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2021 SSB

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Call Category Comments
JR1QBASO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2EKDSO QRP 15MI enjoyed the contest by QRP
JR2EUESO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest. Thank you
JR2KHBSA LOW ALLOperator age 25 25 y/o (19 Oct 1996)
JR2KQESO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2PAUSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2PMTSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR3RIUSO HIGH ALLBetter condition. quite enjoy! IC-7600 KPA500
JR4BYHSO LOW 15MThe Condx was pretty good for long path to Europe from JA. Enjoyed Contest Thanks!
JR4LRYSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JR6CSYSO HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest. Very good condx !
JR7ASOSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JR7IWLSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1BIBSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1OYNSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the new cycle! See you next contest
JS2ITISO QRP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JS6UGCSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2020 04-2020
JW5EMULTI-TWOVery difficult conditions, but we achieved our goal of giving three rookies and new members of the club a taste for contesting. We let them make use of most of the good openings (Solveig JW5MUA, Kine JW5IUA and Joern JW5LUA). Also Our spanish visitor Javier EA1HEO contributed significantly. Old hands were JW6QIA Peter and JW6VDA Tom. Great fun as always!
K0BAKSO LOW ALLOnly operated the last 2 hours, but still had fun. A few contacts on 10m and a good number on 15m even though near dark here, that wasn't expected
K0BBBSO HIGH 15MSome stations don't give there callsigns for 5 plus minutes, very frustrating. But guess same for everyone who doesn't use assistance
K0DVPSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2019
K0KWHSO LOW ALLFirst license 08-2020 General License 12-14-2020
K0KXSA LOW ALLThanks for the Q's and hearing my weak signal using a 5 meter height Inverted L
K0MKLSA LOW 10MA 10-meter opening has been rare in far northwest Minnesota so I took this opportunity to look for ATNOs...found three
K0RCSA LOW ALLNice to see 10m and 15m open for a contest even though I could only devote an hour of S&P this time
K0VHSO LOW ALLFirst contest in over 22 years w/o a beam. Used HF6, it wasn't easy esp Sunday
K1AUSSO LOW ALLOnly had a few hours on Sunday to operate. Heard a lot of Europe stations in the morning on 20 meters but none heard me. After local noon, I could hit Hawaii and Japan well and even got a Australian and New Zealand station before I had to quit. Propagation was poor to start but got better in the mid afternoon local time. Thank you for the contest . 73 K1AUS
K1CCMULTI-TWOThis was a small non-competitive M/2 with 2 ops (K1CC and K1ZZ) and Linda KA1ZD helping out on 10m. We set an objective of maximizing fun, getting plenty of sleep at night and not knocking ourselves out. Based on the solar CME and expected disturbances on Saturday, we were anticipating plenty of time off – wrong! The excellent conditions kept us in our seats and kept us going. The disturbance finally hit here 3 hours before the end of the contest. The only disappointment was 160m, but you just don’t get great conditions on all 6 bands at the same time. My thanks to Dave for the effort in reconfiguring his SO2R station to accommodate two operating positions and for fixing almost everything to make the station ready for the weekend. It has been 40+ years since our days of M/M at K1ZZ in the early 1980’s – time flies! --- Rich K1CC
K1MWHSO LOW ALLRookie Operator. Licensed General 06/07/2021
K1PETSO LOW 10M7/13/2021 my original call sign was KC1POL
K1RXMULTI-TWOGot the band back together! Concert was sold out!!
K1THESA LOW ALLFirst license 03-2021 2021-03-25
K1TTTMULTI-MULTIThanks to Dave for hosting our team
K1WASMULTI-ONEEveryone was more excited each contact
K2AXMULTI-TWOWhen we worked HS3NBR, it sounded like he was saying 'two-three'. This is inconsistent with the HS prefix which should be 26. We listened to several other stations work him and it still sounded like 'two-three'. Then one station questioned him on it and he clearly said 'number two, number six' so it could just be weak signal and a strong accent that made it sound like 'two-three'. We logged it as 26. Also, by now we are certain the contest committee is aware of the rash of apparent self-spotting that occured beginning on Sunday afternoon and are looking into it. We noticed our call had this happen two times. KE2D
K2EKMSO QRP ALLA real challenge with my 5w to an end-fed 53 foot sloper
K2QMFSA HIGH ALLFriggen Great Band Conditions!! Hope CQWW CW is as god... 73, Ted K2QMF
K2YJSA HIGH ALLFirst license 02-2019
K2ZRSA LOW ALLGreat conditions to give my new IC-7610 a workout ANTS: Traffie Hexbeam - 660' CF Wire - 407' EF Wire LOG: N1MM Thanks for the QSOs 73, Dick, K2ZR
K3CCRMULTI-TWOK3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W5MPB did Multi-2 HP in 2021 CQ SSB. Our goal was to beat the pre-covid Multi-2 2019 CQ SSB score claimed by N3UM and W3GB. But, magnetic storms with Kp from 5 up to 7 (HF blackout) were forecast for 24 hrs from 12Z Sat. And, we had only 1 usable HPA. We were pleased to get to 94% of the 2019 claim anyway. We know now that Kp was 5 max 12-15Z Sun, and just 4 in 9 other hrs. And, W5MPB got 39% of our Q points with 100 W vs 1.5 KW. We got 1.02 X the 2019 Q pts but 0.92 X the mults typ. Kp of 3 to 4 meant 0.7 X our 2019 low-band mults. We got 78% of our Qs on high bands SFI was 108. At 0Z start N3UM found 40 M OK but 160 M weak (10 Qs), while W5MPB found 20 M weak (4 Qs) but 80 M OK. Rates died by 0430Z QRT with 138 Qs. From 12Z, many hi-band EUs. W5MPB got 80 Qs on 20 M, 28 on 15 M, and 52 on 10 M. From 1430Z N3UM got 48 Qs on 15 M and ran for 74 of 118 Qs on 20 M. We had 466 Qs at 22Z. N3UM got 22 Qs on 20 and 34 Qs on 80 M by 0130Z QRT. W5MPB got 3 Qs on 15 and 10 M and 22 on 40 M by 0215Z QRT. Sun. 1145-15Z N3UM ran for 90 of 128 Qs on 20 M, while W5MPB got 41 Qs on 15 M and 47 on 10 M. From 15-21Z (w/lunch breaks) N3UM got 60 Qs on 10 M and 48 on 15 M, and W5MPB got 51 Qs on 20 M. From 21-24Z we scraped up 41 last Qs and 15 mults, on 80 thru 15 M. Many far & rare mults on hi-bands 9K A7 BY FR JA JW VK(LP) VU & YB on 20 M, 4X 7P FR OH0 VK ZL & ZS on 15 M, GD HC8 OH0 plus 13 LUs and 35 PYs on 10 M. Sunspots, welcome back
K3GWKSO LOW ALLGood openings on 10 meters!
K3KDXSO LOW ALLFirst license 02-2019 ROOKIE
K3PASA HIGH ALLInteresting propagation conditions!
K3TNSA HIGH ALLOnly home a few hours for this one, nice to make Qs on all bands
K3TWSO LOW 10MBand conditions on 28 MHz. were outstanding!

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