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CQ World Wide DX Contest

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2021 SSB

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Call Category Comments
I2OLVSO HIGH ALLHappy to be here for the first time
I2WIJSA HIGH ALLHere comes the sun! Bob, I2WIJ
I5MPNSA HIGH ALLI try only to answer
IB1BChecklogI make the WW RTTY and try to make the WW SSB from my RadioClub. Start, but in the morning no possibility to continue. I was very very tired, all week work and no possibility to arrive at the Contest start in good condition. Thanks to my RadioClub IQ1RY for the support
IB9TMULTI-ONE LOWproblems to survive in highly crowded bands
IC8/I8UZASA LOW 40MK3+fishing rod... in the middle of the hills... and the call was tricky to spell... hi
IK1JJMSO LOW ALLWorking conditions : K3 - TH7DX - DIS72 x 40mt - Hm vertical 80/160 mt. Strong signals from U.S.A, South America, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe but few and very low from Oceania in my station. Thank to all and see you again in the CW session 73' Sergio ik1jjm
IK2RLSSA LOW ALLAlways happy to partecipate to the CQWWDX contests
IK2XSLSA HIGH ALLApprox 16 hours of operation. Good activity on higher bands, altough low sunspot number. Very hard to find a clear frequency on 20m to make some cq. See you next contest. Marco - IK2XSL
IK2XYISA HIGH 10MNice condition, spare time. 73
IK2ZJJSA LOW ALLHi folks. After 20 years of inactivity I'm back on air this year and decided to make some few QSOs during the CQWW SSB contest. It was simply amazing! 73 de IK2ZJJ
IK4LZHSA LOW 15M5EL mono band, good propagation, great ham radio weekend
IK4MTFSO LOW ALLMy rig: Kenwood TS850s 100w, ant. fishing pole 7,5m long on the balcony @ 4th floor in oblique position. Not simple working in this contest with a lot of signals and splatters. But i really enjoyed it!
IK4XQTSO LOW ALLelecraft k2 60 w ant. end fed nvis on balcony of condo!
IK7JNMSA HIGH ALLNice contest,My first participation in an international contest,73!
IK7LMXSA LOW ALLnice contest,all bands open!
IK8DYMSO LOW ALLmi scuso per la parziale partecipazione
IK8SHLSO LOW ALLI didn't make many contacts but I had a lot of fun, RTX Kenwood TS2000, home made built 8m vertical antenna, 73 Antonio IK8SHL
IN3IIRSO HIGH ALLFirst license 01-2020
IN3IJCSA LOW ALLFirst license 02-2020
IN3MNSSO LOW ALLper divertimento
IO0AMULTI-ONEA lot of improvement needed for the future :)
IO1CMULTI-TWOWoowwww !!!
IO7ASO LOW 15MGood Contest
IQ2LSMULTI-TWOTNX to Ari Lissone to let use the radioclub station
IR1GSA HIGH ALLJust one hour of fun
IR4QSO LOW 10MFirst license 07-2019
IR9WSA HIGH 10Mtnx to all
IR9ZSA HIGH 20MSeveral times when I started calling after finding a free frequency, after a few minutes a powerful station would arrive and start calling on the same or adjacent frequency. On some sought after stations that arrived quite well I was unable to pass. About 17 hours of activity. Average rates 40 qso / hour
IS0/OM2TWSO HIGH 80MAfter several IOTA contests, my first CQWW from Sardinia. We arrived on the island a week before the contest, so I had time to setup my station and test it. I also enjoyed the nice weather on the island with XYL and our dog. This time I decided to go for single band without assistance, because of a bit 'rare' multi location. This was a good desission, because I went practically the whole contest on CQ, maybe I found 20 QSOs on the second radio. Even these were very difficult, because it was nearly impossible to explain such a long and complicated callsign like IS0/OM2TW. Another issue was a stormy weather in the area. SAL-30 receiving system helped a lot, all QSOs has been received by this antenna. Setup: SunSdr2 1,5kW power amplifier 18m vertical with 30 radials dipole 10m above the ground SAL-30 for receiving Nice contest, CUL from Sardinia... 73 de Richard IS0/OM2TW
IS0AGYSA QRP 40MAlso this year I participate in the CQWW as a qrp station, with few connections, but at the same time I had a great contest
IS0ANUMULTI-ONECi si ritrova in buona compagnia a divertirsi e portare avanti questa malsana competizione con un'altra stazione sarda HIHI.... Inizio un p� sottotono, grande galoppata e recupero il secondo giorno in 10 e 80 metri. SETUP MAST 25mt con dipolo rot 10 15 20, dipolo rot 40, filare 160 e filare 80 mast 10mt dipolo rotativo 10 15 20 Stazione RUN Kenwood ts480 + AMP ranger 811H 500W Stazione MULT Kenwood ts480 200W
IS0HQJSO LOW ALLCredevo di avere una buona possibilit� di fare un buon contest, gia all'inizio con tutta la propagazione nelle bande alte, mi sono dovuto ricredere quasi subito! prima un rtx in qrt, ed alla sostituzione, anche il secondo rtx in qrt dai 100w passando a circa 20w. a questo punto deluso ed amareggiato ho dovuto fare QRT
IT9IHBSA LOW ALLFirst license 01-2020 good contest
IT9IQNSA LOW 15MOperator age 25 dx
IT9IRMSO LOW 20MFirst license 01-2020
IT9IVUSA LOW ALLFirst license 03-2021
IT9OPRSA LOW ALLFor very bad wx conditions I cannot worked in a team so I used my semi- broken antenna system specially for 40M,as single operator from my site. In this bad condition I worked a lot G stations and VE.Anyway I enjoy myself so I increase my dxcc vith Hawaii.I say many thanks to all stations that I met during the Contest.Hoping better next year.All the best 73's
IU0OVBSA HIGH ALLFirst license 01-2021 Category Overlay ROOKIE IU0OVB License date 11th January 2021
IU1GNASA LOW ALLpoche ore di Contest, con antenna verticale multibanda mal funzionante... Ma � stato comunque divertente
IU1MRGSO LOW ALLFirst license 06-2019 licence on june 2019
IU1NKSSO HIGH ALLFirst license 02-2020
IU1OLRSO LOW 20MFirst license 10-2020
IU1OPQSA LOW ALLFirst license 01-2021
IU1OQZSO LOW ALLFirst license 01-2021
IU2BHIChecklogLicensed on Dec 1, 2013
IU2JFGSO HIGH 40MWonderful contest! Thank you

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