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2023 CW

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Call Category Comments
N2EMSO LOW ALLExcellent propagation conditions
N2FTSA HIGH ALLGreat contest. Enjoyed operating from the HOA with my temporary antennas
N2JNRSO QRP ALLThank you to all that made contact for pulling my QRP signal! 10 Meters!!!
N2MASA LOW ALLGreat contest! Thanks!
N2OGSA LOW ALLThanks everyone, I sent by hand with 100 watts and one G5RV. Part time effort on the family weekend
N2WLGSA LOW ALL40W and balcony mounted Buddipole!
N3AMLSA HIGH ALLFirst license 12-2020 12/2020
N3FRSO LOW ALLLove CW and this contest did not disappoint! Decent bands allowed for many unique DX contacts! This contest certainly does bring out many smooth CW operators! Some of which I think were sending at about 125 WPM! LOL! Thanks for a great contest weekend! Bob, N3FR
N3JTSA HIGH ALLVery good conditions led me to spend more time than planned!
N3MXSA HIGH ALLFirst license 051992
N3RNSA LOW 10MWanted to see how my ZS6BKW antenna played on 10 meters. Well I guess if the band is open, it's open! So Just went out to have fun. It was a ball! N3RN
N3RSSA HIGH ALLLots of fun with 10M open so well. Looking forward to next year. Congrats to all the top scorers for their outstanding efforts and to those who called in during the contest. See you all next year. 73 de Sig, N3RS
N4AFSO HIGH ALLexcellent condx 10M thru 160M
N4CWMULTI-ONEA great workout for a couple old guys! We shared operating the station for the whole weekend, with just a mutual break for dinner Saturday. We operated 47h, 13m! No equipment failures, but limited antennas (tribander, 40M sloping dipole, and inverted-vee on 80...also used on 160 thru tuner!). K3 + amplifier for 1.5 kW max output...rarely achieved due to VSWR. Ops- Bert, N4CW and Jim, W4TMO. 73 and THANKS to all for a great/fun time
N4FPSA HIGH ALLFlex 6400, Ten-Tec Titan 425 Classic 33 at 45 ft, 80/40 inv V at 45 ft
N4IWSA LOW ALLCQ Worldwide CW Contest - 11/25-26/2023 Although I have been a ham since 1982, this was my first ever CW contest, and my 4th contest overall using N1MM.??That being said, I had a lot to learn and spent a lot of my time reading the N1MM documentation.??It took me awhile to be able to get into the flow of the contacts but once I figured that out things went ok.??All of my contacts were S&P.??I still struggled with the speeds of the CW being sent because my CW skills are pretty rusty.??The spotting and other automation available inside of N1MM helped me greatly.??In my view many running contest stations would have more contacts if they would slow down a little bit.??I listened to many stations sending unintelligible machine generated automated CQs over and over with no takers.??I had several family obligations and other things that kept my BIC at a fairly pedestrian level.??All in all it was a lot of fun and I exceeded my early expectations.??
N4PSESA HIGH 40MOnly had limed time to operate- but set a goal of working over 100 DXCC entities on 40- and made it (I hope!). FDTX 3000/AL 80B zepp at 75' 40 M ocf at 70' and an 80M EFHW up 80' The wires have amazing directivity and I just about wore out the antenna switch!
N5EIFChecklogFirst license 04-2019 First time taking part in the CQWW-CW. Thanks to all. Derek AA5BT suggested I take part. Lots of new DXCC for me! I used an IC-705 with 10 watts into a 100 ft doublet up 25 ft. Submitted log late, intend to submit it as a check log
N5GGSA LOW ALLFTdx10 / dipole
N5KAESA LOW ALLGreat Propagation!!!
N5RELSA HIGH ALLSuper band conditions. Nice to see the scope lit up with signals. Had a blast and picked up a few new countries
N6BTSA HIGH ALLAll S&P with limited time - typical these days. Rig: Flex 6600, ALS-600 at 500 watts, Urban Beam at 50', single vertical on 80 and 160. Additional antenna is a stack of 2/2 on 15 and 10. Nice to have good condx on high bands
N6DESA HIGH ALLRemote operation
N6HISO QRP ALL5 Watts to a 20 Foot end-fed wire thrown into a tree out my window. • My favorite contest! • Ended up with 142 QSOs in 46 Countries. What a Blast! Thanks to all for your patience and the QSOs. GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS! -73- John N6HI
N6ICSO HIGH 15MAlways fun even when working only a few hours
N6PESA HIGH ALLGo in a few hours but no new Challenge slots or needed zones worked
N6RVSA HIGH ALLThanks for all the contacts! It was a gas!
N6XISA HIGH ALL'Sane Contest OPerating Experience' - Enjoyed leftover turkey Shabbat dinner with the XYL Friday night, went to services Saturday morning, had dinner and watched most of the Sharks' game on TV, ran some errands and took a bike ride Sunday morning, and still managed to put in over 12 hours in this favorite contest
N6YEUSO LOW ALLGood fun but had 20 weird conditions. No qsos with EU till Sunday. 10 and 15 were the money bands. Lots of Asia
N7RCSSO QRP ALLThis was my best result ever in 12 CQWW CW contests. The bands were in great shape all weekend. 10m was very active and provided nearly half my 311 Qs. Station: KX3/PX3 powered by 12v 9ah Bioenno battery. Power: 5w. Antenna: HyEndFed 40-10m EFHW configured as an inverted Vee with the ends up about 15 feet and the center up about 35 feet. Software: N1MM. Location: East Coast of South Florida
N7VMSO LOW ALLExtensive pre-contest antenna work plus fantastic conditions made for a personal best
N7VPNSO LOW ALLSee everyone next year
N7VSSO LOW ALLThank you for hosting another interesting event. Ten meters was very good Sunday afternoon local. I wish I could have been more active and hope to be back next year. Happy holidays. 73, Steve Brandt N7VS
N7WYSO HIGH ALLK4D, KPA1500, KT36xa on 10-15-20, 40M2L on 40 meters N1MM logger+, under 13 hours
N8IISO LOW ALLSome great conditions and activity Sunday morning into EU on a very clear frequency low in the band, run nirvana! JA openings are very short on 10M at this time of year. Very few Russians logged, no zone 21, but worked all AF zones except 34
N9ATFSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2021
N9IOSA HIGH 160MDid not have much time to play but I did make great use of what time I had. I am entering in the 160m HP category. Only made a hand full of contacts but ended up with 3 new DXCC countries on 160 that puts me at 79 now. 21 away from 9BDXCC. Propagation on 160m was fantastic considering I do not have beverages. Not a big score but that was not my intention. 73' Clay N9IO
N9TFSA LOW ALLThis was the maiden voyage of my modified 6BTV with added 160m parallel wire configured as an inverted L. Max height is currently 25' from 6BTV to 40'spider beam support pole, 120' down range. Eventually I'll have the spider beam pole raised to ~ 35' when properly guy supported. Although my on time shows a bit over 14 hours, there were many times I had to take breaks that fell into running clock hours, due to visiting family over the holiday weekend. I focused on lower bands Friday night to get a feel for how 160 would play together with 40 and 80. Some detuning on 40 and a very narrow bandwidth on 80CW, but both very workable. Best highlight of the contest came early Saturday evening when I was able break pileups on AH2R, FW5N, 3B9KW, and 4W8X. Heard lots of EU DX on 160 both nights as the low inverted L shows it can hear well at least. Did manage one Q to AF and one to EU on 160, so I count that as a win! Hard to stay focused with family visiting, but still had fun. 73 Gene, N9TF Rig, K3S 100 watts to 6BTV ground mounted with 160m added parallel wire Inv.L
NC5GSO LOW ALLNot much time to operate. Bands seemed really good
NC6KSA HIGH ALLThis was a fight with Murphy from the get-go, but a personal record for me since I don't usually do this as a single op. My 80/160 M sloper died before the contest, so it was a 40-10 M only event. My XYL is in Europe, so I was limited in the time I could spend OTA. Conditions seemed fantastic on 15 and 10 most of the weekend. I had a weird local noise source on 40 and 20 that was about S7 when it was on, but it was very sporadic. When the noise was on, I could only copy the strongest stations but when it stopped, I could easily pick weak ones out of the atmospheric noise. A huge JA run the last few hours of the contest put me over 1 M raw points, which I did not expect to reach. I can only wonder how I might have done with 80 and 160 M plus an additional 10-12 hours... Thanks to all for the contacts and CU next year. Eric NC6K
NC8RSA LOW ALLOperator age 17
ND0CSA QRP ALLOnly had 1.5 hours but wanted to 'play' a bit!
ND8DSO HIGH ALLOnly had an hour to be on the air
ND9MSO LOW ALLOperated RV portable with an IC-7300 to a 5-band fan dipole at 30 feet high inside the state park where I work this very simple and basic station really worked well here!
NG2GSA LOW ALLbest score ever
NI0KSA HIGH 80MI operated 80M single band. Friday night I quit before midnight. Early Saturday was slim pickings- it didn't seem like there was good propatgation. Things must have been slow cuz I heard K3LR doing S&P! Saturday night's propagation wasn't very good. S&P wasn't very fruitful but while I was searching I ran FT8 on 20 on the second radio. I only spent 6 hours on the air
NI9FSO LOW ALLOperator age 20 Birth year 2002 (age 20)
NJ3KSA LOW ALLConditions were bad on Friday and Saturday, improved for Sunday
NL7VSA HIGH ALLHad fun in contest. Practiced the code
NL8FSA HIGH 80MFun contest

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