EZD | SA HIGH ALL | Thank you for this great contest FT-950 + AL-811H + AT2K + Heil Proset 80m dipole, 40m delta-loop, 15m vertical and 10m vertical |
VE3AAQ | SO HIGH 10M | 10m was great! I lost three hours of good running time to resolve an RFI complaint from a neighbour |
VE3BR | SO LOW 80M | I was planning a solid SOAB LP effort with my new callsign. I ended up with a leisurely SOSB on what beforehand I considered my weakest band: 80 m (not counting 160 where I have no antenna at all). Contest started with things falling apart for upper bands, resulting in the operator peeved and gravelled beyond the point of "having fun". I could keep adding to aggravation or regroup for the second night and do 80 with no receiving antennas, "radially challenged" vertical and low power - all no good on lower bands. C'est la vie, c'est la guerre. After I reminded myself that I am not a "serious contester" and recalled my uncle's saying (he had one for everything): "if you don't have what you like, like what you have", I managed to get back into the "fun mode" and enjoy the contest. Thanks to everybody who made it into my log. To those who didn't: try harder next year :) |
VE3DC | MULTI-MULTI | Band conditions were great. We tried Multi-multi this year and had a lot of fun with all the operators changing around radios and positions. We definitely had a lot of fun working all the DX stations. Thanks to all that worked us. 73 Rick VE3BK |
VE3EDY | SO LOW 160M | Looking forward hopfully to a fifth straight Win using my (TABA) Mobile Screwdriver Antenna design used on the TOP BAND in this year's CQ-WW Contest. TABA - Tunable All Bands Antenna |