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2021 SSB

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KO4SGCSO LOW 10MOperator age 11 2009
KO4TPNSA LOW 10MFirst license 09-2021
KP4AASO HIGH 10MYep. Ten opened up. K3S, KPA-1500/1KW, 3 el. monobander, A3S
KP4VPSO LOW ALLThanks for the opportunity. See you soon in CQWW CW!
KQ2MSO HIGH ALLSpent weeks before the contest fixing antennas and working on the station. Was planning on only a part-time effort but I was having fun so I just kept going. 10 meters on Sunday was incredible! Tnx for the qsos and the mults! 73 Bob, KQ2M
KQ7TJChecklogThis is a late submission for check log purposes only
KR1ASO LOW ALLI did not try to rotate the 40m vertical even once and demonstrated that VOX will not work if switch is not ON
KR2QSO HIGH ALLNo QRP this year. Just playing around, giving out some points and working BY JA and SE Asia
KR3LSO LOW ALLFirst license 06-2021 6/23/21
KS7TSO HIGH ALLI've jokingly mentioned to my ham buddies that the big guns make their own propagation. After what I heard in this contest I'm now convinced its not a joke! My needle here in MT. was in the red on 15 from many EU stns on a weekend that had every negative prop forecast possible!
KT8DSO HIGH 40MStill logging on paper
KU2MSO HIGH 15MReports of the death of propagation were, happily, an exaggeration!
KV4ZYSO LOW ALLCasual operating just for fun -)
KX2TSA HIGH ALLBands were back and maybe next Year FPL will fix the S9 line noise or maybe rain all weekend would surfice, Contesting became great fun again!
KX7TLSO HIGH ALLFirst license 07-2020 20 July 2020
LA3NGASA QRP 20MJust having some fun with 5W and R5 GP
LA4CMULTI-TWOOperated from the club house, 20 m from salt water. Predicted solar storm and possible black out made us work higher bands first. Good to see bands i good shape again. That made USA the top country in our log (13%), but still EU is dominant continent (74,6%). Our operators represent a wide range of skills, from veterans to rookies. We all are happy about our achievements, as it is up to our best score ever
LB0WISA HIGH ALLFirst license 04-2021
LB7PISO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2019
LC9ASA LOW ALLFun with propagation 15 & 10!
LN8WMULTI-MULTI11/12 LA Contest Club and 1/12 Bavarian Contest Club
LR7DSA HIGH 10MOne more and completely new Experience. We fulfilled an old wish that we had with my great friend Mark LU8EOT (LO5D) to make two Single-Bands simultaneously. Between the two of us, we put together the station for the two bands from the ground up in just 5 days. Manufacturing and assembling 4 new antennas (2x5 ele 10M and 2x4 ele 15M), and mounting two towers with all that implies, under a scorching sun with historical temperatures for October, with 37~39c every day was really a challenge that at times became a suffering . Having suffered and endured the heat and the sun the way we did, further confirmed our madness and passion for what we do. Although we had many problems and in my case I lost around 7 hours of full opening, far beyond the individual result of each one, the satisfaction of having built our own antennas and having worked more than 15 hours a day throughout the week to participate in a contest, and going off to call “CQ contest” without even having done a single test QSO, is an experience and sensation that is difficult to explain. While I always like to work at the stations we visit, we have never made our own antennas and specially, they work!! I could be here telling you for hours everything we had to do and the things that happened to us on all this days, but it’s not important at all. The important thing is that it makes me very happy to read so many good experiences, to see people motivated again with the higher-bands openings, especially with the show that the 10-meter band gave us. Glad to see the multi-op stations back and compete with each other, after two years of partial and remote operations. One more weekend that shows us that little by little everything returns to normal, also in our world. See you next! Manu LU9ESD-LR7D Setup Rig: Yaesu FTdx5000 PA: Edcom 1Kw. Filter: ICE-419B Antennas: 5/5 OWA Yagi @15/20mH
LT6MSA HIGH ALLExcelentes condiciones de propagacion en bandas altas!!!
LU1VYLSA LOW 10MFirst license 03-2019
LU3DNTSA LOW 10MEste fue mi primer concurso! Gracias papa LU1DZ
LU5MGHSO LOW 10MFirst license 03-2021
LU9CSMSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2018
LW5HRSA LOW ALLThanks all for the qso's
LW7DXSO HIGH 10M10M is returning . Many activity, some hours with good rate. Congratulations to the stations listened, especially to PY2YU, PY5QW, LR7D, LU1DX, CX2DK, LT1F, LU6ETB (op LU7DW), among others
LX/DJ6OISA HIGH 80MJust for fun on the Air for a Houre or 2 ... see you next
LX1ERSA HIGH ALLamazing conditions , specialy on 10 meter , that was a great fun to work the contest
LX1LCSA HIGH ALLFirst license 04-2020
LY0NASSO QRP ALLFirst license 10-2019 Licensed from 2019-10-30. 80m skywave loop, IC-705 reduced to 5W, it were real challange to work At start I made mistake to send 59 19, sorry
LY2NKSO QRP 40Mtnx for QSOs and 73
LY3LBSA LOW 20MOperator age 14
LY5GSO QRP ALLTS-590 set to 5W QRP, 3 dipoles, 4 square GP (40m), Mosley TA-63N
LZ2JASA LOW 20MRig: FT-100D 100 W Ant: OB16-3
LZ2JESA LOW ALLA participation out of respect for the competition,
LZ7NWSA LOW ALLOperator age 24 1997
M0ACMSO LOW 20MCondx on 20m pretty good on Saturday but on Sunday evening died suddenly!
M0BPQSA HIGH ALLFeeling terrible with a cold so very little voice to enter this. Nice condx on 10m though
M0CVOSO HIGH ALLExcellent conditions on day one
M0HMSSO LOW ALLExcellent all worked with 20 watts from a new XIEGU G90 rig which I got on Friday
M0JBASO QRP 20MLooks like the sunspots are waking up , not much DX though
M0JQQSO LOW ALLROOKIE first licenced June 2020
M0KSA HIGH ALLJust a brief dabble on the LF bands as no decent HF antenna at the moment
M0LGWSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2020
M0MCVSO HIGH 40MGreat conditions on Saturday but not so good on Sunday! Had a clear weekend so managed almost 1300 Qs in 30 hours operating as a 40m single band entry

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