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2023 CW

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Call Category Comments
K9KJSO LOW 10MRemote in LAX. Couldnt get operations running in LAX because of high winds, so did part time effort remotely with the Flex 6600. Had a problem with the remote tuner and it was stuck on 10m, so I just went single band. Conditions were great at 6am local... and died around 10am local. Shouldve made more of an effort - wanted to at least get 100 Qs or 50 countries
K9PYSA HIGH ALL80M OCF & Cushcraft 160M Vertical
K9ROSA LOW 20MAt 76 years young , first assisted attempt , first cw and only second contest in 20yrs it was interesting!!!
KA0PQWSO LOW ALLfun contest
KA3TTTSO QRP ALLI worked Morocco on 10 meters QRP. See you next year, maybe from the suburbs!
KA4JAMSA LOW ALLOperator age 13
KA6BIMSA HIGH 15MFamily was here for the week and weekend, so I only had opportunity to work the last 4 hours of the contest. Looks like I missed the worst of the Solar storms. Decided to just do single band 15 mtrs. Thanks for the qso's Dave ka6bim
KA9FOXSA HIGH ALLDid not start until late on the 2nd night and missed both morning EU runs. Mainly got on to work friends that were in far away places and to generate a few points for my local contest club. Still no directional antennas 10 thru 40, so I used the amp to help me get heard. Mostly just S&P, picking off spots. Despite the compromise antennas, I managed to get through to most stations fairly quickly. Congrats to all the BIG scores out there, wow!!! Antennas: 10/15/20: Rotatable Dipole @ 100ft (driven element of Cushcraft A3) 40/80: ZS6BKW enhanced G5RV, mounted as sloper with apex @ 90 feet 160: Inverted Vee with apex at 90 feet. No separate RX antenna. Radio & Amp: Flex 6600 SPE Expert 1.3Kfa 73 - Scott KA9FOX
KB1NOSA HIGH ALLGreat contest--one of my favorites. Thanks to the organizers!
KB3FWSO LOW ALLMore than doubled last year's score in about the same time of operating. 10m and 15m were great. 20m had way too many stations vying for every QSO for a pipsqueak station like mine. Don't usually do well on 40m but had some success. Working Australia and Timor on 40m and Mauritius were my HOA station highlights. It'll be tough to double this year's score in 2024. I will look to at least beat it! Holiday weekends are tough!
KB4NSO QRP ALLSurprised what I could work QRP and a single wire antenna. Some good ops out there
KB7SDMSO LOW ALLFirst license 06-2021 This was my first time doing the cq ww cw contest since learning morse code. I needed to use a decoder on my phone to copy some of the faster speeds, but everything I sent was manual on a DIY 3D Printed Paddle. My rig was a Xiegu g90 with 20w or less of power into a home brew half g5rv only 15 feet off the ground. Maybe next year I will run QRP. I have a high noise floor at my QTH, so it's nice to see the bands light up with activity for a weekend and make some contacts! 15 and 10 Meters were very fun to work , and 40 meters in the evening. Good Times!
KC0VSO HIGH ALLWild conditions Saturday with massive azimuth skew resulting from aurora, but a great contest overall
KC2PSASA LOW 40MFirst time participating, and had a good time. Looking forward to next yea r
KC3SVRSA HIGH ALLFirst license 10-2021 10-21
KC4LZNSA LOW ALLAlways an absolute blast to work this contest and this year, band conditions were pretty good. 10 and 15 were just flooded with activity. My absolute surprise was working India on 10. While it wasn't an ATNO, Another surprise was Tunisia. That one, once confirmed will be an ATNO. Looking forward to the next and glad to add some points for the club. 73
KC6ZBESA LOW ALLA shame that 40m went dead here on Saturday night. Still had a good time. 73!
KD3RFMULTI-ONEMany weak stations and watery signals from Northern Europe coming over the pole. Not much from the Pacific but I did bag Chatham Island, New Zealand and a couple of Japanese stations. Had a good opening to Africa on Sunday. KC3NNO and I operated about 20 hours in all. I should have spent more time on 20 meters but was band hopping and focusing on multipliers
KE0TTSO LOW 10MK3/10 running 10 watts to wire antennas. Fun! 73, Dan ke0tt
KE2WYSO LOW ALLThis is still fun even as old age slows me down. Probably my last sunspot max contest, so I pushed as much as I could. Pretty good with my simple station and arthritic hands. Sure was nice to work 10m for a change. My only peeve is the big/rare stations running endlessly without signing they must think everyone is running assisted and knows their call. Until next year, the good Lord willing. Thanks and 73's to the staff that makes this contest work. ...robert KE2WY
KE8LQRSA LOW ALLOperator age 15 2008
KE8RJUSA LOW ALLOperator age 17
KE8RXNSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2021
KF0GVXSO LOW ALLOperator age 13 yob:2009
KF3GSO LOW ALLOperated from FM29jw Total Number of Non-duplicate Contacts: 139 Removed Duplicate(s): 21032 CW 2023-11-25 2156 KF3G 599 5 PJ2T 599 9 14005 CW 2023-11-26 1918 KF3G 599 5 DM0A 599 14 Removed Unknown Callsign 21058 CW 2023-11-26 1658 KF3G 599 5 F5VSY 599 15 Thank you for the 2023 CQ World Wide DX Contest, CW
KG7MVHSA HIGH ALLThank you for a great contest. I enjoyed developing my contesting skills.I am working especially on accuracy in my logging
KI5PEDSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2021 Rookie because date of first license 2021-03-30, 2 years and 8 months ago
KI5PGLSA LOW ALLFirst license 04-2021 Rookie
KJ0ISO HIGH ALLBest conditions in years!
KK0USO HIGH 15MBig thanks to Ward N0AX for letting me operate at W0ECC! Just a leisurely Sunday effort on 15m. Highlights were having both D4C and 4W8X call *me*, which was nice. Also, working Reunion Is. off the back of the beam, and kinda by accident, was also a surprise! 73, Jim KK0U
KK7ASA LOW ALLNice to see 10m open worldwide
KK7FIMSA LOW ALLFirst license 04-2022 First licenced in 4/2022
KK9NSA HIGH ALL24 hr operation from remote site. 500w to all vertical wire dipole antennas. Lots of fun
KK9VSA HIGH ALLLost the 10 and 15 meter Antenna on Sunday
KM9RSO LOW 10MFlex 6700, 80-10m EFHW and N1MM+. Opening to EU on Sun morning helped greatly. 73
KN1MSO HIGH ALLWonderful Condx
KN6VVQSA LOW ALLFirst license 09-2022 First licensed 09/20/22
KO0ZSO LOW ALLI enjoyed challenging myself by operating low power and vertical antennas in a suburban lot in this contest. I didn't operate the entire contest so I could watch the KC Chiefs play. Go Chiefs!
KO4TFKSA LOW ALLFirst license 09-2021 First Licensed: 9/13/2021
KO8ZSA HIGH 15MI had a great time using only a 43ft vertical on 15m !
KP4AASO HIGH 40MMost fun I've had in CQWW. Saturday was awesome. I need zones 18,19,23 and 24 on 40 meters for 5BWAZ and was called by China for zones 23 and 24 and also two zone 18 stations in Russia. Saturday was perfect. Loud signals from all the DX and a superquiet band. I was even surprised by a call from VK1A in Eastern Australia via LP two hours before my sunset on Saturday. I didnt even know that path existed in the daytime on 40 meters.I'm aware of the VK6 path but VK1? Wow! Sunday the opposite with lots of noise and QSB. I now know what it feels like to experience extreme sleep deprivation. My CW copying skills fell apart and I kept seeing mice dancing on my amp and other equipment and kept losing my balance when standing up.I finally went to bed for an hour long refresher at 2AM Sunday morning. I don't know how all of the contesting savants do it for 48 hours.... Thanks for the Qs!
KQ1PSO QRP ALLGreat conditions!
KQ2MSO HIGH ALL2023 was the 50th anniversary of my first CQWWCW as a Novice. Awful cndx and incredible cndx alternated most of the weekend to provide a fun and challenging event. Hopefully a fulltime effort for me next year rather than this years Classic category part-time effort (24 hours). Tnx for the qsos and and the mults. Happy Holidays! 73 Bob, KQ2M
KR0USO QRP ALLNot a big effort. I was able to work QRP-WAC over the weekend, using a KX3 and 43 foot vertical antenna
KR2HSA LOW 15MConditions were very good, with some nice DX surprises in the log, and a string of JA contacts Saturday and Sunday. May next year include as many good surprises
KS7TSO LOW ALLTrue to form and what seems to have been the norm for contest weekends in 2023 was another solar storm making condx erratic but I doubt a lot of DX stns noticed as they were too busy handling massive pile-ups especially on 10 and 15. Just about every DX stn had one - great for their rate but not for mine, hi,hi!
KU2MSO HIGH 10MAbsorption went through the roof on Saturday, but came down on Dupeday

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