Call | Category | Comments |
LU5MT | SO LOW 10M | |
LV5V | SA HIGH ALL | In memory to Dear Frank LU1VK, big QRP contester, SK yesterday 27-10-2012 |
LY2CO | Checklog | 73 ! RIG: IC756; ANTENNA: Dipole |
LY5S | SO LOW 40M | 50W |
LY9A | SO LOW ALL | Thanks Albertas LY5R again for letting me to use His Shack and improved antennas field again. Despite of better antennas and prpagation my score is down from the last year. Perhaps it's because an opertaor getting older? |
LZ1MS | SO HIGH 10M | ONLY 10m 20m and 15m checklog |
LZ2JA | SO LOW 15M | RIG: FT-100D 100W ANT: 7-element Yagi |
M0AUG | SO LOW ALL | SD linked to the FT897 is so easy to use |
M0DZB | SO QRP 10M | Power 5W FT817 and Slim Jim |
M0MCV | SO LOW ALL | SOAB LP again. Only 30 hours this year as the contest clashed with my daughter's birthday! |
M0SME | SO LOW ALL | 100W |
M0TQR | SO LOW ALL | 100 watts |
M1BCM | SO LOW ALL | 1st cqww ssb contest |
M1DST | SA HIGH 15M | Had radio trouble (and family QRM) so was only able to operate for a limited period |
M2H | SA HIGH 10M | Great fun with the 10M offering very good Conditions. Just like the good old days! |
M4A | MULTI-TWO | The annual Cambridge University Wireless Society entry in CQWW DX SSB is our biggest event of the year. We use it as an opportunity to show contesting to our latest recruits, many of whom are current students, whilst also inviting some recent graduates and supporters back to help us achieve a respectable score. This year was a very odd contest for us. Saturday saw fantastic conditions, and at one point we were 600k points up on our score from the same time last year. On Sunday, however, we found the bands much more flat, which meant that we lost a lot of ground, eventually finishing 1.6M points lower than last year's claimed score. Antennas were much the same as in previous years, but we used K3s instead of the FT-1000MPs we have used in the past. This was a great success, and the diversity feature was especially appreciated on the lower bands. Despite not managing to beat the English M2 record that we set last year, all seventeen operators had a great time during the weekend. Thanks for the QSOs |
M4D | SA HIGH 10M | Nice openings on both days. Sure I can do much better when I get the antenna higher. Looking forward now to CQ WW WPX! Thanks to all for the QSOs. 73 de John, G4ATA |
M7X | SA HIGH 10M | FTDX5000, 5 ele yagi @45ft, 400W into antenna |
MM0BIM | SA LOW ALL | IC7400 with 15m dipole. Good condx |
MM0BQN | Checklog | FT 2000 running 200 watts Antenna Force 12 C19XR up at 12mQSO: 28000 PH 2012-10-28 1456 MM0BQN 5914 14 VE3FWA 59 04 0 |
MM0GPZ | SA HIGH ALL | Great fun. Dipped in and out due to committemnts |
MM0XAU | SO LOW 10M | Just to take part - from SHETLAND |
MM1EJK | SO LOW ALL | First time trying |
MW2I | SO HIGH 10M | Great Conditions, didnt realise 10m could be so tiring! |
N0IBT | SO LOW 10M | Maximum output power: 30 watts |
N0SMX | SO HIGH ALL | Great Band Conditions. Lots of good signals |
N0WRK | SO LOW 15M | Great experience for a new contestor. Made contacts with many new countries for my log. Thanks for everyone's support during the contest. Max Power 100 watts |
N2FF | SA LOW 10M | I want to submit a single band ten meter low power assisted log but pleasee credit my all band contacts to YCCC. Hurricane Sandy got me at 5:30 Monday afternoon. We lost power for 52 hours. I also lost my quad and a numbner of trees into neighbors yards. Fortuantely we had no damage to the house and it's new roof only a month old. A strong gust from the east bent the mast where it came out of the tower. I had been using that mast with same antenna for 30 years. It was bent over at a 45 degree angle. It looked like I was doing reverse moon bounce on 20 meters with the quad pointed at the ground. My biggest loss was my Internet connection. CableVision was out for morethan a week and came back at 3PM on Election Day. I hope you guys accept this log. Great conditions on 10 and 15 so I elected to do a mainly 10 meter single band and see if In could make it to 1K QSOs and a million points. I'll spare you the suspense. I did not make it but I sure had fun trying. Saturday morning during the EU opening (prime time) I lost almost and hour trying to figure out why I had weird windows opening up all over the place and moving around the screen. I thought perhaps it was RF getting into the mouse or the keyboard and reset the computer a few times. Finally I decided to replace the old Focus keyboard which had had too much coffee over the years with a new Logitech wireless version sitting in the corner having never been used. That was the cure. But I lost an important hour. I spent the rest of the contest moving up and down the band map on ten meters picking off mults and new stations attempting the turn all the spots red. It's not all the easy running 100 watts but it sure is fun. I never used the MFJ voice keyer and I very tried to run. Once in a while I moved back to 15 or 20 to pick off multipliers. Sunday afternoon I really started to get tired and threw in the towel early as there was almost no new stations to work and there were no more multipliers. But more importantly the wind had picked up and there was rain spitting as the hurricane approached. It was about time to crank the tower down. Thanks to all the guys and gals around the world who hear my signal and worked me. The thrill of getting a response from a distant multiplier on the first or second call never gets old with low power. In fact I am always happen when they simply come back no matter how many calls I have made. May East Coast towers and antennas be spared in the coming storm! We still have the CW portion ahead |
N2SLO | SO LOW 10M | Due to hurricane Sandy, my contest time was reduced from last year. Conditions were very good on Saturday, with many stations from Europe. The Canadians came in late afternoon, then a few South American stations. These conditions were the same both days. The propagation was much better last year |
N2WK | SA HIGH ALL | Part Time all S&P |
N3QC | MULTI-TWO | Our club's first effort at contesting, we called this "RadioSport 101" and it gave all the opportunity to see what contesting is like. We may have made several new contesters from the interest they showed!! |
N3UM | SO HIGH ALL | I've done the CQ WW SSB every year starting in 2001, except for 2007. This year I claimed my best score since the high-sunspot years of 2001-2004 innclusive: about 658 K, just above my best previous claim of 654 K in 2010, and much better than the range of 482 K to 598 K I got in the other recent years of 2005-2011. I was also pleased to get the recent-best score this year in 20.2 hrs. operating, compared with typical times of 25 to 27 hrs. in the years since 2004. These good results were mostly achieved on 10 and 15 meters, where I was able to run at high rates for a while on Sun. (though not Sat.) I also found lots more countries on 10 and 15 m. this year than I did in recent years, more than offsetting just average Qs and mults this year on 80 thru 20 meters. Activity level was high on all bands |
N3XUD | SO HIGH ALL | Great Contest!!!! Lots of new countries worked!!! |
N4DB | SO LOW ALL | Great contest from new setup but big time problems with RFI my computer |
N4DXI | SA HIGH ALL | Halloween parties interferred with contest....oh well |
N4DXY | MULTI-ONE | Great contest... GREAT Band Conditions! |
N4KH | SO LOW ALL | 10 Meters was loads of fun. Thanks for all the QSOs |
N4PSE | SO HIGH ALL | Another fun part time effort. New amp really worked sweet. Conditions were better on Sunday from my limited observations |
N4RWH | SO LOW ALL | Great Contest! Thanks to all those who made this contest possible! 100 watts |
N5CR/7 | SO HIGH 20M | Great being back in the CQWW after 20 years of being off the air! But being in zone 3 when all the logging software defaults me to zone 4 is a pain, I think most of the DX got it right |
N5DTT | SO LOW ALL | Wow! What conditions! What fun |
N5XJ | SA HIGH 10M | Just got ON to help the more serious participants increase their scores |
N5ZC | SO HIGH 15M | First contest for the new station |
N6AJR | SO LOW ALL | Only had an hour or two, here and there, bands were great |
N6RV | SO LOW ALL | Thanks for hearing my low power station! I just want to keep the neighbors happy. Ten was incredible again. It was wall to wall beyond 29MHz. Unfortunately everyone stayed up there too long! Another disappointment is hearing all the Europeans on 40 and not being heard. I forgot how tough 20 SSB is! Ten was so easy and 15 followed close behind. 160 was wall to wall noise and 80 was noisy and the signals were weak. Biggest let down was not getting through to A73A and 7Z1SJ even when no one else was calling. Also no VU heard here either. We were hearing them LP the week before the contest and actually cracked the A73A pile up barefoot! I do not know what happened maybe a lot of splatter. Radio: Flex 5000A Antennas: 160 Shunt Fed Tower 80 Delta Loop 50 feet 40 KLM 2 El 40 66 feet 20/15/10 KT36XA 78 feet / KT34XA 52 feet Six Pack Stack Match Writelog This contest is a wake up call. I need to complete the antenna upgrades. The 40 meter beam was on the fritz, the 80 meter loop has been rotten for a long time, both triband yagis need to be cleaned up and the rotating ring needs to be serviced. The HDX589 is laying in the back yard. Both the 4 element SteppIR and the DB18E are assembled. A new loop on 80 is in order and the shunt for 160 will be completed. Next year it will be rock and roll! The Flex misbehaved through the whole contest. A 50 ohm matching resistor was left out of the design in the DDS for back matching. With the latest software the radio hangs up and the box must be shut off and the software rebooted. By next year I will have my Icom SO2R fully running. See everyone in the CW contest! It will be fantastic! |